Chapter 14: The Arival

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"Look I don't care if we have to travel to the mountains or whatever, but having the meet time at the ungodly hour of 5 in the morning, now that's stupidity" I said, sitting on the floor as we awaited the bus.

"I strongly agree. My ankles are still asleep" Kaminari whined, sitting down next to me.

"Your ankles?" Midoriya asked.

"Hey, we all have insecurities" I said, backing Kaminari up.

"I'm really glad you could show up" Todoroki said, taking a seat on the floor as well.

"It's no problem" I waved off and leaned back against my bag.

Just as I was about to shut my eyes, I spotted Yamada making his way to the school gates.

"Ah Yamada! Remember the bet we made?" I asked. I saw him flinch because of how I remembered it and he nervously turned to me.

"Y-yes sir" he stuttered.

"Oh good, you can't talk at all today" I said with a smile on my face. Aizawa started wheezing, knowing full well how painful that would be for the loud teacher.

"B-but sir! I teach classes!"

"Better learn sign language then. The staff will be watching closely to make sure you don't talk" I answered. Yamada looked depressed as hell and walked into the school. My work here was done.

A few minutes of me and and class talking about random topics, the bus finally arrived. I got up and ran to the back. The back is where you can get away with the most things.

I sat down at the aisle seat while Kaminari took the window seat. Across from me was Sero and Todoroki. In front of me was Bakugou and Kirishima.

The bus started moving and we were off to camp. I opened my bag and pulled out a tennis ball. Todoroki saw this and looked confused.

"Watch this" I whispered. I stood up from my seat and threw the ball to the front of the bus. It nailed Aizawa right in the head.

I quickly sat back down and put my hands over my mouth, trying to hold in my laughter.

"Who. Threw. It?" Aizawa said in a threatening tone.

Something that I loved about my students, is that none of them ever snitched me out over the dumb things I do. Even Todoroki was trying not to laugh, Bakugou failed to keep his in though.

When the situation died down I offered the people around me some gummy bears. We were sharing the bag while joking around. They kept asking me to tell them about embarrassing things heroes have done over the years that the media doesn't know about, so I gladly shared some stories.

Like the one time All Might tripped over a piece of smashed concrete in his early hero days. Or when Yamada, Aizawa, and I went fishing on a boat once, and Aizawa fell asleep so I rolled him into the water.

The bus finally came to a stop at a cliff. Which confused the hell out of me. Was this whole thing a plan to kill us all? Good luck with that, you can't kill me bitch.

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