Making a connection

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No, please...


I jolted awake and gasped for air as a girl named Sasha stood over me with concerned eyes.

Yesterday evening after court I was assigned a room along with her. She's a nice girl with an obsession for food...especially potatoes and despite her immense snoring ,I kinda liked her.

"Eh...(y/n)? Sorry to wake you but it's time to get up."

I groaned and rubbed my eyes, lifting myself up from the bed and placing my bare feet onto the cold wooden floor.

A chill went through my spine as I opened the window right behind the small bed and inhaled some fresh morning-air. I stood there for a couple of seconds before opening my eyes again and glancing towards the brown-haired girl who was still awkwardly hoovering near me.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I asked with a questioning look plastered on my tired face.

" you...okay?" She eventually asked.

Why was she concerned about me? I barely know her.

"Fine, thank you...Why you ask?"

I carefully pulled the sheets from the bed so that they could be washed since they were drenched in sweat and continued picking up my clothing from the day before.


"You were mumbling some things in your sleep and it looked like"

"Like what, Sasha?" I pressured , taking a couple of intimidating steps towards her. I didn't like people knowing too much about me so I was concerned about how much information I spilled while sleeping.

"..Like you were in pain."


Currently I was sitting at breakfast along with Sasha and her other friends Connie, Jean, Christa, Ymir , Annie, Armin, Eren and Mikasa.

Earlier I had to reassure Sasha hundreds of times that I was perfectly fine and that she had nothing to worry about. Eventually it looked like she finally believed me...

Maybe I should ask for a seperate room just to be sure.

It was strange. I just met these guys this very morning and it seemed like I was already part of the crew. Involving me in their conversations and listening to my stories from home. Especially Jean was a little bit too interested if you asked me.

Although everyone was nice and all...I still felt the strong, grey eyes from the Captain piercing into my back. The leaders were seated a couple of tables further from the one I was sitting at but it sure felt uncomfortable.

"Are you excited too, (Y/n)?!"

"Huh?" I exclaimed as I did not hear the current conversation the people around me were having.

"Training , you airhead! They're going to test us tomorrow and then sort us into our squads!"

"Oh...I don't think I will be joining you guys. I still have to learn to use all of your equipment and weaponary properly and as soon as my portal is fixed I will be on my merry way."

"Tsk, don't think that I will ever let you slack off here, brat." Levi hissed at me while taking the last sip of his lemon-tea.

I absentmindedly stared at the white cup, not impressed by his authorative demeanor. The Captain was clearly irritated by this and I had a strong feeling that my action will have some sort of consequence later in the day.

I had it much worse back home though.

"I think that tomorrow is a great opportunity for you to show us your basic skills, (Y/n)." Erwin smiled warmly while everyone immediately stood up and saluted. I simply remained seated ,stirring with a small spoon in my cup with a raised eyebrow.

"Today, Captain Ackerman will teach you on how to use 3DM-gear. I assume you already know a fair amount of hand-to-hand combat?"

I only nodded and so did he.

"Very well then. Ackerman?"

"Be ready at 9 ,brat and come to my office." He snapped and walked away.

"Yes, sir..." I mockingly mumbled between my teeth to emphasize my enthousiasm for the training.

Maybe some alone-time with him would do me some good. I am curious of why he is so cold hearted towards everybody here and I still have to figure out what materials they have here to repair my portal.

I didn't notice that the whole table was now dead-silent, all staring at me while I casually finished my own tea.


"You're being trained by the CAPTAIN?!" Connie nearly shouted in disbelief.

"Apparently so..." I mumbled. Not that I was really looking forward to it...

"He is humanities STRONGEST! If you're being trained by him then you'll definitely become one of
the best soldiers here!" Christa continued and clapped her hands in joy.

"That's my girl!" Jean smirked and got immediately smacked behind the head by Sasha.

I smirked a little and waved everyone off before leaving the mess-hall.

What's the big deal? If it wasn't for that gun I could've easily taken everyone down.

Including him.

My eyes wandered to the grandfather clock.

8u54...Guess it's time...

A traveller like me (Levi Ackerman X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now