17| Toothache (Louis)

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Louis was in complete agony, jaw throbbing as soon as he woke up. He sighed and laid down against his pillow, hand cradling the right side of his face. He breathed out an annoyed groan and closed his eyes trying to think of almost everything apart from the pain.

He wasn't even sure why or how his tooth was suddenly hurting, but it was. And it hurt a lot. Sitting up, he decided to head to the bathroom, in need of brushing his teeth as usual. He could barely brush his teeth, seeing as they felt sensitive and achy. He tried to clean the right side as best as he could, not wanting to knock the pain to a worse level.

Although his teeth were now clean, the ache hadn't budged. Instead throbbing a lot more, weird pains shooting through his entire jaw. Louis mumbled grumpily to himself, not in the mood for a tooth ache.

He sat down at the table where the other boys were, he continued to cradle his cheek. "What do you wanna eat?" Zayn asked, gesturing to the multiple items of food beside him. "Nothing I'm alright thanks." Louis waved him off, not needing to aggravate his worsening ache. "But it's-" "the most important meal of the day. Yeah, yeah I know." Louis cut Harry off. So the boys left Louis alone, continuing to eat their own food.

That was until Louis' stomach began to rumble, he was truly hungry but the thought of his tooth ache threw him off. "C'mon lad you gotta eat something." Niall said, poking Louis in the arm. "And don't say you're not hungry." Liam added, pointing at the fact louis' stomach once again reminded him that he was in fact actually hungry.

Louis nodded in defeat, standing up to make a slice of toast. He knew it would perhaps be the softest food for him to eat in that moment. He stood by the toaster, keeping occupied by making himself a cup of tea. It was known that he couldn't go a day without a cup of tea, it was basically his everyday routine.

The toast popped up from the toaster and Louis lightly buttered it. He sat back down with his plate of food in one hand and his tea in the other. The boys all watched him, waiting for him to eat. "What?" Louis asked, not meaning to sound so snappy. "Nothing." Zayn replied, shrugging his shoulders, the others continued to eat their breakfast.

Louis could barely finish his toast, every time he chewed his gums felt on fire and his tooth ached like no tomorrow. He hesitantly took another bite, wincing when his teeth clashed together, causing him to almost spit out his food. In the end, he gave up and returned to his bed.

Louis opted on sleeping through his pain. He was still tired after all and he wanted to avoid feeling his sensitive jaw. He was quick to fall asleep, even though he'd not even been up an hour.

Meanwhile, the boys all sat around in the living room, tv playing a random show that they weren't paying attention too. "Did Louis look off to any of you?" Niall asked suddenly. "Yeah, I noticed he was holding his jaw a lot." Liam said, remembering seeing Louis constantly pressing his palm to his jaw. "I noticed that too." Zayn piped in, "he didn't eat all of his breakfast either." Harry frowned, knowing that Louis usually finished his breakfast along with his cup of tea.

The boys all suspected something was up, "where is he now?" Zayn questioned, "in bed." Liam told him. "What?!" Zayn almost laughed, Louis never slept during the day unless he was either ill or had jet lag.

Time skip...

When Louis awoke again, he noticed how he was sweating a lot more than usual. He thought it must've been something to do with his toothache. He sat up and threw off his blanket, he felt way too cooped up in the warm fabric. So far he had no ache at all, so he began to think his idea of sleeping the pain off had worked.

But then he frowned, noticing that his face felt a little swollen on the right side. He hurried to the bathroom to look in his mirror. Sore enough his jaw was evidently red and swollen. He gently pressed on the area, stopping immediately when it seemed to cause the pain to appear again.

He knew he needed to find some sort of ice pack, some way to stop the swelling. He stepped out of his bedroom, waking quickly to the kitchen. He opened the freezer to find a bag of peas, he wrapped the frozen bag in a towel and pressed it to his cheek. It was refreshing and cool for a few seconds, except the heat from his cheek soon warmed up the towel wrapped bag. "Ugh." He groaned frustrated, unaware that the boys were only in the room next to him.

He sat beaten, head resting in his arms. His body had clearly decided the constant pain wasn't enough seeing as he now felt a headache creeping about. He was so frustrated and annoyed he could cry. He wasn't sure what he could do with himself, he felt pathetic really, it probably was pathetic.

"What're you doing lou?" Louis sat up quickly, noticing Harry standing in the doorway. Louis didn't even try to hide his swollen cheek. He just looked up at Harry with glossy eyes, the pain was quite overwhelming. "Geez...did you get punched in the face?" Harry asked concerned.

Louis couldn't help but laugh, "no." He began shaking his head lightly, not wanting to annoy the brewing headache. "Got a tooth ache." Louis explained, pointing to his rather large jaw. "Oh." Was all Harry could say. It wasn't like he was a dentist or tooth specialist, nor were the others.

Time skip...

The boys sat and discussed Louis' problem before deciding to take him to the dentist. They knew that that was the smartest idea, of Louis was being honest he didn't know why he didn't think of that.

All boys bundled into the van, driving to the dentist. Louis sat nervously, he hated the dentist, I mean who did? He waited for his name to be called, soon laying down on a chair and waiting for the dentists verdict.

It turned out Louis had some sort of infection in his tooth. The most they could do was give him antibiotics, and then if that didn't work they'd possibly have the tooth removed.

Louis thanked the dentist and left with some medication. He was glad he didn't have a tooth removed, if he was being honest he'd be too scared.

The ache was gone within a couple days, thanks to the medication, meaning luckily no tooth removal.

I'm so sorry this is probably really boring, I didn't have much inspiration for this one. Hope you enjoyed either way !! <3

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