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Loki dropped her conversation with Max and Peter as soon as she noticed the boy shuffling in the corridor. The girl abandoned the pair she was with and ran up to hug the blonde. Nicolas let out a small laugh, wrapping his arms around the girl and giving her a few pats on the back. When the pair pulled apart, Nicolas was first to speak up.

"Sorry about disappearing for a week," he grinned sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "Everything's all good, now. And, now that it's finally December and Christmas time is here, I'll go tell Potter and Black they played a good game and hopefully, I can get back to the regular routine. Couldn't have come back at a better time, right?

"Yeah. It's nice to see you again, Nicolas," Peter greeted the boy as he and Max joined their friends.

"Good to see you back at it," Max shot the boy a lopsided grin, even though he didn't know Nicolas that well.

"Yeah, good to be back," Nicolas chuckled. He raised his arms above his head and stretched them. "Merlin, what have I missed?"

"Remus asked Loki out on a date!" Peter spoke, blurting out what was to stay a secret. Loki squeaked in surprise, her face heating up. Nicolas turned to the girl with a raised eyebrow.

"Really?" The girl disliked the grin on his face.

"It's not a date, Peter," Remus sighed, seemingly appearing from nowhere behind the shorter boy. Loki whipped her head around to him, noticing the tired look on his face. "Morning, Nicolas," he tipped his head slightly as a hello to the Hufflepuff. His eyes flicked to the girl, and she swore she saw his mouth quirk a little. "Morning."

"Mo--morning, Remus," she sent a flustered smile his way. A pause of silence came after that.

"Nicolas, don't we have Transfiguration now?" Max inquired, and it was clear he was trying to find some way out of the situation. "Yes, yes, come along." He grabbed Nicolas's arm, and then Peter's, and hauled them away. Right before he turned the corner, Nicolas sent the girl a wink.

"Well, that wasn't suspicious at all," Remus laughed, his gaze turning away from the boys to Loki once more. "Don't know why Peter went with them. We have Potions now." He shook his head and scratched his neck. "Walk with me there?"

Loki nodded, keeping her head bent. She just didn't want to see the confusing display of emotion on her face. She didn't want him to gaze upon her annoyed expression, the redness in her cheeks and the fact that her tongue sat, caught between her teeth.

"I woke up yesterday to find Sirius had joined us," Remus mused, glancing at the girl from the corner of his eye. "I don't know if you realised it. And you both were dead asleep, and I didn't want to wake you, so I just let you be."

"Yeah, I knew," she muttered. "Um, about yesterday, how are you feeling, Remus?" Finally, she chose to look up at the male beside her. "You look tired. Did you get enough sleep?"

"I'm still feeling a tad out of it, but the nap yesterday helped," he chuckled. "Other than that, I honestly couldn't get much sleep." Loki sent him a look of worry, but he waved her off with a smile. "Don't worry about me, Loki. You should be worrying more about Sirius. I'm pretty sure he didn't get a single wink last night."

"Oh." Loki lowered her head with a frown. "Um, we better get moving unless we want to be late." She spat out, hoping to avoid any awkward silence. Remus nodded.


"It's not a date."

"Yes, it is. It's a date."

"Padfoot, shut up, it's not a date."

"Might not be, but you want it to be."

"Would you be quiet!"

"You didn't say no."


"Ow! Merlin, Remus. Hit me harder, would you?" Sirius groaned, rubbing his aching arm. Loki kept her mouth closed as she peered into the cauldron she shared with the long-haired male. She didn't want the pair to know that they weren't the best whisperers and that she could hear every word they said. "You still didn't say no." The boy muttered once more.

"Just because you aren't man enough!" Remus whisper-shouted once more, his hand swiping to collide with the side of Sirius's head.

Loki turned her eyes to her book. She needed a Motherwort sprig and a beetle eye. After they were in her potion, she would need to stir the mixture clockwise exactly thirteen times. Loki hummed, turning to the ingredients she had scattered around.

"Fine!" Sirius huffed, shooting Remus a glare. He turned his body around, his full attention on the girl as she fiddled with the hair tie that kept her hair up. "Hey, Princess?" 

"Hmm?" She hummed, shooting a glance his way before going back to her searching.

Remus's eyes widened as he realised what Sirius was doing. James and Peter listened in, too, with the former tightly gripping the sickle in his pocket as he tried to hide his grin. Lily Evans, who pretended she was annoyed she was stuck working with Potter, couldn't help but look their way, too.

"How do you feel about going ou--" a loud crash interrupted the boy. All heads in the dungeon classroom whipped to their table. "Merlin's beard, Remus!"

Loki jumped out of her chair and rushed to Peter and Remus's sides. The two boys stared in shock at the mess created. She pulled out her wand instantly, cleaning up the cauldron's spill. She turned to them, quickly checking over them for any injuries.

"You weren't hurt, were you?" She queried out. Peter shook his head in reply.

"I--" Remus paused when his eyes and the girl's connected. "No. I'm sorry." He answered. Loki let out a breath of relief, bending down to pick up the handle of the cauldron. "Thank--thank you."

"Just be careful," she smiled.

As the girl sat back down, Professor Slughorn stepped over. Sirius's gaze flicked to Remus, and the pair shared a silent conversation. Sirius smirked after a moment of the intense eye contact, turning back to the dark-haired female beside him. She sighed, bringing her hands up to adjust the hair tie, noticing the boy from the corner of her eye.

"Oh, you were going to say something, right?" Loki turned her head to the boy, smiling at him. He was slightly amazed by her sudden change in demeanour.

"No, no," he waved her off. "It's fine," he lied, resting his head on his palm and shooting a glare Remus's way. "Really fine."


A/N: um lol, i have nothing to say. he was this || close to asking her out, but nope. i decided on something else. it's going to happen eventually, tho, don't worry. i have a plan.

fun fact: I fell off my chair while writing this and kicked my toe.

questions, comments? don't be afraid to leave them. i try my best to answer everyone. bye! :)

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