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"Then maybe you should get some more sleep instead of staying up and studying, Loki," James commented, peering over his glasses at the girl.

"How do you know I was studying?" Loki queried. She raised her eyebrow at the boy, who returned the look with an otherwise blank expression. "Alright, maybe I was a little," she admitted, her cheeks twinging pink. "I hope you've been studying as well, James. You want to become an Auror, right? You need good grades for a job like that."

The Gryffindor grinned and pushed his glasses up his nose. "I actually have been studying a lot. And it's kind of surprising how much I actually understand when I get into it," he replied. Loki clapped lightly at the boy. He bowed slightly, flourishing his hand.

"What are we applauding him for?" The pair turned their attention to Sirius, who was trailed closely by Peter.

"I was just congratulating him on studying more," Loki replied. "Where's Remus?" She queried.

"The full moon's the day after tomorrow," Sirius replied without further explanation. Loki frowned, understanding completely and immediately feeling bad for the boy. Noticing the dampen on her mood, Sirius took his usual spot beside her and slung his arm over her shoulder, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "Don't worry, Princess. We'll bring him back in one piece for you."

"I know," Loki smiled in response.  "I just don't like knowing he might be in pain because of it."

James frowned, sharing a look with his best friend. "Neither do we, Loki. Trust us. We know what you're going through right now."

"Yeah," Peter agreed. "Just remember Remus gets through it because he knows you're there for him. He told me himself."

"Oh," Loki stared wide-eyed at Peter. Her gaze turned to Sirius, who grinned widely and nodded. Her cheeks burned, her heart skipping a beat. "Wow."

She was unsure of how to respond, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear and averting her gaze to her half-eaten breakfast. A grin wormed its way onto her face. Remus always knew how to make her flustered in a way Sirius couldn't and vice versa. Sirius wooed with actions, but Remus wooed with words, somehow knowing exactly what to say to get her heart racing. Despite his awkward demeanour sometimes, he was her personal poet. It amazed Loki how his simple words could turn her into mush.

"Such a wordsmith, hm?" Sirius poked her side, and his teasing tone caused Loki to blush even more. She lifted her gaze only to narrow her eyes at him. He merely smirked with amusement in response. "I can see why you love him, Princess. Even if I'm the favourite."

"As if," James snorted. "If I were Loki, I would choose Remus."

"Neither of you are my favourite," Loki spoke up before the debate could get heated. "I don't have favourites. Unless it's Nicolas, he is superior to the rest of you."

"Ouch." Sirius placed his hand over his heart, moved back sightly and blinking at Loki. "I thought you loved me."

"I do," Loki answered. "Nicolas and I just have a closer bond."

"You can't fault her for that."

"Speak of the devil," James turned around, giving Nicolas a once over. "I was starting to think you weren't coming."

"Then stop thinking, and you'll be good," Nicolas replied, taking the spot beside the boy. James raised his eyebrow in amusement. "Did I miss anything?" Nicolas queried.

"Nothing important," Loki replied, shooting her best friend a grin.



"Why?" Loki frowned as her head turned to Sirius.

The pair currently sat beside each other in the library. Loki had her runes homework in front of her, hastily scribbling down the necessary information on her piece of parchment. On the other hand, Sirius was listing all the work Remus needed to catch up on at the same time as he completed it.

Sirius frowned at the girl. "I finished my homework for DADA. Doesn't that deserve a kiss?" He bit back his smirk.

"Let me finish this question, and I'll get back to you," she replied. Sirius's face fell. However, all Loki did was dot the end of her sentence before turning to Sirius. She gave him a peck on the lips and pulled back with a mischievous grin. "There. Satisfied?"

"I thought you were going to make me wait for five minutes," Sirius admitted, laughing to himself. Loki grinned victoriously. The pair were still sitting close enough; they could feel each other's breaths gently against their skin. "But I am satisfied. Thank you, Princess."

"We should get back to studying. The start of our exams is in less than four weeks," Loki spoke, gulping when she realised how close they still were.

Her eyes flicked to his lips without meaning to, her breath hitching. Sirius licked his lips, glancing away only to place his quill into his inkpot. His hand came under Loki's chin, lifting her head gently. He smiled reassuringly as soon as he noticed the nervousness flickering in her green eyes. He leant down, his lips brushing against hers. She leant up without warning, fully connecting their lips.

They'd kissed before, of course, but at that moment, the kiss didn't seem like any old kiss. All Sirius could think about was how soft her lips were. He'd never noticed before. His hand moved from her chin to cup her cheek. He felt her hand on his wrist.

Loki wasn't sure what came over her when she moved closer to him. She seemed to forget they were in a public space where anyone could pass by and see them. Her mind span, a wave of airy dizziness striking her. She loosely gripped the wrist of the hand Sirius had cupping her cheek, using it to ground her.

Neither were sure who broke the kiss, but they didn't mind. Sirius watched as Loki averted her gaze. Her fingers slipped from his hand, ghosting over her lips instead. Sirius's hand stayed on her cheek, and he gently stroked her skin with his thumb, pulling her gaze back to him. He studied her face carefully, pondering his next words.

"Maybe we could take a break from studying for a moment, hm?" He suggested. His signature smirk returned to his lips as he leant closer once again.


Hello, friend. How are you doing today? I hope you're doing well. And I hope you're drinking water and have had snacks. If you can, get some water now and grab a snack. Take care of yourself, okay? You deserve it.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading it, and I'll see you next time, loves. Goodbye! :)

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