36| Epilepsy Pt.2 (Niall)

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Request from : meganNrivers
Hope you enjoy!!

- A month later -

The boys were in need of celebrating the release of an album. They'd worked really hard and hadn't felt prouder of their music. However, to stay safe from paparazzi and any fans, they decided it was best just to drink at home. That way no one would get lost or spotted or worse.

Packs of beers and bottles of anything were spread out amongst the kitchen table. "We are gonna get pissed." Zayn chuckled, eyeing the different names of alcohol before him.

Niall himself knew that he couldn't drink too much. He didn't want to trigger anything. He understood that drinking alcohol wasn't the best for him, and he probably shouldn't do it at all, but the release of their album meant something to him and he wanted to have fun and celebrate.

Harry, aware of the Niall situation, decided that he'd have a couple drinks but not enough to get shitfaced drunk. He needed to be aware in case anything happened, which he knew wouldn't — well he hoped wouldn't.

Although the boys were staying in the comfort of their own home, they wanted to dress up nice. To feel the occasion, they had to dress the occasion.

Before long, a mixture of aromas were spreading throughout the house as each boy hurried down the stairs to grab a drink, a bit too much cologne dancing around them.

Louis was quick to open a beer, tossing a few cans to the boys around him. With a quick cheers to the album, the drinking began.

It wasn't much of a party vibe, but music was playing and they had each other and it couldn't have been celebrated any better.

Harry situated himself in the living room, beer in hand as he sipped at it. He could hear Liam laughing at something and turned his head to see Niall shotgunning a beer.

He frowned a little, he knew Niall didn't get drunk easily, but that didn't mean he didn't get worried.

Niall pulled the can away from his mouth, wiping at his chin with the back of his hand. He felt happy, he felt good. He wasn't drunk and wasn't planning on getting drunk. It was good.

He'd felt fine all day and had remembered to take his medicine ever since 'that one time'. Luckily he had the boys as reminders, and even if it did get a bit annoying when they asked him multiple times, he was glad they helped.

"I'm gonna go sit with Harry." Niall told Liam, grabbing another two cans and heading to Harry whilst Liam left for Zayn and Louis. Tossing Harry a can even though he'd barely finished his, he sat himself beside his friend.

"Still drinking this one." Harry shook his can, drinking it a bit quicker so he could open the other one. "Why aren't you with us lot?" Niall asked, taking a sip of his drink and then pulling off the tab from the top of the can.

"Just keeping an eye on you lot, you know it's never good when we're all pissed." He chuckled, remembering one time when Niall had to deal with four very drunk lads.

"Yeah, that wasn't good." Niall smiled, tipping back his drink and patting Harry on the knee. "Come join us though." He said and Harry nodded, picking up the drink Niall had tossed him and following after him.

It seemed the three boys had found shot glasses, and were now seeing who could drink the most. How they'd gotten wasted so fast? Harry had no idea.

"Harry..! Niall..!" Louis slurred, sharing a toothy grin and downing another shot. The two shook their heads, smiled threading to break through as they watched Louis, Liam and Zayn get more drunk.

"Niall have this..." Liam passed him a drink and Niall took it, taking a sip and pulling a face but drinking nearly all of it anyway. Harry really didn't want to deal with any bad mishaps and could only hope Niall was aware of what he was doing.

Niall wasn't aware of what he was doing. He may or may not have had one too many and whatever Liam gave him had affected him deeply. He wasn't sure how he felt, tipsy and kinda floaty.

He decided that he might be a little drunk, but he felt fine. So he stayed with the boys, drink in hand. He looked to see where Harry was, but he was no longer standing behind him.

Thing was, Harry left to go to the bathroom. He was sure the boys would be fine — most likely not realise he left in the first place.

It was when he finished washing his hands that he heard a shout from Zayn, "Harry!" He sounded quite panicked and Harry could only assume the worst.

It was the worst.

Three very drunk boys stood over fitting Niall, eyes wide and unsure. Harry pushed past them, quickly observing his shaking friend. "Louis, quickly get me a pillow or something!" He ordered, gently moving Niall onto his side to be sure his airway was clear.

Taking a quick glance at his phone, he took note of the time and slipped his phone back into his pocket as Louis returned.

Harry slowly slipped the pillow under Niall's head, "is he alright?" A slightly slurred, but very worried voice came from Liam.

Harry took another look at Niall, watching as around his mouth tinted blue. He knew this was because of irregular breathing, and when he was first told of this he panicked, but was assured when he knew what to do.

"Yeah, he's going to be okay- Zayn what are you doing?!" Harry cut off, suddenly alarmed when Zayn moved to Niall's uncontrollably jerking body. Zayn quickly moved his hand to the other side of Niall, pulling back with what seemed to be a luckily not smashed glass.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief, he was just helping him. Remove all objects in area, keep away from anything harmful.

"Sorry mate, thanks." Harry said, thankful that although they were drunk they still knew what to do — sort of.

Niall soon calmed down, body only twitching occasionally before relaxing. The boys sat there in silence, waiting for their friend to gain consciousness.

When he did, he opened his eyes and lay there for a while, catching his breath as he stared at the ceiling.

"Fuck.." the four heard Niall mutter and Harry stood up to grab a drink of water. When Niall was ready to sit up, Harry helped him and kept a hand on his shoulder.

"You alright ni?" Harry asked, and Niall looked up to see Liam, Louis and Zayn standing worriedly behind Harry, chewing on their nails nervously.

"Yeah...yeah, just drank a bit I think." He mumbled, eyes drooping as Harry brought the water to his lips.

"I'll help you to bed, eh?" Harry suggested, motioning for one of the boys to help. They may have been drunk, but seeing this definitely sobered them up a bit. "We'll clean all this up tomorrow." He motioned to the many empty cans and bottles of alcohol. Niall only nodded, too tired to care in that moment.

They helped him to his room, making sure he was alright and comfortable before leaving him rest.

Harry met out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. At least he stayed sober, he thought, thinking of ways to get the other three into their beds too.

Hope you enjoyed, was a little rushed but I needed to update. If there are any spelling errors sorry, I will spell check this soon.

Just a quick note : as of now requests are closed for the time being, I have a few requests to write up and won't be taking anymore until said otherwise <3

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