Chapter 50: Who is He?

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"Mr. Y/N, Endeavor and Hawks reported a problem. There's a villain healing all the injuries or the other villains, it's getting more and more difficult to push back against them!" Kirishima yelled, diving beside me. 

"Why didn't he just say it through the comms?" I asked. 

"He said he burnt his earpiece to a crisp, because he was getting mad" Kirishima replied.

"Of course he did, why the hell am I not surprised?" I muttered. 

"Y/N L/N, we finally meet face to face" a new arrival, Satoshi, greeted. 

He grit his teeth as scissors tore themselves out of his knuckles. Kirishima stood next to me and prepared himself. 

"Satoshi right? That looks painful you should probably stop doing that" I greeted back, motioning to the new wounds his hands obtained. 

"Like I care about useless things like that. I have a job to do, and that includes killing you for the boss. I would have to thank him, afterall he made the scissors in my knuckles out of the very material that could kill you in an instant" Satoshi said with a grin. 

"Probably shouldn't have mentioned that. Can't blame you though, you're what, 19 years old? You must have a lot of confidence, things must've been real bad if you turned to the villain route at your age" I said, shaking my head in disappointment. 

"After I cut you down, we'll go to your friends and kill them slowly. Add to the death count on this piece of land. Oh right, sorry for being insensitive. You did live through all that death in this old war grounds right?" Satoshi taunted. "I still don't understand how you could stand in front of all of them, how you could still stand at all. You should've accepted Machima's dream she gave you" 

"You make it seem like it's complicated. But in reality it's the most simplest thing ever. I would die for each one of them, all of those who stand behind me. And to challenge me so boldly, you must be strong" I said with a fake smile. 

Satoshi grit his teeth in annoyance. I saw his arms tense for a moment. 

"Kirishima harden now" I whispered in a quick manner. He did instantly, right before Satoshi's scissors flew themselves out of his knuckles and towards us. The sharp objects did nothing to Kirishima and kicked the ones flying towards me away. 

I saw Satoshi make more scissors out of his knuckles. I grabbed Kirishima and teleported to the newly made scissors. Satoshi's eyes widened and went to stab them into Kirishima, the spot he couldn't harden in time. 

I nudged Kirishima out of the way and brought my hand up, the knives going through my right hand. I narrowed my eyes in annoyance and closed my fist around the scissors. 

Satoshi used his other hand to try and stab me in the heart. Kirishima hardened his hand and knocked those scissors away. I spun around with the scissors still stabbed into my hand, Satoshi's arm broke as I spun and the scissors disconnected from his hands. 

He yelled in pain and I kicked his leg, making him fall to the floor. As he fell to the ground I brought up knee to his face, knocking him unconscious. 

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