29| Back pain (Harry)

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Harry seemed to struggle with back pain quite often. It wasn't the nicest thing, very uncomfortable in fact. Sometimes the pain wasn't too bad, but then there were times where he felt as if he was physically breaking.

Days like that affected him so much he almost couldn't walk. It wasn't easy, not at all, but he managed to work around it most of the time. The boys were always happy to help and do things for him, saving him the journey, and for that he was thankful.

The alarm on his phone disturbed his sleeping state and he barely opened his eyes, hand reaching to turn off the screaming alarm. He winced as he stretched for his phone, the movement making his back burn horribly.

The second the noisy alarm was no longer blaring, Harry tucked his arms under his chest groaning into his pillow as his back screamed at him. He already knew the day wasn't going to be great.

Sitting up was a struggle, leaving Harry gasping as the burn crawled further from the bottom of his spine. He always had pain in his lower back, but occasionally it would spread higher, inflicting more pain and misery on him. He could feel the tightness in his back, "fuck..." he sighed, wincing again as any sudden jolt of movement seemed to erupt a stinging sensation.

Slowly moving across his bed, he planted his feet on the floor, sitting there for a good five minutes and just breathing. When he had good control over his breathing, his back didn't seem to bother him too much.

He felt dull and achy, bones unusually heavy in his skin. Standing up carefully, he let out a few curses, breathing sharp intakes of breath as his back felt on fire. He hobbled over to his clothes, pulling out a shirt and jeans. He didn't feel much like dressing up, not with how his back was killing him.

After brushing his teeth whilst sitting on the toilet seat, he decided to get some breakfast. He thought it might make him feel better, it usually did.

Walking down the stairs definitely wasn't any easier, in fact it was worse. Every step sent a nauseating jolt of pain up his spine. He held a hand to the wall for dear life, scared his legs would buckle beneath him.

By the time he'd arrived to the kitchen, he was breathing rather deeply. Walking down the stairs seemed to have drained him from half his energy. The day was only just beginning and already he felt ready to go back to bed. His mattress was perfect for him back, supporting it yet still comfortable. There was nothing more he wanted then to be back where he was only twenty minutes ago.

Everyone else was already awake, cups of tea and coffee in hand, toast on plates and cereal in bowls. Seemed like quite a lot of food for only a few people. "Morning!" Niall chirped, voice way too happy for it was still quite early. "Hm, morning." Harry grumbled, feet barely moving apart as he shuffled to make himself a coffee.

"What've we got planned for today?" Liam asked to no one in particular, munching contentedly on his very buttered toast. "Nothing really, just got a few phone calls to make and thats all." Louis informed them, scrolling nonchalantly on his phone, eyes glued to the screen.

And Harry silently thanked the heavens, because he really, really didn't want to do too much. He busied himself by tapping his hands to a beat whilst waiting for the kettle to boil. "You alright mate?" Zayn asked Harry, aware of the fact that Harry kept inhaling whenever his back hurt, or keeping a hand gently on his back as he manoeuvred around the kitchen.

"Yeah. Why?" Harry answered quickly, hands gripping the counter tightly as another wave of uncomfortableness burst in his back. "Just, you look in pain is all." The raven haired boy said, looking sympathetically at Harry whilst he stirred his coffee.

"Nah, I'm alright." Harry smiled weakly, the boys looked at him in a way that suggested they didn't totally believe him. "Really." He told them, not wanting them to worry all that much. They always cared for him, he was sure they must get sick of him and his dodgy back.

Only, Harry's words were quickly proven wrong when he pulled out a chair to sit down and join the boys. He winced and hissed as he sat down in the seat, placing his coffee in front of him. When he looked up, all four pairs of eyes were looking at him.

"It's your back isn't it?" Louis said, and they all knew it was, there was no point lying. "N-no." Harry lied, jaw clenching as the chair dug into his back agonisingly. "Harry, mate, we're not stupid." Liam chuckled, "we all watched how you walked in here like an idiot man." Liam told him matter of factly and Harry rolled his eyes, taking a sip of his tea.

"It's not that bad, don't worry." Harry assured them when they continued to stare at him, not once removing their gaze from him. Niall even managed to reach for the last piece of toast whilst his eyes were trained on Harry. He took a bite, staring into Harry's soul as it crunched. Okay! Now he felt uncomfortable.

It was at that moment the tears pricked his eyes and he had to press a hand to his lower back to try and stop the pain. Okay, it wasn't only a little bad, it was really bad. The chair he was sitting on didn't help greatly, the sofa would be better. "Bad day?" Louis asked, and Harry nodded.

Time skip...

After giving in to the fact that actually yes, his back was causing great misery, the boys helped him to the living room, placing him gently onto the sofa. Harry murmured a small "thanks." And sighed. Now he was bored, he had absolutely nothing to do, nothing at all. The tv was playing some old reruns, and Harry wasn't interested in the slightest.

Throughout the day, the pain has worsened. The stinging and aching began to eat away at his hips and any movement made him want to cry. He couldn't move, he felt hopeless, confined to that one part of the sofa.

Sitting down could only last for so long though, he had to move about a little, at times it would ease the pain. Niall was sat on the opposite sofa, engrossed in some sort of golf game he had on his phone. Harry had no idea what amusement he'd get from that, but it kept him quiet so that was good.

Keeping a firm grip on the arm of the sofa, Harry shuffled to the edge of the seat. "What are you doing?" Niall asked suddenly, breaking the peaceful silence and causing Harry to almost jump out of his skin. He waited for his heartbeat to return to its original rhythm before speaking, "erm getting a drink." Harry told him, and Niall shook his head. "I can get that for you-" "no, I need to walk a bit." Harry explained, knowing that a few steps may do him good.

Niall nodded and turned off his game, throwing his phone to the side and standing up. He held onto Harry's arm to keep him steady and careful, and very slowly helped Harry stand up.

"Jesus..." Harry breathed, pain loosening just a little after standing up. "You alright?" Niall asked sounding worried, because Harry turned pale for a few seconds before the colour returned to his skin. "Yeah, yeah fine." Harry assured, again, pressing a hand to his back as it burned beneath his touch.

Niall assisted Harry to the kitchen, holding onto his shoulder as Harry slowly walked around. This was a time where Harry's legs felt pretty useless, his back limited him from feeling able to move and he hated it. So he was glad Niall was there to help him.

And after a needed drink, Niall helped him back to the living room. They passed Zayn as they did so, and Zayn offered to get some painkillers which Harry nodded at eagerly, anything to ease the pain. Louis went with him whilst Liam joined Harry and Niall on the sofa where they played a film and smacked on what food was in the house.

Later that night, the pain wasn't gone, but a tad bit more manageable. Louis and zayn returned with painkillers and a lot of unnecessary food items, but none of them minded. They binge watched Harry Potter from the start and snacked on even more films.

Harry may have not felt physically better, but he was definitely feeling happier, glad to have met such friends all those years ago. He really considered himself lucky...

Thank you so much for 10k reads! Loving the comments so far too <3

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