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Remus jumped in fear at the quiet noise. Quickly trying to ignore the itching of his flesh, he turned to the owner of the voice. Loki stood at the wall, gazing in his and Sirius's direction. Remus's eyes moved their attention to Sirius, who lay softly snoring on the Hufflepuff sofa behind him, then back to the girl and nodded.

"Can I join you down there?" Loki queried, shifting her weight to her other foot.

"Sure," Remus replied without missing a beat. He moved over to the side, and Loki hurried to sit down beside him. "Couldn't sleep?"

"Not really, " she admitted. "You too?"

"I wasn't feeling well, " Remus told her. "Don't worry, though. It's just a headache."

Loki nodded. She lifted her knees to her chest, resting her hands on top, and began to wring her fingers together. She glanced at Remus from the corner of her eye. She noticed his gaze fixated on the fire in front of them. She opened her mouth to speak, then closed it again, then reopened it.

"How was your little adventure to the kitchen?" Loki inquired.

"Sirius did everything he wanted to do," Remus grinned slightly in amusement as he remembered their outing to the kitchens not long ago. "It was quite fun. I think you would have enjoyed seeing what goes into our pranks. Even small ones."

"I'm sure I would have," Loki let out a soft laugh.

Her eyes fell to Remus's hands resting beside him. She glanced at her own hand, then to Remus's face. He was looking at his and her hand as well. Then they locked eyes, and he smiled softly. Loki let her hand fall, and she gripped his without thinking. His smile grew wider. Loki flushed.

"So, this other guy, " Remus began as Loki averted her gaze. "The one who's not Sirius, what do you think of him?"

"He's funny, " Loki began after a moment's hesitation. "He's kind and gentle. He's smart, too. He has this sort of air of comfort, and he makes you want to spill all your secrets to him." Loki nervously bit her lip. "He's super trustworthy, too. I love hanging around with him"

"Loki?" She turned to Remus immediately.

"Yeah?" Loki could feel her heart thumping. If her palm wasn't already sweaty, she was sure Remus would be feeling it by then.

"Can I–" Remus paired, feeling his nerves bubble in his chest. The lump in his throat was massive. "Can I try something?"

"Anything, " Loki breathed.

Remus swallowed the lump. His eyes flicked to the girl's lips for a split second as he began to mean forward. He could hear his heart and hers beating, their rhythm mixing together. Loki's breath hitched in her throat as she realised what Remus was doing.

Bringing up the hand that wasn't interlaced with hers, Remus cupped her cheek. With the light, tingling feeling spreading through his chest, Remus gently pressed his lips to Loki's.

Both felt all air leave their lungs at the action. Loki's hand squeezed Remus's while she kissed him back. Her eyes fluttered shut of their own accord as all thoughts flew out of her head.

When he pulled away, Loki took a moment to compose herself before opening her eyes. Remis was already starting at her, disbelief was written all over his face. He blinked. Loki lifted her free hand to touch the tingling area on her lips. Remus's hand stayed on her face for a moment longer before he pulled it away.

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