2| Sick (Zayn)

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Zayn groaned as his eyes opened, the light sent a nasty pain spiralling through his head. Sitting up, he held onto his head having done so too quickly for his body's liking. He wasn't ready to get up, he just wanted to stay and sleep in. The bed seemed to be the answer to everything in that moment.

Eventually he fell back asleep, except it wasn't for long because he was woken up by a lovely surprise of bile rising in his throat. Pulling back the covers, Zayn ran to his bathroom with his hand over his mouth. Quickly lifting up the toilet seat, he dropped in front of the toilet, mouth letting out short,ragged breaths as he waited for the worst to come.

His stomachs contents soon came spilling out into the water below him. He coughed and gasped, left hand supporting his body weight whilst the right clenched the side of the porcelain bowl. Zayn prayed his harsh gagging wouldn't alert or wake up the other boys, he hated when people knew he was ill.

Finally the retching came to a stop, only the odd burp escaping his dry lips. "Fuck." He whispered to himself, now aware of how achy his bones were and how much he'd love to be peacefully asleep.

Plodding slowly back to his bed, Zayn's head thumped agonisingly. He rerouted and headed towards the kitchen to raid the cupboards for some medication. All whilst walking down the stairs, Zayn had to stop for a second, positive he was going to pass out. His legs burned, begging for him to lay down. The wall was Zayn's reliable source, keeping him upright.

When the sudden dizziness had faded, he continued his small journey to the kitchen. He came across Niall in the kitchen, a steaming mug of tea sat in front of him. "You alright mate? You look a lil' peaky." Zayn tried to answer, but could only hold his hand up to his face and motion to his head and then his stomach.

Niall frowned, standing up from his chair and feeling for Zayn's temperature. "Hmm, your really warm. Do you want me to tell the lads?" Zayn rapidly shook his head no, this made his head ten times worse. He hissed in pain, wincing as he massages his temple. "N-no, please don't tell them. I'm fine, honest. Just a small headache." He choked out, the familiar feeling of sickness bubbling in his stomach.

Niall let Zayn be, keeping watch on his friend as he reached for the medication in the cupboard. Zayn sighed reaching for the paracetamol, his head continued to cause a ruckus and his stomach had begun to swirl again.

Grabbing a glass of water, Zayn popped two pills into his mouth. He swallowed them with great difficulty, gulping down a mouthful of drink. Only he shouldn't have done that. Not with his queasy stomach.

Niall sprung up from his seat as Zayn lurched towards the sink. Seeing as Zayn had already been sick previously, nothing came up apart from the water he'd just drank and stomach acid. Yet his stomach wasn't relaxing, it didn't realise there was nothing left to bring up. Therefore Niall rubbed Zayn's back as he heaved painfully into the sink. With each heave, came a devastating sob. "Try and calm down mate..." Niall said, reaching to rub his hand over Zayn's empty stomach. Niall had read that sometimes rubbing someone's stomach can calm them.

Niall felt as Zayn's muscles clenched and tightened as he dry-heaved. Zayn felt Niall trying to relax his stomach, and miraculously it helped. The retching and heaving soon turned into hiccups, Zayn's throat was sore and raw, but he couldn't stop himself from saying "thank you Niall." Pulling away from Zayn, Niall took a good look at him. His skin was a lot paler, forehead glistening with a layer of sweat after the previous activity of chucking up his guts. "Zayn...are you sure you don't want me to tell the others? I think you're really sick." Again like before, Zayn refused telling anyone else about his sickness, instead he helped Niall wash and clean away his vomit down the sink.

Niall made a fresh glass of water for Zayn, giving it to him for him to sip. "Have you been sick before now?" Zayn weakly nodded, not wanting to shake his head too much. "How many times?" Niall asked, "just once." Zayn whispered, taking another sip of his water. "Maybe you should try something to eat? Just a little bit." "No, I-I can't." Zayn stuttered, he didn't even want to think about food, scared that it would make him throw up again.

