Chapter 18: A Way to End it All

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Before the start of the plan

"Are you sure about this?" Enji asked once it was just me and him. I opened my jacket a little and kept my eyes locked on the floor.

"This is the only way I can get close without having him run off. Besides, I have a bone to pick with him" I answered before taking out my combat knife.

"Wait" Enji rushed out. I looked over to him and waited for him to talk.

"...I'm sorry. Instead of waiting for you all those years ago, I threw away your teachings on how to be a proper hero. The desire to be at the top blinded me, and I disappointed you"

I stayed silent as I listened to my old student. He sounded sincere, and I never seen him look down, he always had his head up.

"I tried to live up to your standards, because you mentored All Might as well. He became number 1 while I fell behind him, I was afraid that you were disappointed with me" Enji finished. I turned towards him. He was just like this when he was younger, aiming for my praise just like everyone else.

"I was never disappointed with you, Enji. I saw you grow everyday, you were the one student wanting to grow the most and it made your work ethic that much greater. You were one of the best students I've ever taught" I reassured. He looked at me, and it was the first time I've seen him have tears in his eyes.

"I messed up. I broke my family, and I don't know how to fix it"

"Trust me kiddo, if you want to fix it badly, then you'll find a way. You just have to work for it, harder than you did for anything else" I said, patting him on the shoulder. Enji nodded his head and wiped his eyes.

"Now then, let's get this show on the road" I said, putting my knife up.

"What did you say you wanted me to do again?" Enji asked.

"Oh, I'm going to cut my heart out and you take it to the battlefield" I shrugged.

"And do what with it?"

"Just yeet it" I answered simply before digging the knife and carving out my steadily beating heart.

Time to get this show on the road.

Current Time

Endeavor got to a highpoint and carefully held the beating heart. He took a deep breath before aiming the throw towards Bakugou.

He threw the heart with all his strength. Y/N felt the heart fly and decided to make his appearance. The heart stopped and then started again. His body reconstructed around the heart and he landed right in front of Bakugou.

"We gotta stop meeting like this, right All for One?"

Y/N pov

"Soldier Y/N L/N, I didn't expect you to show up" All for One said. He tried to keep his voice steady but his trembling body was defying his wishes.

"Oh really? Is that why you had lookouts specifically looking for me coming close to the battle? I highly doubt that was a coincidence" I countered with a smile.

"So this is Y/N?" Black spiky hair guy asked from beside Shigaraki, I believe his name to be Dabi.

"Yeah, that's him" Shigaraki confirmed while taking a few steps back.

"Mr. Y/N, that guy is dangerous. And we have the league trying to surround us as well" Bakugou whispered from behind me.

"Just stay behind me, I'm getting you out of here" I muttered back. I saw a nod from the student from the corner of my eye. I knew Bakugou would be mature in this situation, because of the severity of it. That's how I know he'll make it big.

The league was the first to move. Dabi shot flames at me and I was quick to push Bakugou away. I dodged the flames and noticed a blonde girl standing by Dabi, I also noticed she had a knife with her.

I teleported to her knife and stood right in front of her causing her to let out a surprised yelp. I turned to Dabi and I made my leg into a sledgehammer. I kicked Dabi with it and made him get thrown back.

I quickly dodged Toga's knife and my leg reverted back. I got out my own combat knife and I slashed her cheek. I ducked when she swung again and I made my knuckles into brass knuckles. I punched her in the stomach and made her fly back as well.

"You guys are an improvement but that doesn't make you good either" I said, standing at full height and staring the rest of the league down.

"Shigaraki take your leave. You don't stand a chance against Y/N, you will get another chance" All for One spoke before his successor could make a move to fight me.

"Finally something came out of your mouth that wasn't stupid" I mused and returned to stand in front of Bakugou.

"What about you?!" Shigaraki yelled.

"I will be fine, I have something to discuss with Y/N"

With that the league retreated back to Kurogiri, leaving the battlefield. This honestly reminded me of the time All for One and I fought. When he ran away, I wonder if Shigaraki will be put into hiding like his master once was.

"I want to speak with you, Y/N" All for One states.

"Oh yeah? Where do we start? The lives of all the soldiers you took in the war? Or the time you killed my mother and sister? Or how about the deaths of my wife and daughter?" I listed, sending a cold glare at All for One.

"I'm sorry for that, I am-"

"No, you're not sorry for it. You're sorry because it was my family you messed with" I said through gritted teeth. He flinched at my words. I noticed All Might slowly recovering, so I decided to keep the conversation going.

"I know you have been trying to die" All for One says.

"Not getting your point" I replied while clenching my hands in a tight fist.

"I have something to tell you then"

"Why don't you just say it then? Instead of saying the same thing over and over again" I snapped.

"I recently obtained a quirk, I am able to see something you'll find interesting"

"And that would be?"

" Y/N, I found out your weakness. I have found out, a way you can die...."

"Permanently. "

A/N: Oooo Reader finally has an opportunity to die?! You'll find out next chapter ─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ

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