//Familiar Unfamiliar surroundings//

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(A/N: The title makes sense. Shhh. Also, from here on out the story will be based mainly on the manga but may include extra events from the second season. If you haven't read/watched that far I would recommend doing so before reading! The story will be confusing if you haven't seen it yet.)

Y/n looked up at the massive trees surrounding them.

"They're huge!" She muttered, her comment echoed by many others. She already knew they were massive- but they were even bigger up close. Emma beside her looked up from her compass. Y/n's eyes trailed around the strange plants that were unfamiliar- along with the massive trees that all 23 of the escaped children together could still not wrap their arms around and touch. 

The pace was slowing noticeably and Y/n smiled. Soon they'd eat breakfast.
"Emma!" Don called. Emma responded with a "yeah!" Before announcing that they'd eat breakfast there. Daisy and Niko looked at Y/n, as if asking for permission, who nodded in response. The two plants sat together, sharing their food and eating little to make sure it lasted a while. 

Y/n grabbed herself a bun and walked after Emma, who'd just left to take watch. 

Y/n watched Ray approach Emma from the bushes. He plopped a jar of water on her head and reassured her and Y/n smiled. They're were both so close... it made ever heart hurt a little. She wished she were that close with them... but she shook her head. She didn't belong here. 

She watched sadly before leaving, heading back to her own family. 

"No matter what happens, I won't cut them off." She heard Ray promise. Y/n sighed and continued the journey back to the others. Then she stopped, remembering the conversation the two others would be having right now. She felt for the pen in her pocket and was happy to feel it still there. She turned back around and jogged towards the two kids. 

Y/n arrived just as Emma was explaining about twisting the pen. She watched as Ray did it and the small screen glowed. Y/n's eyes glittered in excitement. 

"Yo!" She called as she approached. Ray and Emma turned to her, surprised. Y/n grinned and pulled out her pen. 

"Talking about these?" She asked. Emma nodded, her eyes happy.

"You guys have one too?!" She said excitedly. Y/n smiled and nodded.

"It was an unexpected gift from one of the previous children from our farm-"

"LANI?!" There came a sudden shout and Y/n cussed. There's too many things going on at once! 

"What's up, Thoma?" 

"Emma! Ray! This is bad! Lani disappeared!" 

"What's going on? Was he attacked! Or did he get lost..." Emma conversed with the young boy nervously. Y/n glanced around as they spoke, looking for the way she came. She ran back to the clearing and was unsurprised to see them all gone. Her fists were clenched when the kids from her plant were missing too. But... all of them had Mr. Minivera's adventure book memorized! Maybe they would reach a conclusion before they even arrived.

"Oi!" Ray called at Y/n. Y/n looked back to him as the three kids came running at her. "They're gone?!" He shouted and asked at the same time.

"They were gone when I got here too..." 

"Where did they go?" 

"Stay calm! The older kids from my plant are with them, too! I'm sure they'll be okay..." Y/n tried to reassure them. She remembered what happened next and braced herself, seconds before the ground suddenly opened and swallowed them whole.

Y/n stood up off the ground as she heard Emma and Chris 2.0 meet. She called out to Ray and Thoma, who responded with shouting, 

"AGHHH! A BUGGGG!" To which Ray echoed; "You hear that? We're fine!" 

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