Zayn quickly sat up in his chair, ignoring the jolt of pain that ran through his head doing so, as a still half asleep "morning." came from Harry who had now sat himself at the table opposite Zayn. "Woah, you alright mate? You look rough." Zayn looked at Niall in hopes he wouldn't say anything, "Uh yeah, I uh, I just didn't get much sleep last night." Zayn breathed. "Ah, maybe it will be best to all have an early night tonight, yeah?" Harry said, moving to make some toast. Zayn simply nodded in response, hand slipping under his shirt to massage his stomach that had started to cramp again.

A few minutes later, both Liam and Louis had joined the kitchen. Everyone was having conversation whilst Zayn sat and hoped for his nauseating headache to disappear. "Zayn lad, do you want some toast?" Louis offered, to which Zayn shook his aching head and groaned quietly to himself. Today really wasn't the greatest day for Zayn.

Harry sat back in front of Zayn, warm toast oozing with creamy butter. The thought made Zayn's stomach gurgle unpleasantly, and a gag forced its way up his throat. Luckily Zayn managed to disguise it as a cough, only, Niall noticed the discomfort on his face. "Are you alright?" He mouthed, making sure no other boy would noticed. Zayn ever so discreetly shook his head no, this alarmed Niall. Niall wasn't good at keeping his panic to himself and Liam picked up on this. "Niall, you alright?" "Yeah, fine." Liam narrowed his eyes, he knew something was up. "Alright then..."

All attention was suddenly turned to Zayn who bolted up from his chair. "Zayn?" Louis said, cup of hot tea in his hand. "M'Gonna be sick." Zayn spoke before making a mad dash to the bathroom. Niall following, knowing this was going to happen.

The other three watched as Niall ran after Zayn who had announced he was going to be sick. All was quiet before the most dreadful retching sound was heard from the bathroom. The boys all shared worrisome glances, unsure of what to do. "Shit, that sounds terrible." Harry panicked. Liam nodded in agreement, "I'll go make sure they're okay."

Liam was shocked at the scene in front of him, a slightly out of it Zayn, who had his head resting against the toilet, eyed closed. As Niall, who's face was petrified, rubbed circles on their friends back, pushing back the sweaty mop of hair that rested against his forehead.

"Is he alright Ni?" Liam asked sympathetically, Niall shook his head no. "He's been sick all morning, he didn't want me to tell any of you." Niall explained "Are you alright Niall?" Liam asked, seeing as Niall looked quite panicky still. "Y-yeah I'm good, just don't like seeing any of us this sick."

At that, Zayn sat up and vomited into the toilet bowl again. Liam winced at the sight, like Niall, he also hated seeing any of his mates so ill. "I'll go tell the lads." "Liam, can you get me some water and stomach relaxers for Zayn please?" "Yeah mate." "Thanks."

Liam returned to the kitchen, Louis and Harry looked at him, and by his face they could tell Zayn was sick. "He's been sick all day, I can't believe we didn't notice." "Hey it's alright li." Harry assured, "we'll just help him from now on." "Yeah." Louis agreed. "Right, we need some water and stomach relaxers." Louis and Harry nodded, helping Liam get all the things.

The three boys appeared in the doorway of the bathroom, where they noticed how Niall had stripped Zayn from his shirt seeing as he'd thrown up on it. "C'mon Zayn, let's get you better." Niall said, sitting him up properly against the side of the bath to give him so water and stomach relaxers.

"Sip it slowly..." Liam said, holding the glass up to Zayn's pink lips. Once Zayn had had enough, they gave him some stomach relaxers, hoping it would calm down his nauseous stomach. "Thanks boys." Zayn mumbled, using his hand to wipe his mouth. "Don't worry about it, you should've told us you were sick earlier." "Didn't want to cause a fuss." "Never, don't ever worry about it."

The boys took Zayn to his bed, making sure he was okay. They weren't sure how long Zayn was going to be ill for, but they promised to look after him until he was better and Zayn promised to always tell them when he's feeling sick.

Hope you enjoyed !

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