//Final Goldy Pond Battle- Pt 2//

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"Y/N!" That familiar voice called out. Sure enough, Ray was running towards Pepe and I. "That was dangerous!" He scolded me for shoving Pepe out of the way and nearly getting hit. 

"DaNgEr iS mY mIDdlE nAmE!" I joked- seeing as joking was my coping mechanism. Ray rolled his eyes to heaven.

"We need to move." He looked to Pepe. "Can you run on your own?" He asked. Pepe nodded and stood up, brushing off his legs. Ray gave him a nod of acknowledgement. "Then lets get going." 

We went inside of a nearby house where Nigel, Yuugo, Emma, and Zack were already inside. Zack nodded his head as I entered. "Need anything bandaged?" He asked humorously. I grinned. It was practically a running joke at this point- my constant need for bandages.

"I'm good." I said, inspecting my hands for any tears in the bandages. My hands were nearly healed anyway, and I was grateful to see my wounds hadn't reopened. "How was the situation?" I asked, referring to Oliver, Sandy and Gillian's conditions. 

Zack hummed. "Everyone's alive... Oliver and Gillian for now, at least- the two of those are in critical condition. Sandy is pretty beaten up and has a broken arm and sprained ankle, but he'll survive." He explained briefly. I nodded my head in understanding. 

"Dammit!" Nigel exclaimed, his teeth clenched. "Just how much is that monster going to take from us! The plan was proceeding smoothly- we were able to break his mask- and we were able to stun him! He's just too strong..."

"What do you want to do?" I was surprised to find Yuugo looking in my direction. "Just how can we take this guy down?"I swallowed my throat dryly. 

"Put pressure on his wounds... we can change positions and fire at him from all directions." Nigel popped up, but Yuugo disagreed.

"It's pointless. I've tried that already." He shut Nigel's idea down. 

"...but if we all attack together-" Nigel tried, but Yuugo wasn't having it.

"'Then it should work'?" He asked seriously. Nigel gulped. "'It'll be possible'... that's what you think?" Yuugo stared into space for a moment before covering his mouth and making a noise that sounded like he was going to barf. "Escape. We can't beat him anymore. Now that he's regained his sense of vision, all we can do is escape!!" 

"No." I stated quickly. Emma looked prepared to interject as well- but seeing as she didn't have her own experiences with Leuvis- and hadn't even experienced Goldy Pond- she seemed unsure about the accuracy of her opinion on the matter. "If we run away now, we won't be able to save everybody." I shut down Yuugo's cowardly idea. We would beat Leuvis- for sure. The problem was managing it without any more injuries- including Emma. 

"Everyone?" Yuugo asked.

"Oliver, Gillian- the Goldy Pond resistance, Lucas, all the other kids relying on us for safety- and everyone in this room. I can't- no, I won't let anybody die. We need to defeat him for the sake of everyone in this hunting ground." 

"The hell are you talking about, brat-!" Yuugo growled, throwing his hands out behind him. "Honestly, you and Emma with all this talk about saving everyone! We can't hope to defeat him! We'll be slaughtered!" He roared, objecting to the very idea of going up against Leuvis. "If we're doing this so no one else has to die then running is the best option!" 

"Stop letting your past trauma get the best of you!" I yelled, standing my ground against Yuugo- my own way. "Just because you lost to him before doesn't mean we'll lose to him again! When are you going to realize running away from your problems isn't always the best solution! Even in this one- running away could get us killed just as easily! We'd just be delaying our recounter with Leuvis- he'd catch up to us! And then what- are we going to run again?!" 

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