4| Sick (Louis)

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Louis hated being sick. He hated the very thought of being ill. So whenever the time came that he was poorly, he dreaded every single second.

He flipped his pillow to the other side, hoping it would cool down his warm face. It didn't, he continued to sweat endlessly. Huffing, he pulled the blankets off of him. He sighed and relaxed, much colder air hitting his body.

Soon he felt his eyes drooping, he'd felt tired all day so he deserved some sleep. Only, his body wouldn't let him. No matter how tired he was, he seemed to not be able to fall asleep. Maybe it was because of his stomach, the way it kept gurgling and bubbling. He didn't like the sound of it, if made him frown and cringe. Or maybe it was the headache that'd begun to press against the back of his eyes. At first he'd only thought it was because he was tired, but now with his noisy stomach, he'd started to assume the worst.

He groaned, sitting up and checking the time. Only just past 2 am, he whined stepping out of bed, heading to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. Maybe that would help him, he thought.

Trying not to make too much noise, he grabbed a mug and started the kettle. He put the tea bag in the mug, a little sugar and then the water, he decided on only pouring a little milk into his tea, not sure it'd do his rumbling stomach good.

He sat in front of the tv, tea in one hand, tv remote in the other. Once he was satisfied with the programme he'd put on, he let himself relax.

Soon enough, he fell asleep, mug resting on his slightly bloated stomach. Only, he awoke again not long after, nearly spilling his half full cup of tea over himself. His sat forward, elbows resting on his knees, whilst his hands held his sore head.

He could feel in his stomach that he was going to be sick. But Louis hated being sick, so he stood his ground. He sat there, eyes focusing on the floor, continuously swallowing as that seemed to help. He suddenly gagged, but luckily nothing came up. He breathed in through his nose and out his mouth. The sweat was building along his brow, eyes closed shut.

Wow, being sick really sucked, he thought to himself. Finally being able to sit back without fear of vomiting, he placed his hand on his stomach, massaging it gently, in hopes that this would stop the nauseous feeling.

Time skip...

Morning came and the sun began to shine through the windows. This worsened his horrible headache so he moved to close the curtains. "Much better." He breathed, rubbing his head to try and rid of the pain.

Soon the rest of the boys came running downstairs. He never understood why they had to be so loud of a morning, "morning Louis!" Zayn practically shouted, which was unusual because normally he was the crankiest one at dawn.

"Morning." Louis grumbled, watching how Liam moved to open the curtains. "No! Leave them shut please." Louis nearly begged. Liam turned to look at him, "why? Are you hungover? Did you drink last night?" He asked. Louis shook his head, "just got a headache." "Oh, sorry lad." Louis waved him off, standing up to go back to the kitchen.

He poured his cold tea down the sink, it was quiet for a moment until he heard Niall behind him, "how long have you been down here?" "Since two I think." Louis told him, Niall frowned at the boy, "should've woke me up, I couldn't get to sleep either, we could've watched a movie." Louis smiled at Niall's thoughtfulness, "yeah, maybe next time." Niall chuckled at Louis before bringing his spoon of cereal up to his parted lips.

Time skip...

Morning had passed and now it was 1 pm, so far Louis had managed to skip breakfast and lunch. The problem was, his stomach pain had worsened since the night and the thought of food made his mouth water and not in a good way.

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