//Thanks, Mom/&/Sinner//

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This chapter is smth like barely over 3,000 words. Idk. Anywayyy,,, I hope you enjoy.


"Huh-??" Peter's eyes widened in shock at the sight of the woman who dared to rebel against him.

"Get f*cked, noob." I gave him a smug grin as all the guns in the room, including mine, turned to him, readying to shoot.

"Mom..." Emma murmured in shock, her eyes both wide and grateful.

"You betrayed me-?!!" Peter exclaimed angrily. "Isabella-!!"

"Yes." Isabella spoke, answering the long-haired man's question. her voice stern and unwavering. "Isn't it obvious?" 

"What...?" Peter muttered dumbly, his hands tied behind his back. 

"These children..." Isabella answered, her eyes narrowing. "And all the staff are your enemy."

"Mom is on our side?" Gilda asked in surprise, inclining her head curiously.

"..And all the sisters?" Don's teeth clenched, his grip on his gun tightening. "Why?"

Isabella glanced behind her momentarily, her eyes softening at the sight of Emma behind her, despite her words. "Don't get me wrong." Isabella huffed in amusement, her gaze turning cold once more. "It just happened that we share the same interests." 

I stifled a snort, my eyebrows raised in a knowing glance. 'Y'know, I'm sure they would've appreciated it if you said what was on your mind. Although,' I thought as my eyes slid to Emma, Ray, and lastly, Norman, before my blue orbs drifted back to the dark-haired woman. 'Though it appears they all already know, deep down inside.' 

Isabella was still speaking in a matter-of-fact voice. "I was getting fed up with my life here. And I didn't like the future that boy described."

"That boy-?!" Vincent and Hayato recoiled in shock. 'What is with these Gracedield-related people and their casually insulting people in positions of power?!'

"-Or his methods and opinions." The elegant woman paused for a moment, allowing Peter to get but a word in.

"How dare you-"He growled as the long haired man's world was crumbling to the ground around him.

"-That's why I wanted to crush..." Isabela's purple eyes glanced towards Emma and Norman, her eyes softening once again. "...Everything. I thought I'd destroy everything." She repeated, her eyes crinkling as she wore a melancholy smile.

Those purple eyes of hers were obviously asking for forgiveness. But no matter how much I planned to save her life, how much I loved this woman I barely even knew in person, at this point in time, it wouldn't be me- no, it couldn't be me to save her. Right now, who she needed was...

"Thanks, mom." Emma grinned after a moment of pause, readying her gun alongside her mother, her siblings, and the countless sisters of Gracefield house, a wave of "kerchuk"'s spreading throughout the room as all of their guns were reloaded, including my own.

Peter backed away from the gun barrels pointed at him from every direction, glancing about frantically with the look of a cornered wild animal. His teeth gnashed together- "AAAGGHHHHH!!!" He bellowed suddenly, the loud noise startling me, despite already knowing his plans of escape. The frantic man lunged towards me in an instant. Unfortunately, to my sudden realization- the closest to him and both him and his exit route, happened to be me. The surprisingly fast man elbowed me in the gut, snatching my gun away and dashing in the other direction.

"THAT LITTLE-" I yelled as he wheeled and emptied the bullets, firing them at us spontaneously to aid his getaway.

I grabbed a gun from the nearest person besides me, who I thought to be Emma, chasing after the man. "THANKS BABE-!! OFF TO KILL A RAT-" I called over my shoulder, running after the long-haired rat, the others a few paces behind me.

Reborn into The Promised Neverland//RayxReader//Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat