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Loki turned her attention to the boy beside her, her eyes wide with questioning, and cocked her head. Remus looked her up and down before their eyes connected and his face turned red. He brought a hand up to scratch the back of his neck, offering her a grin.

"I didn't say it before, so I thought I should just say it now," he explained.

"I'll have to thank Lily and Marlene again," Loki hummed, smoothing out the front of her blouse. "She's great at making fashion choices, and Marlene is incredible when it comes to makeup."

"You look really... you look great," Remus complimented her, taking in the sight of her once more.

"You make it seem like I'm wearing something other than casual clothes," Loki let out a soft laugh. "I mean, sure I'm a little fancied up, but I didn't think it was such a big difference."

"It's not! I just... I just thought you deserved the compliment," Remus explained. "I mean, you always deserve compliments, but I guess this is more of a special occasion?"

"Because this is an official date?"

"Yeah," Remus let out a nervous laugh.

"Well, thank you, Remus," Loki tucked her hair behind her ear. "You're looking quite handsome yourself."

Remus let out a breath of laughter. "Thanks."

"So," Loki looked at their hands, interlocked the entire time, then back up at Remus, "what was the first activity?"

"We were going to get lunch from the kitchens," Remus replied.

"Well, then, let's go," Loki grinned, tugging the boy along.

The pair made their way to the lower floor. Remus couldn't help but admire Loki as she walked slightly in front of him. A soft smile formed on his face as he gazed at her. How he felt was almost enough to make him forget about the impending full moon due in a week.

Remus squeezed her hand. Loki looked back at him, grinning widely. He felt his heart skip a beat, feeling breathless. He clenched his free hand, swallowing the lump in his throat.

"Remus? Are you coming in?" The boy blinked back into reality. He gazed at Loki, who stood in the entryway of the kitchens.

"Yeah, sorry," he breathed, stepping in after her.

"Lady Loki!" Both students turned their heads to the sound of a house-elf.

"Oh! Brell!" Loki bent down, lowering to her knees as she greeted the familiar creature. "How are you?"

Remus stared at Loki and the house-elf called Brell curiously. It was clear the pair were more than familiar with one another.

Remus couldn't help but smile at Loki as she gave the elf a gentle pat on the head.

"What can Brell get you, Lady Loki?" Brell inquired, beaming brightly.

"I've told you it's okay just to call me Loki," the Hufflepuff smiled. "Remus, what would you like for lunch?"

"You two are having lunch? Don't worry, Brell will cook something up quick!" The house-elf hurried away without another word from the students. "Have a seat!" They heard her call out from somewhere within the kitchen.


"Isn't this your favourite spot?" Remus frowned at the girl.

"Yeah, I just forget how breathtaking it is," Loki responded.

She smiled, letting go of his hand as she stepped forward. She breathed in deeply, watching the light fall of snow.

Remus watched her, lowering the basket of food Brell gave them. He stepped behind her. His hazel eyes gazed out over the frozen terrain of the school's grounds. Remus peered down at the girl in front of him, his hands moving on their own as they wrapped around her waist, holding her tightly to his chest.

Loki froze at the feeling of Remus's warm arms hugging her waist. She looked down at them, blinking before her hands covered his. Her head rested back against his chest, and her eyes closed. A soft smile came to rest on Loki's face.

Remus, who'd long since stopped breathing, let out a breath of relief. Loki's acceptance of his hug made him grin and caused his cheeks to heat. He felt her head rest against his chest and took a second to kiss the top of it.

Remus gazed back out into the snow. He sat his head on top of hers and smiled.

"Loki," he spoke up after a moment. His voice was soft, hoping not to disturb the aura they'd created. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah," she nodded gently. "What is it?"

"How would you feel if I asked you to go out with me? As in dating me?"

Loki fell silent at his question. Remus's heart thumped in his chest so hard he was sure the Hufflepuff he was hugging could hear it. He lifted his head from hers, watching her intently.

Loki's inhale was quick the moment the question left Remus's lips. Her heart sped up, and her chest felt light. However, her throat felt dry. She couldn't help but think of Sirius. Her conversation with him mere days ago replayed in her head.

"Love you!"

"Remus," Loki spoke, "I have to tell you something."

Loki spun around to face Remus. She could see the flash of fear cross his face.

"I'd feel bad if I didn't tell you." Loki averted her gaze and swallowed.

Remus pulled up a hand, gently stroking her face with his knuckle. "What is it?" He asked, trying to stay calm. His shaking voice gave him away, though.

"The other day, Sirius and I were talking and..." She bit her lip, thinking of a way to structure her sentence. Remus waited for her to continue. "Sirius told me he loves me. But it was like 'love you!' as he said goodbye. I don't know how to take it, or if he meant it."

"He wasn't lying then," Remus spoke, let out a defeated chuckle. Loki frowned at him. "He meant it."


"How do you feel about him?" Remus inquired. He couldn't help feeling as if Sirius beat him.

"I mean, I like him," Loki admitted. He hummed, looking down. Loki quickly cupped his cheeks, bringing his gaze back to her eyes. "But I like you, too, Remus. You already know it."

"So?" Remus's hand that was on her face, his thumb gently stroked her cheek. "Will you still go out with me?"

Loki pulled his face down, connecting her lips with his. His heart picked up pace, as did Loki's. Remus's hand kept hold of her waist as the other stayed on her cheek. Loki's hands moved to cup the back of his neck, with the other toying with his hair.

They broke away after seconds that felt like minutes. Both were breathless. Loki gazed up at Remus, smiling softly.



ngl, i was really into this chapter. idk what to say. loki and remus tho... (•̀ᴗ•́)و small victory there.

what did you think? i hope you enjoyed. leave a comment, vote and i'll see y'all later :)

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