//inhuman encounter//

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A strong hand suddenly lifted me off the ground mere centimetres from the ground.

"Finally!" I screamed in my head.

"COME UP!" Sonju yelled. Ray, who was also being clung by the arm, suddenly pulled himself over the lizard-horse thing, and I responded in kind, flinging myself over the back of the giant lizard. I was placed on top of Ray and sliding into Sonju due to the unfortunate lack of space on this man's lizard. I let out a sigh of relief for finally being in safety. 

We rode for quite some time as I tried to gain the energy to speak. I felt Ray go limp underneath me and knew he'd passed out. My own consciousness was fading- I could feel it. 

"T-those smoke bomb thingy's were pretty cool. Can you teach me how...to do...that?" I managed to push out before falling limp, darkness wrapping my brain like a hand blocking my consciousness. 

I awoke with a start. My surroundings... A small cave-like room. I looked beside me and caught no sight of Emma or Ray. I must be in a separate room from them. To my left was a jar of water, upon seeing which I realized how dry my throat was. I picked it up and drank easily- knowing well of our rescuers, Sonju and Mujika. 

I stood up and exited the small room, walking down the hallway for a bit until I heard a faint recognizable voice. 

"Woah!" I heard Ray exclaimed, as I arrived upon him while he tripped over a tree root.

"Real smooth." I said, finally getting back at him. He huffed and stood up, rubbing his head.

"Yeah, try navigating when you have a massive headache." 

"Hmm?" I said, yawning. 

"More importantly- how do you seem completely relaxed?" He asked as we continued walking down the hallway, the light from his lantern revealing tree roots snaking up the wall.

"Why not? I'm tired, you're tired, and we were just saved." 

"You say saved, I say saved for dinner. We don't know the motive of those who saved us. Or who they are, for that matter." 

I sputtered as I sipped on my water, seeing as I do, in fact, know the people who saved us. And their motive. And their character design. And their background story." "W-wrong pipe." I croaked, wiping my mouth.

"...It's disturbing to see you act like that with Norman's face." Ray muttered, looking back ahed.

"Well excuse me, its not like I can choose the face I'm reinca- COUGH born COUGH with." I said, trying to cover up my slip up. Ray threw a glance back at me and I coughed again.

"It's the water, I swear I don't have corona." I said, straightening. 

"Corona?" Ray asked, his eyebrow raising.

"Y-yeah! I-its a...uh... disease I read about in a book that is highly contagious and d-deadly!" 

"Strange... I never read about that in any books." He hummed, continuing ahead.

"Oh it was only this small, small section in a massive boring medical book. It was pure luck I stumbled across it, honestly." I ad-libbed as we walked. 

"I see..." Ray mumbled before he suddenly stood stiff. "Wait- is that??! Emma?! Emma! Emma!!" He ran to the bedridden girl and placed his hand on her shoulder gently.

"Is that you... Ray? Norman?" Emma asked, her eyes bleak. I swallowed my heart (or tried to) and smiled. 

"Sorry, Emma. It's Y/N and Ray." I said, my throat constricting my words to that.

Ray looked down and sighed. "Oh. It's you. You're here..." The ginger-haired eyes suddenly lit up as she spoke. "You're still alive... I'm so glad you're alive!!" She cried, wrapping her arms around Ray in a hug. My heart twinged once again at the heartwarming sight.

"I'm happy to see you too..." Ray said, laying his hand on Emma's head while I shifted awkwardly from foot to foot. "Although..." His eyes lifted from Emma's to mine and I blinked. "I might not've been able to if it wasn't for Y/N." He said, brushing off his knees and standing up. 

"What? Really!? Is that where Y/N was? With you? Everyone was so worried..." Emma let out a sigh of relief before doing something unexpected. She wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug.

My heart thudded in my ears as my brain malfunctioned. "I'm glad you're alive too..." The adorable ginger said, my head just barely peeking over her shoulder even while she bent down. Once I blinked the tears in my eyes away I looked to Ray who sent me a look that clearly read 'you'll get used to it

After a few more seconds Emma released me and began asking questions. Unfortunately which, Ray didn't have the answers to, and I had too many answers too, leaving all three of us seemingly stumped. 

After Emma questioning about whether Mr Minerva could be involved we all left the cave and began walking down the... hallway? Is that a proper word for it? 

"They're coming..." Ray said as a small light could be seen approaching form up ahead. I wiggled my toes in anticipation as I recognized Mujika's hooded figure walking towards us. 

"Excuse me..." Emma began cautiously.

"You're better!" Mujika exclaimed, grabbing Emma's arms. "I'm so glad you've recovered. How do you feel?" 

"Er...Yes, fine thank you!" Emma said, still cheerful despite suspicious. Mujika smiled and inspected the two other's ears, making sure there was no sign of bleeding. 

"The bleeding's stopped, and it seems like the fever's gone down too... the healing herbs worked just fine then!" She said, inspecting us all closely. "However... you three are forbidden from hard work! If you get sick again, it could get dangerous!" The demon girl said, causing me to feel like I was being scolded by a worried grandma. 

All of a sudden, (or not so sudden, when you know the future), Mujika's covered hands enwrapped Ray, Emma's and mine. 

"You all did a great job... escaping from that farm. It's all right now. You're safe with us. Please relax here and rest for the night, ok?" She smiled, the warmth from which creeping into my bones.

"Oh!" I exclaimed suddenly. "Where are our friends? They're probably worried sick about me... oops..." I chuckled, rubbing the back of my head. 

"Right over here. We've just finished setting up dinner! Come, let's go!" The girl said, turning and leaving the way. 

"Ooo what about Sonj- the hooded man! Where is he!" I said, anxious to find the little demon butt who arrived to saving us late. 

"He's Sonju, and he's here too." Mujika giggled.

"So that wasn't Minerva..." Ray sighed.

"Minerva?" Mujika asked, turning her head back slightly to look at us. 

"William Minerva. Perhaps you've heard of him?" Ray asked. Mujika shook her head and we continued walking. I hummed the season one opening to myself as we walked, enjoying myself whilst Ray was no doubt having a full blown inner monologue. The moment he stopped walking I stopped humming as well as stoping my movement, taking note of his pale face. So he's noticed.

"Thank you." Ray began his speech while I looked behind me for the Sonju I knew would be approaching soon. "Really, thanks for helping us..." He continued speaking while I took note of a small plant growing on the floor of the cave wall. I walked towards it and inspected it. The red berries on it were plump and juicy looking. At that moment my stomach growled quietly. 

I could just eat one. They look just like a raspberry, they're probably fine. I reached out to grab one when a low voice echoed throughout the cave.

"Those berries are poisonous, you know." I stopped what I was doing and turned around at the same time as Emma and Ray, looking rightfully terrified. 

"...Like how poisonous?" I said, turning back to the plant. "Like minor-digestive-issues-poisonous or fever-dream-poisonous or-"

"Like instant-death-if-you-eat-one-poisonous." Sonju said, his face hidden beneath his cowl.

"...do they taste good at least?"

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