Chapter 25: If Wasn't Your Fault

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A/N: I'm going to try and make this as sad as possible :3
Because as a Bakugou stan, the episode literally gave me a seizure.
Also, Bakugou already went against Midoriya and got the truth from All Might, because that is very important for Bakugou's character so I won't cut that part. Anways, enjoy the chapter


Kota went to sleep already. It was me who couldn't close my eyes. I long since left the comfort of my bed and now I lean against the windowsill, staring up at the night sky.

Stargazing had always been one of my favorite things to do. Especially when I get to see Jupiter every night.

I sighed quietly and close the glowing screen of the laptop that I wasn't paying attention to. I was trying to figure out who the man, Seikatsu, was. It was as if his data was wiped and I couldn't rely on my memory. Because of the years I've spent alive, my memory capabilities have hindered, even the human mind has a limit.

I'm glad I remember the important things, like my students and friends. But Shiketsu, he left my mind and I couldn't even remember a face.

I continued to silently look outside but I heard a knock at my front door. I walked over and opened it. Bakugou was standing there, much to my surprise. I quickly stepped outside and closed the door behind me so we wouldn't wake Kota up.

"What're you doing here kiddo? You should be back at your dorm" I said but in a soft tone. He clenched his teeth and looked down at the floor. His hair covered his eyes and his shoulders trembled.

He was crying?

"I'm sorry" he whispered but I heard him. I tilted my head in response and waited for him to continue. "I was too weak, and I got kidnapped. And now, your weakness....and All Might. It's all my fault" he spoke and broke up words by the end. His voice, I've never once heard it waver. His shining confidence has been thrown away, and now in front of me was a kid.

Everyone seems to forget that, all he's ever been was a kid. Not some warrior who doesn't seem to be affected by any bad occurrences in his life, he just let it eat him up on the inside.

"It wasn't your fault" I said softly. He shook his head, denying my statement.

"It was" he cried.

"No, it's not. You're a little kid who got thrown into a situation that you never should've been a part of. My weakness, they would have still known it. And that information would've been given to a lot of other villains if he wasn't put behind bars, and it gave me the opportunity to know it as well so I can be prepared. All Might, his retirement was closing in, it was inevitable" I explained. He looked up at me, his crimson eyes were looking into my (e/c) eyes.

"Everything that happened, you have to stop carrying that on your shoulders. None of it was your fault, I swear it wasn't. Okay?" I continued. He sniffed and nodded his head a little.

I moved closer and pulled my student into a hug, which was returned.

"I'll be, the best hero this world has ever seen" Bakugou promised. I chuckled and we separated from the hug.

"I look forward to seeing it happen" I smiled.

"...How long have you known All for One?"

"A long time, before I even knew I had immortality" I answered.

"You both fought in the past?"

"Once before, after that he kept avoiding me"

"You mentioned something, about a daughter--no, sorry for asking"

"No it's okay. I had a daughter, her name was Jupiter" I replied with a smile. One thing I learned about losing a loved one, is remembering the times you've spent smiling rather than the reason they were taken away from you.

"She didn't have a long life, but I'm glad I was there for all of it" I continued.

"How do you cope? It seems impossible"

"It's hard, it still hurts sometimes. She loved heroes when she was little, even when there were only a few at the time. Which is why I sometimes wonder if she can see me, see what I'm doing" I replied while looking at the sky. I was looking at Jupiter.

Bakugou paused for a moment and followed my lign of sight. His eyes locked on to the noticeable difference in the stars, which was Jupiter.

"She can see you, she definitely can" Bakugou confirmed. I chuckled and continued staring up at it with my new student.

Looks like we both needed comfort, right under the star filled night sky. Right under Jupiter, that shines so brightly.

A/N: It was short since I think it deserved a chapter all to itself. The next or one after should be the conclusion of season 3 and then we can move on to season 4. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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