//New Discovery//

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Y/n, Hayato, Poppy, and Niko climbed down from the wall and bolted out of the forest. They made it back to the clearing just in time and spotted Reina, Hannah, and Daisy all standing together waiting for them. As they approached Reina caught sight of them and stuck up a subtle thumbs up. Y/n exhaled a breath she didn't realize she was holding and they all met up together to go inside.

The 7 children entered the house to see Nina waiting for them at the door.

"What were you four doing today?" She asked the children who were on the wall expedition.
Y/n searched for a believable lie but Daisy beat her to it.

"They were helping me build a rope swing!" Daisy said cheerfully. Nina looked at them questionably and Y/n smiled.

"Oh?" Nina asked. Reina smiled and brought out a book she'd apparently had the whole time.
"Here are the plans for it!" She said cheerfully. The plans showed some sketches for ways to knot a rope swing and proper safety measures, as well as information on the specific tree they were going to hang it on. "It was a little harder then we thought, though... and we don't have any proper rope." 

'Nice!' Y/N thought. 'We now have an excuse for the rope if it's ever found!' 

Nina smiled. "Yes, it is too bad..." with that she ushered us inside for dinner and they walked inside to eat. They looked around for Chris and spotted him handing out food. He smiled and waved before sticking a thumbs up at them. 

Excellent. The mission was complete.
Earlier that day the 8 split up their jobs- with Y/n, Poppy, Hayato, and Niko scouting the wall, Daisy, Reina, and Hannah distracting Nina, while Chris started memorizing their plants copy of Mr. Minerva's adventure book. Y/n decided to have all the children memorize it one at a time.
But after dinner Chris would explain something strange... 

"There was a Morse-code barcode at the last page of the book. It was hand-written, though, and fairly new..." he explained first at the night meeting they had after lights out, long after everyone- hopefully including Nina- had gone to sleep. "I decoded it and it read "Pen room bed cupboard drawer" and underneath it the numbers 2, 6, 6, 1." He finished. Y/n's eyes widened. A message left behind from a precious sibling? She thought for a second before gasping at the same time as Niko. 

"Maybe room 3, bed 6, cupboard 6, and the 1st drawer?" They both exclaimed. They turned to each-other and Y/n went for a high five which Niko hesitated slightly before taking.

"Let's go check it!" They exclaimed. They creeped quietly up the stairs and Y/n tried not to have a mental breakdown.


Luckily, there was no metal object anywhere nearby, and despite Y/n tripping on her own feet and almost face-planting they made it to bedroom 2 safely. They creeped past sleeping children and Y/n got to do the honours of cracking open the drawer without making a sound. Mwahaha. Years of teenage experience has made her a master.

But once they looked inside they noticed it was empty. Y/n got an idea but Poppy beat her to it.
"False bottom." She answered quickly, pressing it in the right space. The bottom came popping up and what was there made the whole group stifle their gasps. But Y/n was the most surprised.
For what was there was a letter with a pen tucked beside it. Y/n reached out and grabbed them and they all headed back downstairs to read. 

Y/n held the letter up to the lantern and read aloud, her hands trembling with anticipation.

"Hello, fellow siblings. I know not who this will reach but I pray it reaches someone. You need to understand a few things first- or perhaps you already know.
We are raised to be food. Cattle. Given to demons as nutrients- and this orphanage is a farm. Do not trust any adults you ever come across. They are all in on it.
It may be hard to believe but I pray that you do.
My time is running short but I will quickly explain the story behind this pen.
A few months ago my best friend was being adopted. I went to the gate to see her one last time, but what I saw was unexpected- for I witnessed her death. I managed to remain undetected by the gate for quite some time, hiding from these monstrous demons who stored our sibling as merchandise-But at one point, a white-haired man walked into my vision. And he looked at me- right in the eye. But saying nothing, he turned away and dropped this pen.
After then I did everything I could to plan my escape- but I was too late. Mama discovered me and had me shipped out immediately.
So, my siblings, please run. Run away as fast as you can.
She will catch you before you know it.

Y/n gulped once she finished. But she didn't need to worry, right? Nina didn't suspect them at all, after all... or...

No. Y/n wouldn't let the doubt seep in. She didn't know- that she was positive of. Y/n smiled and reassured the other kids.

"Don't worry. We'll escape." Her eyes met Niko and Hayato's and she laughed light-heartedly.
"I suppose I haven't formerly welcomed you two to the team? What about it. Would you join us?"
And at that moment, the dim, flickering light danced across her deep blue eyes. They looked like they were laughing- but there was almost something incomprehensible behind them- perhaps almost other-worldly. Niko gulped and Hayato scratched his head. They both reached out and grabbed the hand before them. 

Their eyes were filled with determination and Y/n smiled at their reaction. 

"Welcome to team NOREMMA~~!! Pleasure to have you join~"

(A/N: tbh I'm a Rayemma shipper but bc I ship Y/N with Ray more we'll use Noremma instead. Thankfully most tpn fans I know aren't rabid about the ships. (Looking at you bnha =_=) Hopefully the release of season 2 doesn't invite any crazy shippers to the fandom- we don't need a re-run of dekuxall might tpn edition. Oh god. Lord have mercy on the incoming Sonju simps)

They three kids shook hands together and the team of children meant to be cattle continued plotting their escape.

Little did they know that a wrench was about to be thrown into their plans. 

A big, fat, one, in the form of an adoption announcement.

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