33| He Hits His Head (Harry)

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Request from : larryzarrybae
Hope you enjoy!
I also just realised how the entire title consists of 'H's'

Today was one of the biggest concerts the boys were attending. It consisted of one of the largest crowds ever and they were more than excited. The excitement was floating in the air, the boys all unable to keep smiles off of their faces. Of course they were nervous; there were always nerves, but the elation was quick to cover it.

"This is gonna be brilliant!" Niall chirped, toothy grin bright as they all began to hurry into the van to get to the stadium. "Mate, I am so excited." Louis laughed at Niall's childlike enthusiasm. Liam and Zayn nodded and spoke in agreement, heads peering behind the seats of the rest of the boys.

Harry could barely sit still, dimpled smile showing. If there was any show he couldn't wait for, it was this one. They'd all performed at many places, many countries, different arenas. But this, this was something different. The fans were so dedicated and they managed to sell out in a matter of hours.

The boys felt so much love for their fans, and admired their dedication. It was amazing to know they had such great people always supporting them, it always helped to boost energy on stage.

Time skip...

The concert was only minutes from starting, the boys were now dressed in outfits picked out prior the concert. Pre concert rituals were occurring, the boys doing what prepares them best. And when they were told to head one stage, they stood together in a group, arms reaching forward as hands piled on hands.

They muttered a few encouraging words to one another, blood pumping, adrenaline flowing. With a final nod of the head from each other, they pulled away, adjusting any last makeup and clothing before following after each other onto stage.

To say they were breath taken was an understatement. Harry heard Liam mumble a "wow." From beside him. And he couldn't have agreed more, already the scene was truly amazing - and they had yet to see the entire stadium.

Loud screams and cries were heard as the boys appearance was made known. Clammy hands help onto microphones, fans waiting for the moment where their favourite band would appear in front of them. Zayn closed his eyes, a smile on his lips as he took in the sound. Before long they were rising to the stage, exhaling breaths as a few nerves pushed through.

Harry looked up the moment they were on stage, the screams grew even louder if that was possible. He felt that heartwarming feeling that he always got on stage, the feeling that made him so happy and reminded him just how lucky he was.

There was no time for speaking however, because soon the music was starting and microphones were brought up to lips as the lyrics begun. It was a joy to see and hear the fans joining in, never a dull moment because everyone was so happy.

Time skip...

After a few of songs and introductions, the show was already halfway. None of the boys could believe how fast time went when they were on stage. "You guys have been absolutely amazing so far!" Zayn shouted, his words echoing around the stadium.

Screams that had slightly died down erupted at the sound of Zayn's voice. Next was for Niall, "now..." he smiled as the camera focused on his face, "a song that we have all been waiting for... act my age!" With that, the boys spread amongst the stage, fans crying even harder as the music began.

The thing with act my age, was that no matter the situation it always managed to bring a smile to someone's face. The upbeat music was thrilling and exciting and soon everyone was jumping around.

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