15| Air sick (Liam)

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The boys were due to leave for their flight soon, ready to fly home from tour. They'd had a busy, busy time and couldn't wait to see their families again.

All five of them hurried into the van, bags shoved wherever there was free space and messy hair displayed on top of their heads. They'd woken up pretty early, wanting to avoid paparazzi as much as possible, they didn't need that in the morning.

Chatter erupted as they spoke among themselves, talking about anything and everything. The van had barely been on the move for five minutes yet Zayn was already asleep again. The boys all joked and took a few pictures of their sleeping friend, ready to tease him about them later on.

"I, for one, can't wait to go home." Louis stated, arms resting behind his head. Niall nodded in agreement, he hadn't visited Ireland in a long while, so he was thrilled to be able to go back home. "Says the one who was practically crying yesterday because we aren't going to see each other for like a week." Harry mocked, earning the middle finger from Louis. "Shut up curly. At least I care." Louis said, placing a hand on his chest. The boys all laughed, causing Zayn to wake up, only to fall back asleep again not even two seconds after.

Time skip...

Finally they arrived at the airport, necessary bags in hand, others taken to be placed on the private plane they were flying. They walked close together, stopping at a small shop inside the airport to grab some light breakfast and coffee or water.

Not having time to stop, they walked and ate at the same time. A few paparazzis got in their way, but luckily the security they had with them helped clear the path. "I will never miss that." Liam mumbled under his breath, keeping tighter hold on his bag.

The journey to the plane was short, not having to need to stop too often or have to wait as long. Being polite, each of the boys greeted the cabin crew before settling down and preparing for takeoff.

Bags were placed above their heads, secured where nothing would break. The seats were in rows of three; Niall and Louis sat next to each other, Liam, Zayn and Harry on the row of seats next to them. The security guys sat a few rows behind them, catching up on a few hours of sleep.

Before long, the aircraft was up in the air, and the boys unbuckled their belts, now free to roam the plane within reason. "Oi, pass me those will you." Niall shouted to Zayn who's hand was buried in a bag of peanuts. Zayn rolled his eyes jokingly, getting up from his seat and passing his snack to Niall. "Thanks lad." Niall smiled, before stuffing his cheeks with Zayn's food.

Again, the boys talked and talked and talked, and they sung too. Some would say they were having the time of their life, laughter echoing around the room. "Boys, do you mind keeping it down." Liam said, massaging his aching temple. "Ooooo payno's in a mood." Harry said, making his voice seem a little higher. The boys chuckled, returning back to their talking.

Liam groaned and closed his eyes. In truth, Liam was feeling quite ill, more specifically when the plane had been in the air for a couple minutes. Yet it was weird, because he never ever usually got air sick. His palms were sweating and his back felt too warm, all in all he felt terrible. The fact he still had hours of the flight left made him feel even more sick.

Liam placed on some headphones, hoping it would blank out the sound of his band mates laughing. He suddenly felt extremely tired and closed his eyes, hand barely holding up his head as he began to drift off.

The boys continued to talk and laugh loudly, forgetting about the fact Liam told them to pipe down. The boys had just thought of something even more funny then their original topic, and they had to tell Liam. "Hey mate." Zayn called, "Liam..." he called again, realising there was no answer. All heads of the boys turned to Liam, they could only just see the back of his head. "Liam!" They all called together, hands cupping around their mouth.

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