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Sirius, Remus and Peter looked back to where Loki sat with Nicolas at the Hufflepuff table for breakfast. The three of them turned to James, who kept his head low.

"Can you shut up about it," James glanced up from the newest Daily Prophet issue to his best mates.

"You're going to have to talk about it eventually, James," Remus spoke up. "We're not letting it be another Sirius/Me situation."

"I think it's already passed that stage," Sirius commented. He turned around to the Hufflepuff's again. "James, I think Loki's actually mad at you," he spoke, noticing Loki's upset expression as soon as he saw her gaze their way. He waved, and she smiled, waving back. "Yeah, she's definitely mad at you."

"What did he tell her?" James muttered with a sigh. He glanced up, peering at the girl through his lashes. Her gaze was locked on him, a deep frown and furrowed eyebrows displaying her agitation with him.

"Speak with him in Divination, James," Peter suggested. "Loki won't be there to glare daggers at you."

James shook his head. He dropped his spoon into his cereal, grabbing his bag as he stood up. The three other boys watched as the boy with glasses wordlessly walked away, only offering Lily a smile as he went past, quickly heading out the doors. Sirius, Peter and Remus watched him disappear before exchanging looks.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors to see who goes after him?" Sirius asked, holding out his hand.

"Sirius," Remus sighed, "get up and go. We all know it's your turn."

Sirius huffed before gathering his things. He narrowed his eyes at Remus in annoyance and followed after his best friend.


"Between Nic and James?" Loki queried, looking up at Sirius from where she lay on his chest. Sirius hummed yes in response, his fingers dancing lightly over her upper arm. "All I can tell you is Nic did something, James didn't stop him, Nicolas said something, and now things have gotten awkward between them," Loki replied, and shivered under his touch. "I can't tell you anything else unless Nicolas gives me permission."

"Man," Sirius sighed, gazing up at the blue sky once more.

"Afternoon, you two." The pair's eyes moved to their left, seeing Remus sitting down beside them.

"Afternoon, Remus," Loki smiled at the boy now beside her.

"How was your detention?" Sirius smirked. Having not been caught by their Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Sirius was able to get out of gaining detention and was very proud of himself for doing so.

Remus sent the boy a glare. "Your welcome, by the way."

"Thanks, Moony," Sirius smiled sweetly at him.

"So, what were you two talking about before I got here?" Remus inquired, turning to Loki as he began to rummage in his bag. 

"Nicolas and James," she replied. "But that's over now. I don't wish to speak about it any more. What did Professor Mirth make you do? And why did you get detention in the first place?"

"Sirius and I were mucking about with something," Remus replied, grinning as he pulled out a bar of chocolate. "He came around while I had it in my hands, so he gave me detention for it. I covered for Sirus, too. Want some?" He offered a piece of chocolate to the girl, who eagerly took it, then gave a bit to Sirius. "He made me clean out the creature tanks." Remus screwed up his face in distaste at the memory before biting into his chocolate piece.

"Eugh," Sirius stuck out his tongue at the mention of the creature tanks. "I've had to do that before. Not a very good memory to have."

Loki let out a small giggle. Both boys looked down at her, their eyebrows raised. She innocently bit off some chocolate.

"You've never had a detention before, have you?" Remus inquired. Loki looked over at him and shook her head with a smile. "Believe me, you're lucky. I only get dragged into it because the people I hang out with."

"Remus, we both know that's a lie," Loki laughed. "If that were really the case, I'm sure I would've been dragged to a detention by now."

"It's because she's got a good sense of right and wrong, Moony," Sirius grinned. "We don't. All we know is how to have fun."

"Are you saying not getting is trouble means I'm not having fun?" Loki flipped herself over and pushed herself up onto her knees to look at Sirius properly. He merely shrugged at her. "I may not get in detention, but it's only because I know how to have some fun without getting caught."

"Listen, Princess," Sirius pushed himself up. "We don't get caught every time."

"You still get caught," Loki pointed out.

Remus's eyes flicked from Sirius to Loki as if he were watching an even match of Quidditch. He smiled to himself, biting off some more chocolate. He watched the pair playfully bicker, with expressions that seemed switched. Loki held a victorious smirk as Sirius seemed muddled, even slightly flustered.

Their small argument continued for a further minute or two before Sirius grabbed the girl in a hug and pulled her in his direction. She let out a yelp in surprise at the feeling of falling. Her eyes instinctively shut, but Loki never felt herself hit the ground. She heard Sirius chuckle and blinked her eyes open.

"Oh, come on," Sirius smirked up at Loki from underneath her, "you really thought I'd let you hit the ground?"

"Sirius!" Loki lightly whacked the boy's chest. She tried to push herself up, but Sirius held her tightly to him, stopping her from doing so. She huffed in defeat, giving up. "I hate you," Loki grumbled, staring down at him with a frown.

"I love you, too, Princess." Sirius pushed up slightly, pressing his lips to Loki's in a quick kiss.

Remus, who had turned away when Loki fell in case of any unwanted reveals, risked a glance back at the pair. He couldn't help the wave of jealousy that rolled over him when he saw Loki's bashful smile. Remus swallowed the feeling down, reminding himself he should be happy for Loki's happiness. His hazel eyes blinked back into focus, and he realised Loki was turned his way with a half-smile. Sirius watched him too, a smirk on his expression.

"Enjoying the view, Moony?" Sirius teased.

"Oh, shove off, Padfoot," Remus kicked the boy's shin, turning his head away.

"Sirius," Loki sent Sirius a disappointed face.

Loki turned to Remus again. She raised her arm, her body still stuck in Sirius's grip and tapped Remus's leg. He looked back, and she beckoned him closer. Remus frowned slightly, but followed her instructions and leant down closer to her. Once her was close enough, Loki cupped his cheek so he wouldn't move and pecked him on the lips.

"Don't worry, Remus," Loki spoke softly with a smile, "I love you, too."


hey! How are you? I hope you've been doing well. :) I feel like I'm slightly spoiling myself and you all with these updates.

If you haven't seen my announcements, then I'll let you know that I'm focusing more on Pale Aqua than my other books at the moment. Also, I got a burst of inspiration and wrote the timeskip/final chapter last night, and it reached almost 2000 words 👀

I hope you enjoyed, vote and comment if you wish, and I'll see you next time! :)

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