5| Sick (Harry)

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"I think my stomach is trying to digest itself." Harry complained, large hands resting on the small of his stomach. Liam turned to look at him, eyebrows knitted together. "Really? Do you feel sick?" "I don't know..." Harry breathed, "I just..something's not right." Liam frowned at his band mate, he always got worried when his friends were sick.

Louis walked into the living room, planting himself on the sofa away from the other boys. "Alright lads?" He asked, hands picking at the sofa arms. Harry nodded, face stern and emotionless. Liam looked at Harry and then Louis and then back at a pale looking Harry, "yeah, good."

After a while, Louis left the boys and headed to be with the rest of the band. "Are you feeling any better?" Liam asked worriedly, placing a hand on Harry's knee. Harry shook his head, "no, worse actually." Harry groaned, head resting back against a cushion. "I'm sorry you're not feeling well." Liam told him, "it's alright, not your fault." Harry whispered, closing his eyes. "I'll let you sleep, maybe you'll feel better." Liam said, noticing how Harry was already practically asleep.

Liam started to the other boys, hands tucked in the pocket of his jeans. He could hear them all talking loudly, he hoped it wouldn't wake Harry up. The chatter quietened down as Liam walked in the kitchen, "alright li?" "Harry's sick, I think. He hasn't puked yet, but I don't like what I'm seeing." He told them. The boys all asked questions about Harry, how he was doing, was he okay, "I don't know, he hasn't said much. He's asleep right now, but we should look out for him." The three boys nodded.

Time skip...

Harry awoke to a horrible feeling rising in him, it made his stomach cramp and his palms sweat. "Liam..." he called, not sure if he was loud enough.

"Liam I think Harry just called for you." Niall said, running his hands through his hair. "Shit." Liam panicked, rushing to get to the poorly boy. He got to where Harry was, Harry was holding his head in his hands. He could see the sweat on his forehead, the paleness of his skin. "Harry?" "I think I'm gonna be sick..." Harry muttered, barley able to keep what was coming up down.

In all of two seconds, Liam held Harry up by the waist, quickly walking with him to the bathroom. "I'm being as quick as I can." He told Harry, noticing how he now held up both his shaking hands to his mouth.

Liam put Harry down in front of the toilet, hand moving straight to rub his back. Harry let out a ghastly belch before bringing up what he'd last eaten. "That's it." Liam whispered, Harry took a quick breath before throwing up again...and again. Liam grimaced at the sound of liquid hitting liquid, but stayed none the less to support his friend.

Finally Harry was finished, "are you okay mate?" Liam asked a panting Harry who was trying to catch his breath after not properly being able to breathe for nearly five minutes. "Y-yeah, fine." Harry mumbled, sweat glistening in the light. "You just threw up three times, you're not fine." Harry just shrugged him off, pushing his hand against the wall to hoist himself up. "Woah, hang on, let yourself catch your breath first." Liam said quickly, putting his arms under Harry's armpits to hold him up.

Soon they began heading back to the sofa, Harry's head ached and throbbed. He was sure he wasn't meant to be seeing double vision, but he was. The room was spinning and everything seemed horribly silent all of a sudden. "I think...I think I need to sit down." Harry barley whispered, clutching onto Liam's arm.

This sent Liam into panic mode, "Zayn!" He called, his raven haired friend arrived shortly after. "Help me carry Harry to his bed, please." He said. Zayn swiftly moved to Harry, holding him up also. "Is he alright?" Zayn asked, noticing how Harry's head drooped and how small groans of pain kept leaving Harry's chapped lips. "He needs to rest." Liam instructed, glad to have placed Harry back into bed.

Niall heard the commotion and hurried to Harry's bedroom, "what can I get to help?" "Uh, maybe a bucket and some water. Thanks ni." Niall hurried back to get what was needed and then placed them by Harry's bed. "Oh haz, you look so sick." Niall cooed, pushing back the sweaty mop of hair.

Time skip...

All boys thought it was best to leave Harry rest, so they sat themselves on the sofa in the living room and put on a film.

The film was interrupted by a ghostly looking Harry, "Harry, what are you doing out of bed?" Louis asked, standing up to rush to his side. "Back to bed mate." Zayn said, pointing to the direction of Harry's bedroom as if he was a kid. "I...uh. I-" Harry stuttered nervously, cheeks turning red, arms wrapped around his middle. "Did you throw up in there?" Liam asked, to which Harry nodded, cheeks tinted crimson. "Sorry harry..." Niall said sympathetically, he felt bad for his friend.

"Mate you're burning up, really bad. We need to cool you down." Zayn said, having felt Harry's temperature. "Let's run a cold bath." Louis suggested, worried about Harry, he knew it would help bring his temperature down. Liam and Niall agreed, "Zayn, Louis, do you mind changing Harry's bed sheets, Niall do you mind giving me a hand with Harry?"  All boys nodded, moving to do what they could to help Harry.

Louis and Zayn went to Harry's room where they took off old sheets and put on new ones. Niall and Liam carried Harry back to the bathroom, sitting him on the toilet seat whilst they ran the bath. "Did you not see the bucket?" Niall asked, placing his hand under the running water to see if the temperature was cool enough. "I must've forgot about it, one minute I was asleep, the next I was awake with sick all over myself." Harry grumbled. "It's alright, it's not your fault." Liam told him, helping him rid of his slightly soiled shirt.

"It's too cold." Harry whined, stepping into the bath with only his boxers on. "It's the only way to bring your temperature down, sorry haz." Niall said, standing by the door. "You'll get used to it in a minute." Liam told him, sitting on the toilet seat.

Harry tried to relax in the water, but he couldn't. His head was boiling and his body was freezing. His stomach twisted and his head burned. The churning sensation had begun again, and he knew what was about to happen. "'M gonna be sick." Harry said, muffling his words behind his fist. "Niall quick, grab the bucket from his bedroom!" Liam ordered, he was neither prepared or ready to catch a whole lot of sick on his own shirt.

Niall was back within a few seconds, shoving the bucket under Harry's chin. Good timing really, as Harry then began to retch and gasp sickeningly. Liam rubbed Harry's dampened back, noticing that his temperature had gone down quite a bit.

Zayn and Louis stood in the doorway of the bathroom having finished making Harry's bed. "Poor haz, do you want me to get him some more clothes?" Zayn asked over the endless gagging. Liam put his thumbs up to Zayn, Zayn went away to grab some fresh clothing.

The sick fest had stopped and Harry had calmed down. He was dry and into his clean clothes. "Maybe you should try eating something, only a light bit of food. You never know, it might do you some good." Harry shrugged his shoulders. Niall fetched him some crackers, just a light snack to keep him going. He seemed to be able to keep it down, so everyone was happy about that. All the boys sat on Harry's bed, watching the tv play cheesy programmes. Soon enough Harry was back to his normal self.

Hope you enjoyed! Change of prompt coming soon... :)

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