35| Faking Sick (Louis)

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Request from : rayofsunshine_1d
Sorry for not updating in so long <3
Hope you enjoy...

Louis was exhausted, drained, spent — whatever you want to call it — he was tired. He felt as if he hadn't had a break in ages, and that was all he wanted. His bed was his best friend and they didn't want to part ever. He was sure he could sleep through anything. That's how tired he was.

So when he found out the day ahead was rather busy, he couldn't help but think of a way to avoid that. What better way was there than faking being ill? He was positive he could pull it off, and even if he couldn't then maybe they'd all go along with it for the sake of their tiredness too.

Louis made sure to wake up at least an hour before the others. He had to make this work, otherwise he'd both end up actually working and also looking like a fool. Ideas appeared in his head as he quietly crept to the bathroom to begin his fake sickness.

Standing in front of the mirror, he took in the fact he looked pretty healthy. That was something he didn't want, he needed to look pale and sick.

He rubbed at his face and eyes vigorously, this both caused his face to become flushed as his eyes to water. He needed to look sweaty, so turning the tap on, he cupped his hands under the stream of water. Then he splashed it on his face, making sure it didn't soak up too much or look too sweaty. So far it was alright, he still didn't look too pale but it was the best he could do. As long as his acting skills were good, he'd be fine.

As he began to walk back to his bedroom, he remembered he needed to grab a cup from the kitchen. So he did just that, bringing it back to the bathroom and hiding it from anyone else that could see. The cup would help with another one of his ideas.

Back in his room, he pulled on another shirt and a hoodie — this would make it seem like he was cold. It would also help him appear more sweaty, which helped greatly. He had to remind himself not to smile as he laid back in bed.

So Louis waited for someone to wake up, he was quite warm in his many layers and blankets but if he wanted to succeed then he had to deal with the heat.

He quickly closed his eyes when he heard his door opening. It was Niall, hair messy as he slowly padded over to a 'sleeping' Louis. "Get up." Niall yawned, prodding Louis' shoulder. Louis ignored him, curling up further into his bed. He actually was quite tired and felt as if he could fall asleep.

"Lou, mate...wake up." Niall prodded him again, and Louis groaned, mumbling incoherent words. "Don't wanna..." he groaned, trying to make his voice sound tired and raspy. He had to bite back a grin when Niall suddenly sounded concerned, "what's wrong?" He asked.

Louis rolled over slightly, hoping Niall would see his sweaty appearance. He did, he saw how tired Louis looked, how his hair seemed to stick to his forehead, how his cheeks were flushed. He looked pretty ill, and not good at all.

"Got a headache...'n' I feel sick." He mumbled in reply, wincing purposely as he looked up at Niall. "God, you do look quite ill." Niall breathed and he pressed a hand to Louis' forehead, pulling away with a sigh, "quite warm too...I'll talk to the boys, you just stay here." He said quickly, and Louis didn't say anything in reply, only turned over and tried to get some sleep again.

So far it was working, Niall seemed concerned, and hopefully it wouldn't be long until the others were too. Louis felt almost evil but it was a good evil, almost like success in away, because well, someone had already fallen for it.

Louis was almost out when Niall returned with an equally as concerned Zayn. He supposed the others were busy getting ready. Niall swiftly went over the fact that Louis looked ill and felt like he had a temperature. "Why don't you take those off?" Zayn pointed to Louis' many layers of clothing.

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