Learning a lesson

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(Your POV)

The days were getting colder as I wrapped myself into the soft blankets of my bed. I didn't feel like getting up, even though it was already 2 PM in the afternoon.

With closed eyes, I listened to the passing traffic outside of my small appartment. Carshorns honking, loud busses driving by and construction workers yelling at eachother across the street.
I burried my head into my pillow, trying to block out all of that noise.

Yesterday, the doctors informed me and Yui that Ayame had suffered a massive concussion but predicted that she should wake up soon.
However they didn't know if she would suffer any permanent damage or not.


The ironic ,happy jingle of my phone made me lazily open my eyes before checking who messaged me.
Seeing Seth's name appear on my homescreen made me groan as I lifted myself up from the bed. My greasy hair pointing in all directions.


New message of: Seth

"(Y/n). Since your little vacation your paperwork has been building up. I give you permission to go to the office and pick it up. You can review them at home.

I love you! ^-^


Those last words made me scoff, throwing my phone on the bed again and crossing my arms behind my neck.

Seth always had a strange personality.
Kind and caring in one moment...but then violent and abusive in the other.

I blamed his horrible past mostly.

His biological parents being drug-addicts, making him end up in an orphanage when he was around 8 years old. He told me that everyday, the older children would beat the living crap out of him. Humiliating and scarring him mentally and physically.

If you looked closely enough, you could even see the faint scars on his arms whenever he rolled up his sleeves.

After that he was adopted by the founder of our organisation.

The rest is history.

I cleared my throat and stepped out of bed, feeling a little dizzy because I had been lying down all day.
Looking at my disheveled self in the mirror I grabbed some fresh clothes before heading to the bathroom.

"Guess I'll take a shower first."


I decided on a casual outfit with some jeans and a hoodie along with my trusty combat boots. Narrowing my eyes because of the sun, I walked towards my destination while my headphones blasted the latest music into my ears.

It wasn't far from my home and I could even see the tall building towering over the city from my bedroom-window.  The structure of the organisation was disguised as a regular accounting-office and fully made out of glass with 64 floors total.

The people of our world didn't know about time-traveling, let alone about the monsters that could possibly invade this planet if we weren't carefull enough.

The goverment did keep a close eye on us though and every month we would have secret meeting including the minister of defence, some other politicians, the top three scouting-squads, Seth...and me to discuss the latest events.

Stepping inside the office, I made my way over to the front-desk where a frail young-man with ginger hair scribbled away on some papers.

"Hey, Adam."

A traveller like me (Levi Ackerman X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now