30| Acid Reflux (Niall)

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Niall suffered with acid reflux, which wasn't the greatest thing. He had days where it wasn't too bad and days where it affected him a lot more.

Today was one of those days.

Foolishly, he'd spent the night before watching whatever series was on the tv and stuffing his face with spicy foods with the boys. Even though he knew how much it would affect him, he continued to get seconds and eat with the people around him without a thought.

The minute he woke up, he was met with an unpleasant sour taste in his mouth. That most likely being the stomach acid trying to resurface. He groaned and dug his palms into his face, fingertips pressing into his skin.

He lazily got up from his bed and made his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth and hopefully dull the horrid taste. He mentally cursed to himself, how could he be so stupid to eat such spicy foods. They affected him most, and of course he'd decided to fill himself up most with that.

With the taste somewhat gone, he padded back to his bedroom, fists rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he did so. He let out a sigh when he riddled himself of his shirt, noticing that his stomach was in fact bloated. That was another thing he hated, sometimes his stomach would bloat on the bad days.

Searching through his wardrobe, he grabbed the loosest pieces of clothing he could find. If he put too much pressure on his stomach it would only cause him pain and misery. He slipped into a shirt and sweats, not caring to sort out his bed head hair.

He wandered to he kitchen, not looking for anything in particular. He knew from experience that if he ate during a time like this the outcome would not be so pretty. So he plopped into his seat and tapped a tune on the table with his fingers.

No one else seemed to be up, or at least in the kitchen, so he felt bored. It was when he'd sat for a while by himself that the hiccups arrived. They were harsh and loud and physically hurt his chest. He knew it was at his own fault and that only made him feel worse.

He covered his mouth with his hand to try and stifle his hiccups but it didn't work. Zayn slowly plodded into the kitchen, eyes on his phone as he ran a hand through his hair. Niall hiccuped again, his whole body jolting as he did so.

"Mate, you sound like a dog." Zayn laughed, looking up to Niall who was sat in the chair with his shoulders hunched and a hand clasped over his mouth. "Thanks Zayn, that's great to know." He replied sarcastically, groaning at the fact that these hiccups had brought on a stomach ache.

He was thankful he wasn't wearing jeans or tight clothing, otherwise it'd hurt far more than it already did. He held a hand to his stomach, hand brushing at the soft skin beneath his shirt. "You alright?" Zayn asked, browns furrowing in concern. "Yeah...yeah. Just that spicy food." Niall told him, resting his head in his arms and taking a few deep breaths to calm himself.

The room was silent and Niall looked up to see Zayn had disappeared. Where? He had no idea. So he continued to lay his head in his arms, stomach gurgling. "Fucksake..." he mumbled under his breath, the weird, disgusting taste returning to his mouth.

He moved to stand up, needing- no wanting, to brush his teeth again. The taste was absolutely vile and was enough to upset his already bad stomach. He slowly headed back to the bathroom, feet dragging across the floor as he simply couldn't be bothered to pick them up.

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