20| Sick from fear (Zayn)

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Sorry for not updating in a while <3

Zayn tried to enjoy his life as much as possible, he liked the idea of trying something new. Except, one thing he knew for sure, was that he hated heights. He was absolutely terrified; he loathed and despised the idea of being high up from the ground. It was more the thought of falling...falling and not having anything beneath him to save him.

So when the boys explained that they were going out for the day and visiting the top of a famous tower, Zayn almost bailed and called to say he couldn't go. Only, there were other things that they were going to be doing, things that he knew he would enjoy. "Mate you're gonna have fun, I promise." Louis assured, placing a warming hand on Zayn's shoulder.

All of the boys knew about Zayn's fear of heights, and they all privately spoke, discussing that they'd persuade Zayn to climb to the top of the tower. They would succeed in their plan. They had to, it would be a great achievement.

Time skip...

Everyone was in the van, heading towards the destination. The plan for the day was that all the boys would be visiting new places, maybe even some shopping, or checking out food places. Then obviously...they'd be climbing to the top of a tower to overlook the gorgeous scenery.

Zayn sat nervously, leg bouncing non stop. They'd barely left home and he was already dreading the thought of climbing the tower. He thought that maybe the boys would let it slide, and he could wait at the bottom of the stairs. But then he didn't want to let them down, he hated letting people down. He had no choice...well at least he felt like he had no choice.

"Lads, I cannot wait!" Niall exclaimed, and if the boys were being honest, they weren't sure if he meant the tower or visiting food places. Either way a majority of the boys agreed. Not Zayn though, he was way to nervous to think of anything. "The view is gonna be great." Liam smiled, lifting up a camera he'd recently purchased after starting to take up an interest in photography. "Look at you and your camera eh." Louis teased, nudging Liam gently in the ribs. "Oh shut up." Liam told him, putting his camera back away in his bag.

Still, Zayn sat in silence, not uttering a word. His palms were already sweating and he wasn't anywhere close to the building he'd soon be ascending. "Zayn, mate, I promise you everything will be fine. Don't worry about it too much." Harry assured, noticing how Zayn was keeping to himself and acting unusually quiet.
"Yeah..." Zayn mumbled, knowing that all he could do was worry.

He closed his eyes and sighed, hands tucking into the pockets of his jumper. Niall patted his knee gently, Louis his shoulder. He guessed he could say it was nice to know the lads were supportive. They all looked after each other like family, they felt like they were all family.

Time skip...

The van was parked somewhere where they wouldn't get spotted by anyone straight away. The hoped they wouldn't get noticed at all, they preferred to just have a break, away from all the craziness.

Streets were filled with countless shops, the last destination, being the tower, stood at the very end, towering over everyone. It looked scary, well to Zayn anyway. It looked evil and unreliable and as if it would destroy his life. It may have sounded silly, but Zayn really felt as if the tower would ruin him.

"Let's go in here." Louis suggested, pointing to a clothing store. It was pretty simple, just a few vintage shirts and random jackets. Zayn found his brain losing any thought of the tower when he came across an artistic looking jacket. "This is sick." He smirked to himself, fingers touching the fabric softly. "You should get it." Liam suggested, knowing how Zayn loved to have a variety of clothing. "Yeah, maybe I will." Zayn said, picking it up from the rack and taking a better look. "Thanks." He smiled at Liam, and Liam nodded, before Zayn went to pay for his jacket.

One Direction Sickfics + Hurt Imagines जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें