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Loki's green eyes lifted from the work she was bent over, her quill stopping mid-sentence as she gazed at Remus. Her eyebrows furrowed. Sirius was nowhere in sight. Loki wondered who Remus could potentially be speaking to. However, no thoughts came to her head.

"Sirius," Remus huffed, spinning around, and Loki leaned back to see who, or what, he was talking to. She was pleasantly surprised to see a large black dog trailing after the boy. "I'm sorry about him, Loki, but he insisted." The Hufflepuff frowned, her eyes flicking up to Remus before looking back down to the dog.

"I'm confused," she admitted.

Remus sat down beside her, the dog following behind him before it carefully stepped around the girl's work and planted itself down on the other side, resting its head on her lap. It's brown eyes peered up at her, a short snort leaving the animal's mouth. She gently scratched the top of the dog's head, smiling down at it.

"Sirius," Remus stared down at the canine. Loki frowned.

The dog seemed to narrow its eyes at Remus. It removed itself from Loki's legs, trotting around the tree. The Hufflepuff watched the canine disappear, and Loki swivelled her head to Remus, hoping for an explanation. However, instead of her eyes landing on Remus, they landed on Sirius emerging from the other side of the tree, scratching his ear. Loki's eyes widened, her eyebrows furrowing. She blinked at the boy. Sirius smirked at her, stepping around her work before planting himself on the other side of Loki, resting his head on her lap. Loki stared down at him, and her mind desperately worked away for an understanding of the situation.

"What, not going to scratch my head again, Princess?" Sirius grinned cockily. Loki's face warmed at his statement as realisation dawned on her.

"That was you?" Loki blinked. "So, your animagus is a dog? That's..."

"What?" Sirius hummed curiously, his bemused smirk not lessening.

"Not surprising," Loki hummed, nodding. "Anywho, will we be studying, or did you happen to forget?"

Sirius scrunched up his face at Loki's teasing tone, then pulled his bag from Remus, pulling out several pieces of parchment. Loki raised her eyebrows in mock surprise. She laughed softly at Sirius before pressing a gentle kiss to his lips and pulling away with a smile.

"What were you doing before we got here?" Remus queried, unbothered by the pair's behaviour. Loki turned to him, then began to sift through the parchment around her. "By the way, Loki, we're sorry about the thing with your brother."

"It's alright, Remus," Loki smiled, holding up some parchment. "You know, it's really nice when it's the three of us. We should have another date next weekend."

"Are we going to study then, too?" Sirius asked.

"No studying," the Hufflepuff replied with a grin. "It's good to have a break from studying once in a while."

"Breaks are always good," Sirius spoke. He placed his hands behind his head, still on the girl's knees, and sighed.

"Sirius, get up; we're still studying today." Remus sighed without sparing a look his way, organising his work. "You promised." His words were returned with a groan from the dark-haired Gryffindor. Sirius sat up and pulled his bag with him. "Thank you."


"What's not?" Loki peered around her canvas a Nicolas, watching the boy furrow his eyebrows at the piece of paper in front of him. "What is it, Nic?"

"It's a letter from Ja... no one, nevermind," he stuffed the letter into his robes, shaking his head. "How's the piece going?"

Loki hummed, her green eyes flicking back to the art piece. "It's... coming along. There's potential here."

"You better not think about quitting this, alright? They've been waiting long enough for one of your artworks. I think it's time you deliver," Nicolas held his wand up to jokingly threaten his best friend. Loki chuckled lightly, pressing brush to the canvas once more. "No, but seriously, thank you for doing this for them."

"They're your parents, Nic," Loki smiled, peeking around her canvas again, "of course I would do this for them. They're the one's that birthed you."

"Ew, no, that sounds weird." He pulled a face, and Loki laughed in response.

The two fell into a comfortable silence again. The sun's rays warmed them up, all thoughts of the impending exams long gone, blown away with the spring breeze. Nicolas focused on his book once more, muttering the incantations of the Charms spells. Loki half-listened, more focused on making sure her paint stayed within the lines she'd sketched onto the canvas's fabric face.

"Loki," Nicolas uttered after numerous minutes. She hummed to acknowledge he was speaking to her. "Once we graduate, are you going to leave me? Are you going to head off with Sirius and Remus?"

Loki halted her brush. She set it down and stood up, walking in front of the boy. He looked up at her, watching as she crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow. Loki tucked a lock of dark hair behind her ear, staring down at him. Nicolas couldn't read her thoughts.

"Why would you think that?" She queried after several tense seconds. Nicolas shrugged. Loki frowned and crouched in front of him. "Why would I leave you? You're my best friend in the whole world, Nic, and I'll always be here for you. Besides, now isn't the time to worry about this. We still have next year. And you never know if Remus, Sirius and I will still be a thing."

"Trust me, Loki," Nicolas snorted, "I think I do."

Loki laughed as well, letting out a sigh. "I suppose you're right." She fell onto her backside and pulled her knees closer to her chest. "If you really want something to worry about, we can discuss the exams which aren't that far away. Or the impending two month holiday that's just over a month away."

"Ugh, don't remind me," Nicolas rolled his eyes. He leant back, placing the book of the grass before probing himself up with his elbows behind him. "You should get back to painting," he hummed, glancing at the abandoned canvas. "Such fine art doesn't make itself," he teased.

"It will if I give my wand a wave," Loki joked. Nicolas cracked a grin, feigning a kick at the girl. "You have nothing to worry about, Nic," Loki smiled and stood up once more, dusting herself off. "You'd be nothing without my help."

"Lies," he disagreed, "all lies, Loki."

"My namesake is the god of mischief and trickery," she winked.

"Oh, sod off," Nicolas laughed.


Hello, wonderful people. How are you all doing today? I hope you've been keeping hydrated and fed. in fact, how about we have a sip of water together, yeah. I'll get a water bottle right now, and you get your water ready, and we'll have some right now. :)

ready? Alright, take your sip, and I'll take mine. Did you do it? Yeah? Wonderful! Thank you for that! I'm very proud of you, by the way, not just for drinking some water but for all that you've done.

I'll let you get going now, but thank you for reading, lovely. Haze a good day/afternoon/night, and I'll see you next time. Bye!

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