// Unregrettable Death//

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The night before Poppy's shipment and the escape, Hayato winced as Niko cut the chunk of ear away. Her hands started trembling as soon as she was done. The two and six others in the room sat waiting in silent anticipation, but there was no shouting from Mama. She'd managed to extract as small a piece as possible without touching the tracking device. She exhaled and collapsed back into her seat. She took a second before sitting back up, bandaging Hayato's ear and unclipping his hair so it fell in place, obscuring the missing chunk.

It was late at night, and everyone was in bed- aside from the future escapees. Y/n looked between Hayato and Reina and smiled.

"Good luck." 

Hayato ran to the wall and placed his ear chunk in a good place- far enough along the wall, but not far enough to raise suspicion, before heading back to his house.

Reina creeped into the secret room from the bathroom and took hold of the communication device. She carefully lifted it up and carried it out of the room. She set it in the bathroom, panting. Chris and Hannah helped her carry it downstairs. Y/n signalled to say that there hadn't been a disruption in Nina's quiet snoring as she sat listening outside her mother's bedroom. 

They carried the heavy communication device a long way and stashed it into a bush.

Y/n prayed it had neither a tracking device, alarm, or anything else unexpected planted onto it. Hayato came running through the woods and gave them a thumbs up.

And the next day they all made sure Nina never had a chance to check her pocket watch. While she was distracted watching over Poppy and Reina- the two she suspected most- Y/n went back to the wall to meet up with Anna- who was going to be there today- one last time before the escape.

Y/n exhaled, rubbing her forehead. 

This never would've been possible if Nina was as smart as Isabella. She then heard the crunching of leaves as the kids approached. 

Y/n's stomach flip-flopped. The seven other kids looked at her for directions. Y/n nodded quickly and Poppy boosted Hayato up, while Reina boosted Chris up. Chris and Hayato then began holding onto the rope while Hannah and Niko climbed up, who helped hold the rope for Poppy and Y/n. Lastly Reina climbed up with Daisy.

They got to the top just as the Plant 3 kids all arrived. Ray caught sight of them with wide eyes. Emma smiled. The Plant 2 kids helped the Plant 3 kids get a head start climbing up.

- - flashback - -

Norman looked at Y/n in surprise.
"You want to meet with them?" 

Y/n nodded. "In your letter, tell Emma to send one or two of the kids daily. As long as they won't be noticed by Isabella. I'll meet up with them and gain their trust one by one. By the time we escape they'll be familiar with me and most of my plant's kids. Not only that, but if Isabella ever gets suspicious of how much they're speaking to Emma they can come to me for instructions instead. As well, I would like to get updates on what you guys are doing and how it's going." 

Norman nodded. "It just might work..."

As Emma read the letter she was surprised to learn about Y/n and Norman's conversation. But she trusted his judgment. The next day she sent Anna and young Dominic to go meet her.
Y/n came alone on the first day, but as time went on she brought more and more to meet them. By the end they'd developed a trusted relationship between them. Y/n and Emma had never met but through the words of others they learned a great deal about one-another and considered each-other friends.

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