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The students of Hogwarts were consumed with study, preparation for the exams they faced and desperately attempting to complete the assignments they had due. Houses intermingled within study periods, most forgetting small quarrels to work together. Older students aided younger years with their troubles, all while finishing their work. Teachers observed the groups, surprised their students had been hiding such concentration the entire year. Within the houses, years held study groups, lending their talents to those in need. The entirety of Hogwarts was buzzing with the study spirit, the energy of students frantic to finish homework and assessments and the ever-looming dread of results they wouldn't receive until school was finished.

The weather warmed as the days dragged on. Soon students had discarded their long-sleeved robes on weekends and stopped dressing in their cardigans. The reward of keeping cool tempted more than a few students to dip their toes into the water of the Black Lake, as well. 

Loki found the weather to be a great time to paint and took numerous free moments to get her things and sit in the shade of one of the few trees outside, her focus fixed on her art.

"Just think, only a few more weeks, and you'll have all the time in the world to hang out with me and do this," Sirius sighed, resting his chin on Loki's right shoulder to watch her work. He resisted the temptation to hold her waist, instead keeping his hands by his side as he sat behind her.

"That would be grand," Loki hummed, only half-listening to the boy speak. Sirius pouted. She sighed as if sensing his disheartened reaction. "Sorry, Sirius."

"It's alright," he mumbled.

"Hey," Loki placed the brush gently on her palette, "don't get like that." Sirius moved his head from her shoulder as Loki turned around, frowning at him. "Let me just finish this one section, and then I'll be all yours for the remainder of the afternoon."

Sirius grinned broadly, excited by the proposal. Loki couldn't but smile in response. He nodded and returned to his previous position once Loki turned back around. Sirius pressed a gentle kiss to the side of Loki's neck, earning a shiver in response, then one on her jaw before turning his attention to her painting.

The couple fell into silence. Sirius's eyes trailed to the other students outside, soaking up the sun's rare rays for as long as they could, then others playing some sort of muggle tackle game, then moving to the groups of students who were studying in the light.

His attention was pulled back to Loki when she began to hum. It wasn't something new to him, as she did when it was only her, him and Remus around, but it was something rare, even in those moments. She only ever repeated the same song. He didn't mind, however. When he brought it up with her, she told him it was a song her mother would sing to her as a lullaby, but she couldn't remember the words, only the melody. Loki often hummed it when they were studying, disliking silence.

"There," Loki spoke, startling Sirius's eyes open -- he didn't even know he'd closed them -- to look at her canvas.

She'd finished painting the skin of a woman, the different shades of brown contrasting the light colours of the flower field the woman of the painting laid in. Sirius stared at it for another moment or two, then turned to Loki, pulling away from her shoulder.

"As promised," she spoke, holding out her hand to the Gryffindor as she turned around, "I am now yours for the remainder of the afternoon."

Sirius's smile broadened to an eager grin. He took her hand in his without hesitation and stood up, pulling her upright after. He pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her waist, the couple locking gaze. Sirius smiled lazily as he stared at her. Loki waited patiently for him to speak, resting one hand on his shoulder, keeping her paint-covered left one away from his clothes.

"First," he spoke softly, neither breaking eye contact, "we need to clean up your things. Then the real fun begins." However, both of them still didn't move after Sirius spoke his words.

"What have you got planned for me this afternoon?" Loki queried instead, her eyebrow lifting slightly as she cocked her head.

He hummed, his head turning to the side as he thought. Loki moved her head with his, keeping her gaze locked on his face. When he turned back, he pressed a kiss to her lips, then, with a satisfied grin at her startled expression, repeated his actions once more.

"How would you like to help me pull off a prank, Princess? Just the two of us?" He suggested, an impish smirk dinning his face, the spark of mischief glowing in his dark eyes. Loki found it hard to refuse his offer. "I promise it will be fun. And if we get caught, I'll take the downfall. You won't get in trouble."

"Is that really so smart, so close to finishing your exams?" Loki inquired, averting her gaze to fix his collar with her right hand.

"Alright, alternative idea," he spoke up, biting his lip as he watched her. "Instead of actually going through with it now, we just plan it, so it's the perfect prank for a post-exam student body? Does that sound better, Princess?"

Loki shrugged. She'd never actually helped pull off a prank and had no experience planning any. She supposed the experience would be fun, and knowing it was with Sirius and was something he enjoyed doing would make the experience better. Loki swallowed, trying to pull her mind away from the anxious warnings and danger signs that appeared as soon as the boy in front of her mentioned the word 'prank'.

"Alright," Loki nodded, lifting her head to the boy in front of her. "Alright, I'll help you. But you have to promise me one thing."

"Anything, my dear," he smiled, hooking under her chin with his index finger.

"We have to make sure Remus is caught in it, too," Loki smirked. Sirius's eyebrows shot up at her request, but a similar cheeky grin formed on his face moments after.

"Deal. And we seal it with a kiss." They leant in, connecting lips with grins on their faces. "You, Princess, are the best girlfriend I've ever had."


hello, wonderful and amazing readers and friends, how are you doing? I hope you're doing well. if not, I'm sending you lots of love and hugs and kisses and tiny wizard frogs on mushrooms your way so you smile again. and even if you are having a good day, you also get them.

i don't have much to say, so I'll let you go for now. drink water, grab a snack and I'll see you later. bye for now! :) 

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