Chapter 51: Where We Stand

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"Y/N sir! There are only six enemies left!" Yaoyorozu informed. I looked over the rubble we hid behind. 

"Mr. Y/N! We evacuated most of the civilians from the city!" Kaminari said, sliding beside us. 

"Any complications?" I asked. 

"None except a man unable to find his wife and young daughter. Some of the class and heroes are trying to help him, those two might have got lost in the crowd" Kaminari replied. 

I nodded in response. I looked over again and my eyes widened. I grabbed hold of the two kids and threw a knife a little further away, teleporting to it just in time before a wave of water smashed into the spot we were at previously. 

"You react quickly, guess Seikatsu was right about you then" Fujisaki, the water manipulator, commented. She stood up straight, her confidence was in rays that surrounded this entire battlefield. 

Behind her was tubs of water that her team must've provided for her prior to the battle. Makes me wonder how long they've planned this whole thing out. 

"Thanks, I see you came prepared then" I said, gesturing to the water tanks. 

"Oh you really have no idea" she said in a bland voice. She hid her emotion well, could make anyone think she was a doll. 

She lifted her arms in a fluid motion, a silver liquid surrounded her like snakes slithering in the air. 

"Is that.." I started but she finished my assumption. 

"Liquid metal, one of Seikatsu's many traits" Fujisaki snickered, shooting the liquid metal towards us. I pushed Kaminari and Yaoyorozu away before dodging myself, going the opposite way of the two students so they wouldn't get targeted. 

Seikatsu's many traits? One of his quirks must be the ability to turn metal into a liquid version of itself. I have to be careful with this, Fujisaki can control this like nothing. 

The liquid followed after me, separating itself and shot faster like the bullets of a machine gun. I dodged and slid, avoiding all the attacks she threw at me. 

"Yaoyorozu, I need you to make a cannon and Kaminari get ready! We're taking her down and fast!" I said, dodging more of the attacks. 

I tried throwing a knife her way but she controlled the water she attacked with previously, to protect herself from any of my own attacks. 

I had to admit, she knew how to control her quirk really well. She's using offense and defense simultaneously. All I could think about was Kota being able to manipulate his own quirk like this in the future. 

"Just die!" Fujisaki yelled, making the liquid metal attack again. I flung my knife in the air and teleported to it, getting away from the attacks. 

"It's finished!" Yaoyorozu yelled. I looked over and saw that she made a massive cannon. I teleported to it while Fujisaki looked at it in surprise. She focused too much on me that she forgot about the other two. 

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