Irresponsible behaviour

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One more slice and the 4 meter titan laid dead on the ground. I wiped off some of the blood that emerged from the back of my neck.

It really stung.

My ears didn't pick up any other threat so I finally relaxed a little.

Assuming Erwin and Hanji had killed the 10 meter titan, I patiently waited for the others to come search for me. With a deep sigh I lowered myself onto a high branch, closing my eyes for a second and drifting away into a beautiful daydream.

A cold winter back home. Me sitting along with my comrades Yui, Ayame and our chief Seth. Yui's blonde hair was cutely tied in two pigtails while Ayame let her long brown hair down. The fire cozily crackled inside the hearth. With a content sigh and gentle smile I listened to the conversation of my friends.

Suddenly a large ,bony hand grabbed my shoulder. Yui screamed and Ayame pointed a gun at someone...or something...behind me.

A Nightwalker.


I jolted awake, nearly losing my balance on the sturdy branch. A little bit aggravated I searched for the person who was yelling out my name like a freaking lunatic.

Beneath me I found Hanji and Erwin staring at the nearly dissolved titan-corpse with concerned looks on both their faces. A dark aura surrounded the two leaders as they now noticed the dead soldiers. A feeling of sadness overwhelmed me.

If only I was here on time...Hanji and Erwin must think the titan got me too.

I stood up and took a step forward off of the branch. Just when I was about to land, I shot up my hooks and flipped backwards right on the titan's skull. Hanji gasped while Erwin exhaled from relief.

"Thank Wall Maria..."

"(Y/N)! YOU HAD ME WORRIED SICK!" Hanji cried out and tackled me with a hug. Erwin frowned, crossing his arms like he was about to scold a child.
"You do realize you have put yourself in danger. That was irresponsible and impulsive (Y/n)." Hespoke in a stern voice.

"Sounds like me." I responded, shrugging my shoulders.

"And I killed that titan for you so I'm confused why you're not thanking me instead."

"Because you could've been fucking killed. Are you stupid or are you pretending to be?!"

My breath hitched as the dark voice of the Captain pierced my ears. It didn't know why but only Levi's words could have an effect on me. I didn't care what the others thought of me but him...he was different.

"C'mon, she killed a titan! She's a natural!" Hanji cheered and put an arm around me shoulder.

"The 10 meter one is dead aswell. Let's pick up the rest of the pieces of your portal and go home."

Everyone seemed to settle down after that except for Levi who was clearly not pleased with thewhole situation.

I'm sure I won't hear the last about this.


Erwin gave me a large special room for all of my equipment to be stored in so that I can work on the reparation without being disturbed. He was quickly to forgive my actions from earlier and understood that it came from a good place. I was only trying to help.

Ackerman however immediately locked himself up in his office and I hadn't seen him since.

That was two hours ago.

Biting my lip and deep in thought I walked through the dimly-lit corridors of HQ. The sun had already set and after we arrived back we gave the bodies of the deceased soldiers back to their families.

Cries and curses filled the square while I tried composing myself in front of these people. I didn't say one word as Erwin gave everyone his sincere condolences.

They sacrificed themselves for the sake of humanity. It's a price I will never be able to repay.

Eren, Mikasa and Armin visited me too, asking me how I was doing. I just said I was fine and that I was used to looking death in the eyes.

That wasn't a lie.

Numerous comrades of mine had passed away because of our own monsters. Nightwalkers were not so different from the titans here. They had both only one mission. Annihilate humanity. Killing them, eating them,...

Turning the corner I stopped in my tracks as I saw Levi talking to his squad infront of his office. They all stared at me and went quiet when I passed. I held myself back and just headed towards the library because a certain 'General' wanted to speak with me.

Will this day never end...

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