Chapter 12: Embrace Death

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When I returned from the war at 18, I was closed off entirely. I wouldn't talk to anyone, other than my mother and sister. My dad had died a few days after I got home.

I was glad he held out for so long.

All I saw from when I was 13 to when I turned 18, was violence and death. So that's all I ever saw anymore. I would jump when my mother or sister accidentally closed the door a bit too hard. Because I thought another one of my brothers stepped on a landmine.

I could see the heartbreak in their eyes everytime I flinched, I tried not to but I couldn't help myself.

I was about ready to die at that point. But that's when Shiyuna started coming over. My old classmate, also my first crush. She visited everyday, now that the war was over everyone could live in peace. Except for the soldiers of course, they still had the weight on their shoulders.

But for me, it all washed away when she came into my life. Then at the age of 20, we married and had a daughter. Who I begged to have named Jupiter.

At the age of 23, that's when I showed signs of having a quirk. It all happened by accident. A man had tried to break into our house and he attempted to go into Jupiter's room. I ran up to him and stuck my hand out, wishing I had my pistol with me.

Then my hand turned into the exact pistol I was thinking of, and shot the man dead.

My quirk appeared much later than the regular appearance were. I practiced, to make use of my quirk in case I needed it. I could use any weapon I had mastered in my lifetime. Thanks to the military, there was a long list of them.


"Y/N, they said the west it attacking again. How are we supposed to go about this? I don't want you to get sent away again" Shiyuna said worriedly. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

I was 25 now, Jupiter had just turned 5 not that long ago. And now the war was coming back.

"Is dad going away?" Jupiter asked as she waddled into the room.

"I don't know Jupiter, but if I do you're in charge. I don't trust your mother with that" I said while patting her head. She giggled as Shiyuna smacked my arm.

"Jerk" she said playfully. I laughed and picked Jupiter up, swinging her around.

"Jupiter go play in your room" I said as I put her down. She smiled and nodded, running down the hallway.

"It isn't the West doing this Shiyuna. It's a single man doing this. He wiped out most of the military. The survivors said the man had multiple powers" I said, sitting across from her.

"But our army has superpowered soldiers now. You won't have to go right? You already served"

"You know I want to stay. But, they called for all the superpowered man to enlist. The military is run by this guy, calling his power One for All or something along those lines"

"You can't go. What happens if you don't come back?" She cried quietly so Jupiter couldn't hear.

"Hey, there is no way I would go somewhere and not return to both of you. Even if I have to crawl back, I will stay alive for both of you" I promised, taking her hand in mine.

Rewind (BNHA x male reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin