//Final Goldy Pond Battle--Part 1//

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(A.N: Who needs chapstick more- Leuvis or Shiggy??? -Anna) 

I hid behind the house, trying to quiet my heavy breaths. The sound of Leuvis approaching caused all the muscles in my back to tighten. 

"I know you're there~" Leuvis' voice called in my direction. I put on a false grin and arose from my cover. "We meet again..." Leuvis said, as I approached. I paused a few feet away from him, staring him dead in the eye. "20294. Y/N." He said, looking down on me. 

I smiled. "We indeed meet again, Lu-Lu~" I pulled a bow, waving my hand in front of me as I did so. Leuvis seemed amused.

"Quite an interesting personality you have, to be able to speak that way towards me. You must be disillusioned for your safety." The smile he wore was audible from his voice. "Incase you didn't know already- I spared you yesterday not for the purpose of saving your life... but simply to... save you for later." He spoke daringly. 

I smiled. "Of course. Akin to letting me age like a fine wine?" I expressed my simile. Leuvis hummed. 

"I suppose. But don't feel chummy with me now. I won't fall for another trick like the one you pulled yesterday." He hummed, soaking in our conversation before he would begin his hunt. "How are your hands, by the way?" Leave it to Leuvis to've noticed the conditions of my hands that day before I did.

I held up my hands in front of me- them wrapped in fresh bandages, courtesy of Zack. "They hurt like a little b*tch but they shouldn't interfere too much." I hummed before letting them fall back to my side. "Oh!" I exclaimed suddenly, regaining the Archduke's attention. "I have a message for you, by the way, from Lucas... "What do you think of my move?" 

"I expected it was that boy... that explosion really startled me. How reminiscent of the approach they used that day!..." He began to laugh a little, sending shivers down my spine. "I'm quite in shock! I never thought he'd survive! How wonderful! Organizing this delightful rebellion from underground!" He let out a louder laugh which sent more shivers cascading down my body, my hands turning ice cold like before. "I'M GLAD! I'M EXTREMELY HAPPY RIGHT NOW!" He roared. "YOU'VE MOVED ME TO MY CORE!" 

It took everything within me to avoid running away. "'If so, Archduke, then let's play a little game, shall we? Just like back then...'" I spoke Lucas' words calmly, in contrast to my beating heart which pounded in my ears. 

"A...game...?" Leuvis spoke softly, like the calm before the storm. "AHAHAHAHAHA!!" He exploded In laughter. "I see. From back then... very well." 


"'Go with the others!', she said." Ray mocked, leaping over a rock in his dash. "It'll be fun!, she said...FUN MY ASS!" He roared as he ran in a dead sprint, trying to get away from the enraged Nous as he grieved for Nouma. The injured Sandy was running with Ray's help as they stumbled around. 'Sh*t! We didn't think this could happen!"' He thought to himself as he was nearly snatched by the slender demon once again. 'Sonja is injured too! We won't have anyone to back up Y/N at this rate- no, we won't survive at all!' He cringed as Nous' arm reached toward him precariously. His life flashed before his eyes as that massive claw was inches from him, about to kill him.

This was it. He was about to die.

"RAYY-!!" A familiar voice called. 


A loud bang echoed, killing Nous in a single shot. Ray's eyes caught sight of Emma first, her bright antenna sticking up. He then saw Yuugo, along with Violet. Yuugo pushed his hair back from his face before turning to Emma. 

"Oi! What were you doing drawing attention to us! Killing them wasn't in the plan! If I wasn't fast enough it could've been you dying instead!" He scolded, but Emma ignored him, running towards Ray and engulfing him in a hug.

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