//Norman's Burden//

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I spun to the glasses-wearing man, my eyes wide. "Oh don't "Ehh?!" me, football head! You know exactly what you've done!" I turned to the albino as I stalked towards him angrily. "And you-" I jabbed an angry finger in his direction as I yelled. "You self-sacrificial-owl-loving-mother-trucking-bastard!!" I threw my hands up in the air in exasperation. "Impossible, Impossible" Is that all you know how to say!! You, sir, have no idea what's possible or impossible!! Man, I crossed entire dimensions!!" I quickly realized what I'd said and paled, quickly covering it up with my next words in hopes they'd forget about it. "And even after I specifically told you not to grow up and be a d*ck!!!! And what did you do?? You even kept the damned owls, Norman!! The owls!! Why the owls!!" I yelled, ironically, Vincent, Cislo, and Barbara looking at me like I was crazy.

"You old-man-looking *ss!!" I still wasn't quite done yelling. " You just took lives!! I don't care if majority of them looked like my foot after sitting in the bath for 6 hours!! Those were lives, goddammit!" I huffed before swinging my arm out and addressing the distressed ginger behind me.

"Have you not considered Emma's feelings?! I mean, you've been addressing her alone the whole time, as if Ray and I didn't even exist, you tantrum-throwing simp!!" I caught Ray face-palming from the corner of my eye.

"Even now she can't use real words?" He muttered in mild disappointment.

I shot him an angry look. "It's a real word, shut up." I took a deep breath and turned to back to Norman who looked mildly dumbstruck, struggling to come up with a response for multiple reasons, likely. "All we want to do is to keep you from sacrificing your life again. To not let you go through things alone-!!"

"Listen to your own advice." I heard Ray speak under his breath just inside my earshot, and I turned to him angrily, done with his bullcrap as Norman finally objected my statement.

"...What are you talking about? I'm not going anywhere-" Norman smiled nervously, completely skipping over Ray and my's interaction, as he couldn't hear it from where he was standing.

"You're a liar though!" Emma broke in and I began stalking towards Ray while letting the ginger take the lead. "You can't keep fooling me! I'm not an idiot. Don't underestimate the family you grew up with! We can see through all of your tricks!" Her throat seemed to tighten as she continued. "It must be so painful. Because you're so smart, you chose the reliable path."

Emma walked towards Norman as I arrived at Ray, elbowing him in the side. "Was that comment really necessary?" I growled, my eyebrows raised in question as I watched Emma interact with my stupid albino brother.

Ray huffed. "Yes " He spoke simply, blowing his bangs out of his face.

I irked, raising an eyebrow. "You're not... mad... that I made the promise, are you...?"

The ravenhead shrugged. "Ahahahahah." He laughed before turning to me and leaning into my face. "No." His face clearly read 'yes', and I nearly popped a blood vessel myself, until Emma's voice snapped me out of it.

"-Because you're so kind, you shoulder the burden yourself." The ginger's voice raised to a yell. "I don't think you want to wipe them out. I don't think you truly want to slaughter them. You shouldn't lie to yourself, Norman. Let's talk it out. What are you hiding? What are you so afraid of?"

"Afraid-" Norman scoffed, but Emma wasn't quite finished.

"The Norman right in front of me now looks like a scared, trembling, child." Norman's eyes widened and I watched as he processed her words, thinking back on both his past, and current, time of constant fear. Ray had turned his attention back to his two friends completely, and after a few seconds began walking towards them.

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