//Peter's resolve//

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So, before you begin reading, Y'ALL ARE CONFLICTED ASF I STG. 

Some of y'all still think Peter Ratri is a rat and Y/N should let him die, (and I mean understandable, especially if you haven't read chapter 173 of the manga), and some of you thought Y/N was rEALLY COOL last chap. (And I mean, she was, so fair enough)

But for me, after rereading chapter 173, I rethought all of my life choices- I can see both James Ratri's point and also Peter Rat's- I mean, both sides opinions are reasonable. In fact, from the Ratri clan's POV, James is the villain, (for sacrificing the safety of the world for the sake of a few sacrifices in comparison), and Peter is the hero, (for sacrificing his brother (who he obviously loved a lot), and the cattle children to save the entire world) (Although, admittedly, he could've gone about it differently)

LIKE SERIOUSLY, if this manga had been written from the point of Peter Ratri, we probably would've had a very different view on things. As things are, we, (as the readers of the manga) were first introduced to the cattle children and their struggles and losses, so it makes it a lot easier to hate him and forget that he's human. 


hope you enjoy this chapter- eventhoughihadnoideawhatwasgoingtohappeninituntilistartedwritingahaahhaha-!!

Also, if you really want to understand this chapter, please read chapter 173 and the first part of chapter 174 before you read :)) (although some of you probably wont be able to hold back, so maybe read it after?)


"You... want to what?" The man murmured out, his confusion evident on his face. Despite being several inches taller than me, he appeared small and confused in my wake. 

"Live on with you." I answered simply, his attention completely directed to me. "I know you've done a lot of bad. But from your point of view... it easily could've been good. For the sake of justice." I sighed, a small smile coming onto my face. "Even if these kids can't forgive you yet, perhaps you have a chance to regain their forgiveness someday. You can repent for your sins."

The tall man's eyes softened into an expression I wasn't expecting. I watched in surprise as he knelt in front of me, coming eye to eye with my gaze. "I see..." He hummed in amusement, his green eyes feeling as if they were staring into my soul, his words seeming as if he had just solved a problem he'd been mulling over for a long time. "There really was something else behind those eyes of yours." 

We stared eye to eye, child to adult, green to blue, farmer to cattle, as the world around us seemed come into focus. From the quiet, barely audible breaths of the Goldy Pond children hiding nearby, to the sound of Emma's hands brushing against her jacket, even the sound of Ray's hands clenching and unclenching on his gun, I felt as if I was aware of everything.

Peter's eyes closed with a smile, my heart racking in my chest. He raised his hand and placed it on my head as I stayed stock still, unaware of what he'd do next, and unable to move because of such. However, as soon as the knife behind his left wrist flicked into his hand, I sprung back to a safe distance away, my hand resting on my gun holster.


"See?" Peter hummed, a boastful expression on his face. "After all that talk, you're still afraid of me."

I swallowed dryly, realizing my mistake. I immediately relaxed my body, my ears ringing from the pressure I was under, my hand dropping from my gun to my side, my shoulders straightening, a bead of sweat rolling down my neck. "Anyone would react like that if you pulled a knife on them." I reasoned.

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