Unspoken words.

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(Levi's POV)

The way back thankfully had no casualties ,but the brat kept jammering stuff about someone trying to touch her.

It was disturbing and creepy to say the least but I chose to ignore it for the time being.

Maybe I'll hear her out when she's fully healed.

Her recovery was indeed the priority now but that didn't take away the fact that I was pissed at her.

Disobeying superiors.

Doing whatever she wants.

Not following formation.

My blood boiled from only thinking about it. Did she think this was all a game?

I let out a deep sigh as I walked with a hot cup of tea in hand, through the corridors of HQ.
Hanji advised to just wait for the right time to scold her for it.

"She isn't like us, Levi. Her values, instincts and priorities lie different...She doesn't belong here."

But still I felt responsible for her welbeing and suddenly found myself in the infirmary again to check up on the brat.

This past week I visited her regularly. Sometimes 4 or 5 times a day which made me barely focus on paperwork or training anymore.

Images of her face constantly flashed through my mind to the point that I wanted to bang my head into the stones of wall Maria.

I wanted to hate her.

To feel nothing.

To not care wether she would wake up or not.

But then I would look upon her stupid sleeping face again and wondered...

What it would feel like...

In the corner of my eye I noticed (Y/n) slightly moving her fingers while I silently sat next to her bed for the 4th time this day.

First I stared at her hand intently. Waiting for something else to move but when she didn't I slowly lifted up my own hand.

It felt like I was in a trance as I and carefully traced the tips of my own fingers softly along the back of her hand.

I wasn't to keen on any physical contact. Let alone holding hands.

But she felt warm and it was strange how a single touch could make me feel so at ease.


(Your POV)

I slowly opened my eyes as the blurry room became brighter and more clear. Rotating my head to the right I saw what I thought was the Captain, glaring down at me.

The soft tingling on my hand quickly faded away. With a deep breath I smelled his fresh scent dwelling over me.

Lemons. Black tea. A warm summer-evening.

All those scents reminded me of him and I felt safe again. Glad to be pulled away from those horrid nightmares I experienced while I was still asleep.

My throat felt extremely dry though and my stomach rumbled for food before hearing a dull muffled sound.

Assuming it came from the Captain I darted my eyes towards him with a confused expression.

He looked like he was ready to scold the life out of me.

I groaned and tried covering my eyes with my bruised arm ,only for a sharp pain to pierce my shoulder.

Nevermind that then.

"Give me a few... before you start your rant, please." I breathed out with a broken voice as he scoffed, carefully placed his teacup down and swinging his one leg over the other.

"That's the first thing you say, brat? "

Hearing his deep voice weirdly triggered my memories again from what happened on the mission.

The flashbacks hitched my breath and the urge to start crying overwhelmed my heart. I gritted my teeth together as hard as I could but still managed to let some tears escape from the corners of my eyes.


Levi took notice of this and sighed deeply, looking up to the ceiling.
After calming down I just stared at some interesting small birthmarks scattered under his defined jawline.

A few seconds passed.

"I didn't come in here to scold you. Not yet, anyways." He started, tilting his head forwards again in order to look at me. I looked down, nervously fidgeting with my fingers.

If my legs would've worked properly, I would've ran out here as fast as the speed of light.

And probably hide somewhere.

"I am responsible for your welbeing." Levi continued, combing his fingers through his raven hair. Exposing his forehead a little in the process.

When he did , I saw little cuts and bruises all over his hands and forearms which made me realise that he must've been through hell too.

Levi made eyecontact with me again as his piercing grey eyes said nothing.

With a grunt I clumsily pushed myself up from the bed. My body throbbed with pain but I didn't really care.

There was one question I was burning to ask.

"Captain...How...did I get ...here?"

Levi quickly stood up, taking deep breaths in and out. Like he was either trying to calm himself down out of pure relief...

...or anger.

He held the back of his neck with two hands and paced back and forward.

"I returned to that shithole...for you." He eventually said after he stopped next to my bed again.

Blinking a couple of times I watched the Captain glance towards the window behind me, letting his arms fall to his side out of defeat.

What the hell is he thinking about?

Reaching over I tried to grab his hand but he swiftly took a step backwards, making me grasp at nothing but air.

I frowned and even felt a little dissapointed but decided to speak up eitherway.

"I'm fine, Levi... Are you?"

His eyes widened but never looked away from the window. Hesitation on what to do next seemed to blur his chaotic mind.

The only logical thing for him to do now was to stand up and leave the infirmary.

And so he did.

A traveller like me (Levi Ackerman X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now