8| Cold (Zayn)

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Zayn sniffled, pulling his blankets further up his body. He was freezing cold, as if any heat had been completely taken from his bedroom. His throat was swollen and sore, his nose was stuffy and he felt completely awful. Worst of all, he had to be up and awake for some interviews with the boys.

Soon, Harry came bouncing into his room, smile on his face. "You've got to get up and get ready now." He said, prodding Zayn on the shoulder. "I know..." Zayn said hoarsely, throat burning as he spoke. "mate, you alright? You don't sound great." Harry asked worriedly. "I'm okay, thanks." Zayn mumbled, wanting to turn over and drift off to sleep again.

Harry left his room, and Zayn sighed before sitting up. He could feel pressure building in his ears, usually something that happened when he got a cold. He groaned to himself, wiping his nose with the back of his sleeve, and standing up out of bed.

Zayn decided on putting multiple layers on; two pairs of socks, thick jeans, a long sleeved shirt and a short sleeved shirt, and a much baggier jumper. He still wasn't satisfied and was in need of more warmth. He pulled the hood of his jumper over his head, to try and keep is face warm also.

Time skip...

He walked downstairs, groaning to himself and sniffling, he could barely breathe from out his nose, and he hated having to breathe out his mouth. It just felt weird to him. Pulling the sleeve over his hands, he planted them in his pockets. "Cold?" Liam joked, noticing Zayn's choice of outfit. "You have no idea." Zayn replied, eyes dark and tired. "Are you alright?" Liam asked his friend, slightly more serious seeing as Zayn looked pale and ill. "Hmm." Zayn hummed in response, not wanting to work his voice too much.

All boys sat around the table, Zayn shivered as he sat in his seat. He could feel the goosebumps al over his skin, he was truly freezing. He hadn't much appetite either, whenever he ate it hurt his throat and he struggled to swallow. So he decided on just skipping breakfast, "you're not gonna eat anything?" Niall asked, eyebrows raised. Zayn shook his head, wrapping his arms around his body in attempt to warm up.

"We've got a few interviews today, and we have to leave in a few minutes." Louis told the boys, rubbing his tired eyes and trying to sort out his messy hair. Zayn muttered incoherent words to himself at the thought of having to talk, he really wasn't up for it. "C'mon lad, we gotta go." Harry said, hitting Zayn lightly on the shoulder. "Yeah...coming." Zayn whispered, standing up from his chair and slowly making his way out to the car.

The minute the cold breeze hit him, he broke out into a coughing fit. It was more like a bark really, making his throat burn and ache horribly. The boys watched with worry in their eyes at their friend who seemed to be hacking up a lung. Louis hurried over, placing a hand in Zayn's back, rubbing it with his thumb comfortingly.

Eventually the coughing stopped, and for some reason Zayn felt completely exhausted. "That was scary." Liam said, handing Zayn a bottle of water. Zayn took a sip immediately, the cold liquid cooling his throat instantly. "I'm okay...just a cold is all." Zayn assured the four pairs of eyes. "Let's get you in the car, it's too cold out here." Harry suggested, taking Zayn by the shoulders and pushing him into the car.

All the heaters were on in the vehicle, yet Zayn's body still shuddered. He wasn't understanding why he couldn't get warm, he was sure he was wearing more layers than he ever had in his life. Niall pulled a random blanket from the back of the car, "here you go." He said, giving Zayn the blanket. "Thanks Niall." Zayn said, pulling the blanket over his quivering body.

"Erm...Niall." Zayn whispered, cheeks pink. Niall looked at him, waiting for him to carry on. "Do you think...you could maybe...erm..hug me..?" Zayn asked awkwardly, slightly embarrassed he'd had to ask someone who was like his brother, to share his body warmth. "Course!" Niall smiled, opening his arms for Zayn to cuddle into him. Surprisingly, Zayn warmed up a whole lot more.

Time skip...

They arrived at the first place for the first interview. Zayn tried to smile as much as he could when greeting everyone, yet he couldn't help but sill feel miserable.

Sitting in uncomfortable chairs, all boys faced a women in around her mid forties. "Hello! My name is Kerry, and I'll be interviewing you for half an hour." All boys muttered and mumbled back polite hellos at Kerry, Zayn had to physical stop himself from rolling his eyes at the thought of the interview going on for half an hour, and it was only the first one of many too.

"So Zayn..." Kerry began, and Zayn perked up in his seat, looking at the interviewer. "How do you think song writings been going?" She asked. Zayn cleared his throat best he could before answering, "uh, yeah, it's been going good. I think we're all enjoying it and it's been a great journey so far." He managed to say without any difficulty, so he was glad about that.

All boys answered multiple questions, taking in times to put in the input on things. Then it was Zayn's turn to answer again, "I-" he coughed a little, "I think tour's gonna be great fun." He said, voice breaking towards the end. His cheeks turned red in embarrassment at the fact his voice just made the most inhuman sound ever. Liam patted him on the shoulder, showing him a 'I feel bad for you' face.

Zayn sighed and buried his head in his hands, focusing on breathing out his mouth for a second, seeing as his nose had become stuffy again. Only, his intake of oxygen seemed to want to trigger another coughing fit. Zayn wouldn't let another sound come from his mouth, he was certain the interview was coming to an end.

He held his breath to try and stop his coughing, but that made it ten times worse. He tried to quietly clear his throat, hoping it would move his cough along. But it didn't work. He moved uncomfortably in his seat, his throat tickling and begging to let him cough.

Harry noticed the older lads fidgeting, the way he'd become slightly pink in the face and not from just his voice break. "Uh, I'm really sorry, but can we maybe wrap it up here? I need to go to the bathroom." Harry asked Kerry, smiling apologetically at her. "Oh, sure." She turned to the rest of her team, signalling to bring the interview to an end. Harry felt quite pleased with himself as he said goodbye and thanked Kerry.

As soon as it was clear to go, Zayn rushed to he hallway, taking a breath before coughing so hard he thought he'd pass out. Harry followed after him, fresh water bottle in his hand. Zayn's chest heaved as he coughed into his arm, Harry's brow furrowed nervously. Zayn was sure he'd never felt so much burning in his chest in his life, each cough physically hurt him. He winced as the coughing came to a finish, and he found himself gasping for breath.

"Calm down mate...you're okay." Liam said, all boys having joined Zayn out in the hallway. Zayn pressed a hand to his chest, the stinging sensation slowly but surely fading away. "Fuck." Was all Zayn said, resting his head back against the wall. Why was he getting so tired after coughing? He asked himself.

"How many interviews do we have left to do?" Niall asked his bandmates, feeling bad that Zayn would have to sit through endless amounts of talking whilst feeling under the weather. "I spoke to everyone after Zayn left, and I managed to make it so we only have one interview left to do, and then we'll do the rest another day." Louis said proudly, and Zayn shared a smile towards him. "Thanks mate." Zayn whispered, genuinely thankful he could rely on his friends.

The second interview went similar to before, questions being asked, Zayn barely able to answer them. He'd also started to sneeze quite a bit too, meaning he'd endlessly apologise to the boys of the interviewer whenever his sneezing cut off their talking. Everyone would tell him it was fine, but he still felt guilty afterwards.

Finally the interviews were over, and Zayn hurried back into the van, rushing to grab the blanket Niall had given him before. The heaters were on full blast as they drove home, and Niall offered to cuddle Zayn again, seeing as it helped warm him up the last time.

Hope you enjoyed!!

I've also decided that I'll post every other day- one day on this book then the next on my other. This way I'll be able to update both equally, or sometimes I'll update whenever I'm free :)

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