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(Yes, I know, gorgeous, isn't it. One of the many reasons I'm not straight 🤡-Anna) 

(Happy reading!!) 


Our team of 7 arrived at Cuvitidala safely. We managed to avoid any serious injuries along the way- although, to my dismay, after killing a demon about to eat Ray's face off on the first day I slipped off of the tree I was standing on and got a pretty nasty cut. After that, Zack stopped making jokes about my likely injuries in case they happened to come true once again. 

"They're ruins?" Emma asked, looking around in awe, shortly after we'd arrived in Cuvitidala.

"There exists a dragon in Cuvitidala, who's eyes can see everything. Everyone desired its eyes, rushing to Cuvitidala." Ray said as he looked around.

""The dragon village of Cuvitidala?"" I asked, grateful that that book was among one of the ones I'd read. Ray nodded. 

"Could there really be a dragon, though?..." Don asked nervously. 

"There's no way it could be something like that..." Gilda began with a nervous laugh. "Is what I want to say, but after learning about Demons and meeting Y/N, I just don't know anymore..."

I blinked. "Wha-?! How come I'm something that changes your perception of the universe?!" I exclaimed, looking to everyone's faces. They all shared a look, as if communicating with their eyes.

"I mean..." Reina sighed, pushing her hands deeper into her pockets. My eyes practically bugged out of my head, but the others, per usual, continued on without any more pause.

"At the very least," Hayato began speaking- something rare from him, "We can't see anybody here right now. Or any kind of town." He mused before falling back into his usual silence.

"All that's here are these big stones." Zack hummed. "It just seems to be old ruins."

In the meantime, while they conversed, I was inspecting the rocks for symbols. A long grin spread across my face when I caught sight of the arrow-like shape I was looking for, engraved into the stone. I followed where it pointed to find the rock with the engraved symbol of the eye-like amulet and my smile wavered. Every time I was reminded of this amulet a feeling of unease always spread through me, no matter how much I reminded myself that it was now rightfully in my possession.

As I expected, shortly after I did, Emma herself caught sight of the interesting symbols. I looked back at her and my eyes slid to Ray, who was still in conversation with the others. I took a deep breath before touching the eye-like symbol engraved into the rock/

All of a sudden it appeared I was in another world. I stumbled back and looked beneath my feet. I stared in awe at the dragon below me, ripples of water cascading from my feet as I appeared to be standing on the night sky itself. I caught glance of the eye on top of the dragon's forehead and felt as if I was being sucked towards it. 

I felt as if- no, I really was- falling head first, as a torrent of scenes began to unfold before my eyes. Demons praising a god within the ruins of Cuvitidala, the Ratri clan sealing the promise with the demons, humans running in fear with their children, thousands of dead bodies as they littered the ground. 

I saw one of these bodies reach up, still barely alive, as if asking for aid, and I instinctively reached towards it, but the scene suddenly changed, myself upright on my feet once again. I saw a collection of human bodies- children- within the blue vats of the anime before the scene switched to what seemed to be a woman dressed in beads and a headdress shaking hands with a much larger demon. 

I continued to whirl upside down, falling through visions of the past, before an eerily childlike voice cut through the memories, sending me stumbling back upright onto my feet. "They're visions of the past." My eyes widened in awe at the sight of the demon god. "How peculiar. A living human being. Not only that, but one with a past in which the dragon of Cuvitidala can not peer into." His childlike voice let out a giggle. "Right now, only you are able to see this." He began his explanation.

I continued staring at the demon I would one day, or hope to one day, make a promise with. What would he take from me in return? My memories, like he had Emma? My life, like I feared would happen to her? Or something else completely different... "Come closer." The childlike voice spoke, his words cutting through my torrent of thoughts. "Next," He said, "Is the entrance." The god explained. 

I watched as a koi fish seemed to phase in and out of existence around and beside the demon. "Here, there is nothing, yet everything." "Quite the contradiction." I muttered despite myself. The demon's voice seethed with amusement as it spoke next. "Yet the entrance isn't anywhere...but the entrance is also everywhere." 

I nodded my head. I knew what we'd need to do. "I guess it'll be goodbye, now." I said, as the demon raised it's hand, causing the world to warp around me. "I look forward to partaking in your game!" I called as I felt myself fall backwards, catching sight of the vision Emma saw- the demon village with the temple, and the golden water with small floating platforms floating along it. 

"OI Y/N-!!" I was snapped back to consciousness. The world around me was spinning before it suddenly snapped back into focus. 

"Y/N!!" Another one of them yelled.

"I'M UP-!!" I said suddenly, before any of them would think about smacking my face like they did Emma. I then groaned, falling onto my back. 

"Are you okay?!" Reina asked frantically, taking a seat beside me. The world felt too bright- perhaps my brain was overloaded by the visions I'd seen. 

"I'm good, I'm good." I said, sitting up after a moment. "Just experienced an encounter with the dragon of Cuvitidala and the god of demons, no biggie." I said, brushing my knees of. "Then..." I dashed towards one of the tallest rocks.

"You did what-?!" Ray yelled, running after me. I swung up onto the rock and climbed on top, followed by Ray shortly after. "What are you doing-?!" He asked as he pushed himself onto the top of the large vertical rock. He paused for a moment as he saw the formation the ruins were in. "This is... An eye?" He asked, captain obvious, much. 

"I saw the visions of the past, and met him." I said, catching everyone's attention. "In Cuvitidala, both Day and night coexist." I pulled out my amulet and showed it to Ray. "Similar, isn't it?" I said, gesturing to the ruins. Emma, who had climbed up shortly after Ray, peered over the ravenhead's shoulder. 

"It's similar!" She exclaimed in excitement, nodding with me. 

"Ok, everyone, listen up." I said, taking a seat on the edge of the rock, my legs dangling over the edge. "Ima explain what I saw real quick, and what we need to do next. 

"...really?!" Don explained once I'd finished. 

"So if Y/N saw the place with "The day and night", then we'll be able to find the entrance." Zack hummed, tugging on his bag straps.

"But he said the entrance isn't anywhere, yet everywhere... Just what are we trying to find?" Don inquired curiously. I smiled.

"A bigass contradiction, that's what we're trying to find. But before that, let's return to the shelter." I said, and everyone nodded their heads in agreement. 

"That golden water you talked about-!!" Emma said quickly, in realization. "Is it similar to the water you said you'd seen with Ray in Goldy Pond?" She asked. Both Ray and I nodded.

"So lets go back to the shelter and research it more." Ray said. "We might find a solution, like the 10 km North and 10 km east."

"Alright!" Emma nodded.

"LETS GOO!!" I cheered, fist-pumping the air and beginning the travel back home to the shelter, the others all following suit after me. 

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