//explanation and unease//

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(Did y'all enjoy the wait? No? Too bad LMAO. I didn't even start writing this until 7:30 let's see how long this takes OOPS.

It is now 8:47 and I've finished the chapter. Now to procrastinate on Detective Conan until I edit it. Maybe eat some food too-

It is now 9:40 and I've began editing. Wait let me respond to some comments.

It is now 10:20, and I've finished my editing.

I will now be publishing the story 🥳🥳✌️👁👅👁❤️

Mr Minerva is hot. Was hot. Unless you find corpses attractive.

...I'll leave.

Enjoy~~~ 🥩🥩🍖🥩🥩🥓🍗🥩🍖🥩


I opened my eyes slowly and nervously, awaiting the reaction of everyone in the room.

"You can... what??!" Everyone exclaimed.

I crossed my arms. "I told you you wouldn't believe me!!" I huffed with a pout.

"What does that even mean??!"Emma exclaimed, ruffling her hair as if trying to shake the explanation out of her brain.

I hummed with a smile. "It's sorta like visions! I can see glimpses of the future and past! At least, that's the simpler way of putting it." There were several 'OOh's' and 'Ahhs' throughout the room.

"Then what's the less-simple version?" Ray inquired curiously.

I grinned. "As I mentioned earlier, what I can see are glimpses of the 'Original Timeline'. Before you ask me what that means' I'll explain." I laughed when several kids closed their mouths as I addressed the question on their minds. "Let's use an example. In the original timeline," I pulled the amulet Mujika gave to me from my pocket. "Emma was given this amulet instead of me." I looked to the ginger girl apologetically. "I saw a vision of that while we were with Sonju and Mujika."

"-So that's why you looked so surprised after she gave it to you..." Ray hummed, cupping his chin.

I grinned nervously. "Yeah. It was quite a shock. On that note, what I saw was not the future, if the amulet was given to me. What I saw what was supposed to happen without my involvement. Which is why I call it the 'original timeline'. Essentially, it's what would've been if I didn't have these visions."

I watched as a murmur spread throughout the crowd. All of a sudden Gillian shot up from where she was humming. "Then those hunches of yours-?!!" She exclaimed.

I nodded my head. "Are typically deductions I make off of my visions." I answered. I thought they'd be okay with that for an explanation, but several of the pesky children still had more questions.

"How frequently do they occur?" Reina asked.

"It's random. But the visions I have are usually related to my situation. For example, when meeting Ray for the first time, I saw him attempting to set himself on fire. And..." I sighed. "The 12th of October, I saw my first vision-" I pointed to Emma, Gilda, and the others from plant 3. "their sibling Connie being shipped out." I finished.

"So that explains why you suddenly started planning the escape!!" Niko exclaimed. I smiled and nodded.

"Correct. Several days later when scaling the wall I saw a vision of Emma getting her leg broken, and so on." I furthered.

"I see... it does make sense now..." Ray said with a hum. "Although that's hard to believe... something like that... but in a world of demons, I suppose it's... plausible."

Reborn into The Promised Neverland//RayxReader//Where stories live. Discover now