Ready? BEGIN!

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A gust of wind flew through my (h/c) hair as I stepped outside of HQ. The strange uniform I was obligated to put on was completely different from what I used to wear on my expeditions back home.
My own combat uniform was completely black with short but sturdy boots, a belt to hold my weaponary along with a holster for the special lasergun.

But we sure as hell didn't wear boots that were this damn tall.

With a face full of discomfort ,I made my way towards a large square surrouned by big trees.

I had to admit that nature here was beautiful. Back home the people didn't really care about the woods. They hunted all of the wildlife and poisoned the waters.

Walking a bit further, I passed numerous soldiers who were already sparring with eachother. Annie casually flipped Eren upside down without great effort, Mikasa was winning one fight after the other and Armin was discussing fighting tactics with Connie.
I observed every one of them. Scanning their moves, their techniques and logic thinking during combat.

Nothing to be impressed about just yet...

Scanning the area, I noticed Captain Ackerman standing on the sideline ,leaning against a tree and carefully assessing everyone with arms crossed.

I had to admit that I could see why so many of the girls here had a secret crush on him. He was very muscular, with piercing grey eyes and strong jawline.

But that personality of his...frustrating.

"(Y/n)! Quit your constant daydreaming and get your ass over here!" The man I was daydreaming about rudely commanded.

I REALLY wanted to sneer back at him but something in my mind told me to take a deep breath and just do as I was told.

The more I resist training here...the longer I will have to wait to get my portal fixed. And I really need the help of Hanji to do so.

I took a deep breath while stepping towards him and just stood there with a bored expression. It wasn't until now that I noticed another woman standing next to him in a more formal uniform.

Raising one eyebrow I eyed the woman with a suspicious glare.
Levi caught my change of expression and sighed deeply, clearly also annoyed by her presence here.

"Tsk, this is someone from the kings guard. She is here to confirm wether you're a threat or not." He explained as she nodded.

"A threat? The only threat you're going to have is when you leave Sasha alone in the kitchen." I laughed.

"EH?!" Sasha exclaimed a few feet further but I ignored it and focused back on this so-called training.

"I am going to train your hand-to-hand combat skills so you better be prepared, brat." Levi said and he looked me up and down.

"I want to see how good you really are and how good your training was back in that shithole of yours. I'm not expecting much of it though."

With that remark I immediately sent him a dark glare which he gladly returned, making the woman seemingly uncomfortable.

WHAT is UP with this guy. Is he a sadist? Does he enjoy mentally abusing people?!

"Watch it..." I hissed lowly but that made him form a little smirk on his stupid face.

Levi took a step forward, closing more space between us and slightly hunched his back. He was so close that my breath hitched when I felt the warm air that escaped between his lips on my exposed neck.

A traveller like me (Levi Ackerman X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now