//Royal Capital//

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(This chapter doesn't have anything particularly memorable, but we're about to get pretty damned action-packed, so it should serve it's purpose pretty well, lol.

Anywayzzz, enjoyyy~~)


We whisked into an alleyway, flitting past cheering demons, young and old, some massive, absolutely terrifying and grotesque, some in smaller, less-terrifying more-humanoid forms, as they paraded throughout the streets in celebration. "Do you think Oliver's group is okay?" Emma asked in worry as she peeked around the corner of a building, ensuring that there wasn't anyone following us.

I smiled. "They'll be okay. They have Yuugo and Lucas with them as well." I reassured, thinking of the two adult males who could likely beat my *ss. And likely would, in Yuugo's case.

Ray nodded in agreement."Yeah. All we can do is believe in them." The ravenhead turned to me as he spoke, his face unable to be seen as it was obscured by his demon's disguise. "Norman is most likely at the Tifiri assembly hall-" He turned towards the large palace that loomed in the distance. "Inside of that castle?" He phrased it as a statement but his voice had a inquisitive tone to it.

I nodded in response. "Yeah." I looked about anxiously at the bustling demon citizens. "Anyhow, we need to move out-" There was a sudden explosion rang out to our left, followed immediately by a shriek from the other direction and another explosion, catching Emma, Ray, and I in the blast. We were sent flying, and I landed sprawling on the ground, my head being sent flying out of my line of vision.

"Sh*t!" I cussed as the demon onlookers began to look in our direction as they ran past. I swallowed dryly, covering my face with one of my sleeve sleeves as demons filtered around me, running away from the explosion. I waited until the footsteps around me ceased before pulling up my hood and glancing around for my mask.

"Here." Ray hummed, bumping the mask against the side of my face. I exhaled in relief and grabbed it from him, securing the pale mask back to my head properly.

"That was a close one." I sighed, brushing my knees off as I stood up, the demons disappearing from the explosion site.

Ray scowled, his eyebrows scrunching together in worry as he surveyed the damage. "Norman's already started his attack!"

I gritted my teeth 'Even after everything I said to him, of course...'. "We need to hurry."

"Y/N? Emma, Ray?!" A familiar voice called out from behind us. I spun around to meet the surprised faces of Gilda and Don behind us, their faces partially obscured by scarves and hoods pulled down over their forehead.

"Don! Gilda!" Emma exclaimed as Gilda engulfed Emma in a hug, Ray letting out a grunt as Don engulfed him in a similar squeeze.

'Wait, if they're here, then that means-'

"SONJUUU!! MUJIKA!!" I exclaimed, whipping around to face the two demons while pulling my demon mask off as they approached from behind the two other Gracefield children. Mujika smiled sweetly and patted my head before I turned to the tall redhead demon, my ecstatic expression quickly turning sad. "Sorry, Sonju!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands together in apology. "I lost the knives you made me!"

Sonju grinned, patting me gently, his hand engulfing the entirety of my head. "No worries, Y/N. I bet you got good use out of them for the time being."

I harrumphed happily. "Of course!" Just then, Mujika wrapped her arms around Emma and I in a kind embrace, her gentle hands placed warmly against my back.

"It's okay." She reassured. "Thanks a lot, you two, for the sake of all us demons." She smiled, tucking her chin into our shoulders.

Emma teared up a little. "I'm glad you're okay!" She hugged the demon girl back tightly and I nodded my head in agreement.

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