//Cookie stash//

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(By majority vote, it appears that y'all hold cookies in higher regard than giving away information LOL.



"I see..." Ray sighed, pinching his chin in thought. "The promise really will have a repercussion... And Mujika has the ability to give demons the ability to avoid degeneration without eating humans" 

"And you're sure you want to make your promise?" Emma asked me worriedly. 

I smiled lightly. "You bet your sorry *ss I do!" I exclaimed, grateful for the lack of threat of a swear jar. 

We stood in silence for a moment before Ray spoke up once again, a suspicious expression on his face. "You're not hiding anything else, right?" He asked suspiciously, raising an eyebrow. "Like what 'he' asked for in return for the promise, specifically?" 

I smiled brightly. "No idea!" I cheered innocently and unwittingly, pumping my fist into the air, just barely managing to keep my nervous laugh completely in the inside. 'Something already feels off. I feel like telling him would make the situation worse...'  

Ray face-palmed with a quiet groan while Emma laughed brightly. "It's okay, though! I'm sure it'll be nothing much!" I finished with a smile.

"Yeah!" Emma grinned cheerfully. "So lets go tell everyone our plan!" 

We called everyone to a meeting and Emma, Ray, and I walked towards the room everyone was waiting in. "Hey hey heyyyyy!" I kicked the door in, greeted by many faces as the children had all gathered in a crowd. "Sooo, we bad b*tchez have an announcement,,, We're going to the seven walls because Norman's plan is bitch*ss!"

"EHHHH-?!" Everyone exclaimed in shock. I'm pretty sure Yuugo was convinced I was on drugs. Whether his cocked eyebrow was because he was disappointed in me for presumably taking them or disappointed in me for not sharing, I'm not sure.

Emma gave everyone a closed-eyed grin as she elbowed me harshly in the stomach. "Well, it's not like Norman's plan is bad... but... the demons... although wiping them out is the most reliable, correct, way, there aren't only bad demons out there... If they were all bad it would be so much easier... but then there's demons like Mujika and Sonju, right? If at all possible, I don't want to kill them all... Although it's entirely my own selfishness... I don't plan on dragging any of you into this. Even though I have no idea if there will be another way than extinction..." Emma continued speaking while I was doubled over, holding onto my stomach after she elbowed me right in the diaphragm.

"My spleen-" I moaned in pain.

"You don't even know where your spleen is, dumb*ss." Ray seethed through his teeth with a raised eyebrow. I scowled and delivered a sharp stomp to his foot, to which he retaliated with a yell and a smack to the top of the head. Emma continued speaking while Ray and I dissolved into chaos, arguing and fighting while the poor ginger girl tried to keep a smile on her face as she spoke.

"So Y/N, Ray,"  While Emma continued speaking, Gilda and Reina leaned towards us and spoke in a hushed tone.

"You two better cut it out before we provide a personal demonstration on where the spleen is located in the body." Ray and I immediately ceased our banter, Gilda and Reina smiling sweetly- if you can call the smile of someone who just threatened to literally rearrange your guts that, before turning back to Emma as she spoke. 

"-and I will be heading out for a bit! I want us to make a choice we wont regret. I want us to choose our future."

"I see..." Lani murmured. "Is it just that our imaginations are lacking, or..."

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