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suppp bestieessss!!!


Benny watched me leap up and pull myself into the vent with a groan. "What kind of legs do you HAVE??!"

I poked my head out over the edge. "What? Do you need me to climb back down and give you a boost?"

Benny paused. "...let's find out."

I leaned out the window and lowered a hand. Benny took a running start and jumped up, gripping onto it. I raised to my feet and grunted, heaving them into the small space, thankfully without yanking my arm out of its socket.

I started crawling quickly through the vent. "Is there a reason you're taking this route?" Benny asked from behind me. "friggin PRINCESS crawling through the most obscure entrance in the castle."

"I'm not–" I started, but relented, a little to tired to argue. "–force of habit." I huffed. "Didn't know before that most of the fellows here already knew I was human. ...Also, I'm supposed to be in bed right now."

"And... you're not?" 

I reached the end of the vent. "No shit." I jumped out and hit the floor, breaking my fall with a roll. Benny jumped out of the vent and landed beside me.

"You can come with me to my room." I turned to them. "If someone asks, I'll tell them you came to me after hearing about the bandit's plan."

"So... lie?" 

I blinked. "Um, yes...?"

Benny frowned. "Lying isn't good." they stated blatantly. "It will always cause more problems later on."

"Believe me, I know." I grumbled. "But you can't get everywhere just by telling the truth."

"Lying to people who care about you is never a good idea." the green-haired demon retorted.

I looked up to the ceiling. "And sometimes, maybe the people who care about you are the people you need to lie to most."

"God," Benny grumbled, "you sound just like Cozbi sometimes."

"Yeah, Cozbi." I chucked, but soon hesitated, chewing my lip. "But listen... rather than Cozbi, I need you to tell me about Aurelia."


I awoke to a quiet knock on my door. "Y/N?" Mujika's voice called into my room. "Are you awake?"

I pressed my face against my pillow with an internal groan. And then I slid off of my bed, stepped on an arm, and fell to the floor. 

Benny didn't even stir. 

"Yeah, I'm– well, I'm awake now." I responded, walking over to the door, stepping on Benny a few more times in the process, and pulling it open. 

"Oh!" Mujika exclaimed, eyes trailing over my bedhead before landing on Benny. "...who's that?"'

"That's uh," I turned around to look at the demon, who was splayed on the ground snoring soundly with a blanket tangling their legs. "That's Benny. You met them before."

"Oh! The lively one." Mujika smiled. "when did they get here?"

"Benny came with me earlier. I asked them to wait into my room for me and catch some rest while I went to the conference room."

"Alright." Mujika nodded. "do you mind?" she gestured to my forehead.

"No," I hummed. Mujika raised a hand to my head and focused a moment.

Reborn into The Promised Neverland//RayxReader//Where stories live. Discover now