Chapter 49: Fight with Everything

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A/N: Sorry for the longer wait, writing and planning fight scenes takes a little longer since I don't want to make a fight scene too repetitive. I've been thinking of ideas for Y/N to use his quirk in this war, so the fights will be more entertaining for you guys

I'm not gonna say that I'm bad at writing fight scenes, I think it's impressive that authors still attempt at forming a fight despite the difficulty 

So if my fight scenes are bad, please consider that I try really hard to plan these out and not make them too complicated for readers, but I will try my best to make these few scenes worth while

One more thing that's really important! There are plenty of ways for Y/N to take down some of these villains, so I'm not making Y/N an idiot during these fights! He's a veteran that knows countless ways to combat an enemy, so he's not dumb when it comes to a fight! 

Thanks for reading my rant if you even bothered to, enjoy the chapter 👻🍩


I got up from the ground, looking at all the chaos around me. The memorial was a mess, which made me even more angered than before. Why was this battle taking place in this exact spot? 

"Why did he wake up, when you were so sure he would stay in the dream?" Seikatsu asked, turning to Machima. 

"He was supposed to, I swear! You've seen it, he's has no other reason to live, he should've accepted the dream with open arms!" Machima yelled. 

Seikatsu glared at her. "Well obviously not, he's standing right there!" 

"Y/N, their team is insanely strong, we can't even get close" Hawks said, landing beside me. He had dirt on his face, same with everyone else. 

"I have all of their quirks memorized, we have to work accordingly to take them all down" I replied. 

"How do we go about this?" Enji asked, standing beside me. 

"First of all, why the hell is my class here?" I asked. 

"I didn't know the severity of the situation, but they refuse to back down" Aizawa responded. 

"You can't erase Seikatsu's quirk?" 

"No, I don't know how but it's not working on him at all" Aizawa denied. 

"Yaoyorozu, I need you to make everyone an earpiece. Just in case I need to make any last minute decisions" I ordered. 

"Already finished sir" she said, holding out an earpiece for me. Looks like she gained more battle experience, and she doesn't look fratigue from using her quirk so every hero here could have one. She's been using the techniques I gave her during training camp. 

I shrugged off my long jacket, revealing my hero uniform that was hidden underneath. 

"You were prepared?" Bakugou asked. 

"I knew something like this would happen. It was best if I had my uniform ready to go" I replied, tossing it away and making sure all my weapons were ready. 

"How do we combat against them then?" Aizawa questioned. 

I need most of you evacuating the citizens away from the city. If Seikatsu gets desperate, he'll start killing them so he can gain more power, his life field is even expanding. I only need a few people here fighting, do I make myself clear?" I explained, looking at all of them. 

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