//Commence Escape//

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Poppy's fork clattered to the table and she paled. Nina took notice of this and kept speaking, a smile on her face. 

"Her adoption day will be on January 14th, so it's still a while away," Y/n paled visibly as Nina continued speaking, trying to keep her hands from trembling. 

"But I was so exited for her I had to let you all know early!" 

The kids around the 8 rebels died down into congratulatory speaking as they all crowded around the 11 year old. Some were a bit sad, others looked ecstatic. Poppy kept up her smile and spoke to them cheerfully, smiling at their congratulations and thanking them. She calmed down one of the girls who were crying and Y/n gulped a frog in her throat back down. 

Poppy's shipment date was the day before Ray's birthday. A few hours before the Grace Field kids escape. 

How could she fix this?

They could get Poppy to run and hide in the forest a few minutes before their escape... but then Nina would call into base before Isabella...! It could potentially completely ruin Emma, Norman, and Ray's escape, which Y/n couldn't do! But she couldn't leave Poppy behind... 

After breakfast they walked into the testing room together, a dark and tense air around them. None of them spoke as they sat down. 

The test was completed and the perfect scores were announced. No one but Y/n got perfect. She felt awful for getting a perfect score- something she never thought would happen. She worried that maybe she wasn't as upset by Poppy's shipment as the others...

Nina asked them what was wrong and they all cheerfully answered their own version of; "we're so exited for Poppy we got distracted!" 

After all of the kids exited the house, the 8 children met up in their usual place in the woods.
No one spoke for 10 minutes until Hayato broke the silence. "January 14... that's the day of the planned escape." Y/n nodded her head glumly. 

"Can we escape earlier?!" Hannah interjected. 

Y/n hesitated before answering. "We can't. It would jeopardize the other plant's escape. They would increase security once we left." She answered.

Hannah's anger boiled and she shouted. "What the hell?! How can you prioritize the escape of children you don't know over Poppy's life?!"

Y/n looked to the ground. They were right. This was supposed to be her family now. They were the ones she was supposed to love. But Emma, Norman and Ray... not only if they don't escape will it completely ruin the timeline, Emma could never make the promise... Y/n had a thought for a moment that made her feel awful. 'What if I could do it instead? I know the timeline, how to do everything..." but she immediately regretted ever thinking it. 

'This isn't my world. I don't belong here. I would be unfairly changing everything. Hell, I've already messed up the timeline more than enough.' Y/n glumly sighed. What was the use of having a genius brain if she couldn't find the solution. 

Reina was the next to speak. "Why do you care so much about their escape?" She asked. Y/n shut her eyes. She couldn't tell them. But what can she say? All of these children were supposed to die. Every, single, one. They were never supposed to even know about Grace Field house. If she never intervened with their fate, they would've lived a happy life until they were shipped, at least. She wouldn't have put them at risk of being shipped early. They all would've lived until at least 10 years old- likely 11 or 12. But... she couldn't just leave them behind... Y/n took a deep breath. 

Poppy began to tell them that it was okay and she didn't want to jeopardize the plan, but Y/n interrupted her, the plan formulating deep inside her brain rising to the surface.

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