27| Hungover (Zayn)

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This is kind of like a relation to the previous imagine (Louis drunk) but instead it's Zayn who's waking up with the hangover...

Zayn had no idea what had happened the night before or how he got home.

He'd gotten absolutely shit-faced.

He groaned as the light peering through the curtains blinded him, beams of shine burning his eyes. He fell back against his bed, swallowing harshly as he closed his eyes and tried to recollect what had happened.

It was all in a crazy blur really; meeting up with the boys, ordering a couple drinks, then a few more...past that Zayn had no idea at all. He sighed as his palms pressed into his face, blocking out any light sources. He could feel the headache crawling behind his eyes, ready to make him even more miserable.

As he drowsily sat up, he took notice of the fact he was no longer in his shirt and jeans, meaning someone had to get him dressed. Knowing that made Zayn feel a tad bit embarrassed, and he could feel the pinkness rise to his cheeks.

Needing some form of medication to dull his creeping headache, Zayn left to go to the medicine cabinet. The second he stood up, his head whirled and he closed his eyes tightly, trying to gain some sense of stillness. Feeling how his body slightly swayed, he held onto the headboard of his bed and waited for the dizziness to pass.

His body felt completely drained and weak, he knew he needed to drink a large amount of water to replace the alcohol that was probably sitting in his system. Bringing a hand to his head, he massaged his temple, shuffling around his room to pull on a pair of sweats.

Only, when he stood up after bending over, he wave of nausea hit him. He fled to the bathroom as his stomach churned, wincing as the light changed brighter and muddled with his eye sight.

Legs buckling, his chin hovered over the toilet, hands gripping onto anything as the muscles in his stomach tightened and spasmed. He groaned in pain as an awful feeling grew in the pit of his stomach. So painful it sent him lurching over the porcelain bowl, leaving him gasping and choking.

What seemed to be making an appearance was burning his throat horribly. He gasped for air as gags and retches left his parted lips. Using the back of his hand, he wiped away the saliva that was dribbling from his mouth. He felt rather disgusting, and sat back against the cool tiles of the wall in defeat.

Although his stomach was still queasy, he didn't feel the need to puke again. So on shaky legs and with the help of the sink, he stood up and slowly brushed his teeth. He kept his eyes closed as he did so, headache more felt now and pounding uncomfortably.

He was surprised to have not seen or heard the boys yet. They were usually up before him, so he wondered where they were.

Zayn slowly walked back to his bedroom, quickly looking for a pair of sunglasses that would help both the sensitivity to light and the throbbing headache. He put them on and softly pulled on a shirt over his head, before leaving to go where he originally wanted.

As he passed the living room, he noticed all the boys asleep on the floor in the living room. Niall was starfished out, Harry curled up in the fetal position, Louis still as a log and Liam snoring softly. The sight made Zayn chuckle, but he stopped when it sent a shooting pain through his head.

He padded to the kitchen, desperate for both some medicine and a drink. Since he'd woken up, he'd been really thirsty, mouth desperate for some water. So he grabbed a bottle of water and searched for some paracetamol. He took two, swallowing them down with copious amounts of water.

He rested against the counter, arms folding over his chest as his stomach gurgled with the new amount of fluid that wasn't alcohol. He closed his eyes behind his sunglasses, hoping his headache would dull down soon.

"Last night was crazy!" Zayn jumped at the sound of Niall's voice. He opened his eyes slightly to see Niall waltzing into the kitchen, searching the cupboards for some food. "What even happened?" Zayn mumbled, too much noise making him feel faint. "Mate, can you not remember?" Niall chuckled as if he was thinking over what had happened. "Erm,no..." Zayn answered, moving from where he was standing to sit down at the table.

Niall joined him, bowl of cereal now in front of him, "well, for starters I've never seen you so drunk before." Niall pointed out, waving his spoon around. "Go on..." Zayn urged wanting to know what happened. "Well we had our usual drinks, and then you went up to get more. We'd all had a few, none of us were that drunk, only tipsy. Then you said you wanted to do shots, well us lads weren't too keen of waking up with a killer hangover like you..." Niall smirked, pointing to Zayn's obvious state.

Zayn rolled his eyes at his words, glad someone found it funny that he felt as if he was slowly wasting away. "Then..?" Zayn asked, resting his chin in his hand as he listened to Niall. "Well, you must have had like eight shots. It was amazing, honestly. I don't know how you managed to do them all in under twenty seconds...and that's coming from me." He laughed, swirling around the cereal in front of him. The look of it made Zayn want to throw up, but he took a breath and tried not to focus on his gurgling stomach.

"How'd we get home?" Zayn questioned, moving one hand to rest on his gut whilst the other pushed the sunglasses further up his nose. "We walked of course, there was no way any of us were driving, and we didn't think we'd be able to get you into a car anyway." Niall told him, spooning mouthfuls of cereal into his mouth.

And it was quiet for a second before Louis then joined the kitchen, followed by Liam and Harry. "How's your hangover?" Louis asked, smirk evident in his voice. Zayn looked at him and pulled down his sunglasses, staring at him. He was sure he looked a right state, skin ghostly pale from his alcohol intake and churning stomach, eyes bloodshot and sensitive; not pretty at all. "How are you feeling?" Harry asked, grabbing an apple and taking a bite from it. "Peachy." Zayn half smiled, sounding rather sarcastic as he did so.

Again it was quiet, then Zayn remembered he had a question to ask, "uh- who undressed me..?" He asked quietly, blush threading to make an appearance. "Oh, Liam and I." Niall piped in, answering Zayn's question. "Yeah, you threw up all over yourself when we were walking home...thee times." Liam said, and Zayn grimaced, thinking back to when he woke up and had to make a run for the bathroom.

"Sorry boys. I'm never drinking that much again." Zayn informed, stretching in his chair, despite his headache worsening as he did so. "You said that last time mate, now look at you." Harry laughed, and Zayn shook his head, although what Harry said was true.

The rest of the day was spent nursing Zayn's queasy stomach and throbbing head. He didn't throw up again, still his stomach felt miserable. But after drinking plenty of water and a light meal, Zayn was feeling a lot better. Maybe even better enough to go out another night...

I didn't have much inspiration but I hope this is okay <3

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