44| Heatstroke (Niall)

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Update no.2 :))

Touring the world meant visiting plenty new places. The boys had never felt so lucky, not only had they reached such fame, but they had the chance to see the things they did.

Currently, they were reaching the hottest of temperatures in Australia. A tour was to begin soon and their first concert was in a country half away around the world from their own homes.

The sun was beaming down, heat almost unbearable. The five were glad that they had a few days off before busy days of work, as this meant they could explore a little and have some fun.

Niall was most excited of all, there was nothing he loved more than a new change of scenery. He was most excited to visit the beach, he'd not been for such a long time.

So, with the beach in mind, the boys packed what was necessary for their small day trip. Bags were filled with food and bottles, suncream and towels.

"I'm gonna bring a football." Louis told them all as they sat eating breakfast together in Zayn's hotel room.

"Mhm, good call." Niall spoke with a mouthful of food, earning a shove from Harry who muttered something about him being gross under his breath.

After their stomachs were content and full, they tidied away best they could. "We should get going if we want to find a good spot to fit." Liam suggested, pulling on his bag and sliding on his sunglasses.

"Yeah, I'll ask security to get us a car ready." Zayn told them all, leaving the room to do just that.

The second the boys walked outside, they were hit with humid air. Already the boys were sweating and itching to rid of their shirts. "Jesus, it's boiling." Niall mumbled, taking off his hat to ruffle his hair and then put it on backwards.

"Tell me about it..." Louis breathed out, football beneath his arm.

Before long, they were hurrying into the van, only just dodging the group of fans that were chasing after them upon noticing their appearance.

Time skip...

The drive was just short of half an hour, the windows were rolled down and music was playing rather loudly considering they didn't want to be noticed much.

The first thing the five boys realised was that the beach was very very busy, even if it was still quite early in the morning. It seemed everyone had the same idea as themselves.

"I guess we should be quick to find somewhere good." Harry began to lead the way, two rucksacks on his back; one on either shoulder.

Their security wanted them to have fun also, so decided that they'd drive around for the majority of their stay at the beach, that way they could keep close in case of emergency.
Liam waved them off quickly, picking up his own bags to follow his friends to the sand.

Niall flinched when his feet touched the sand, the heat of it burning the bottom of his feet. He walked faster to catch up with Harry who seemed to have found a somewhat shaded area.

Louis immediately dropped his football to the floor, pulling off his shirt and running off with a shout of, "come join me!"

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