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Loki complied to Lily's wishes, knowing no good would come out of arguing. She felt something light brush over one eyelid for a few moments, then the next. There was some shuffling, and she felt the same pressure again.

"I'm just putting on some eyeshadow, okay? Just a little to make your eyes pop, " Lily explained. "Keep them closed, though. I want to add a little eyeliner."

"Lily, don't go overboard!" Marlene laughed. "She's going out with Sirius, not heading to the opera. Ugh, here, let me do the wings." The girls shuffled, and Loki almost flinched at the feeling on the corner of her eye.

"I know it's Sirius, but it won't kill her to get a little dressed up."

"Lils, " Marlene sighed, "you're going to stress her out."

"I'm already stressed out, " Loki admitted with a soft laugh. "I think I have reached peak stress levels."

"No!" Lily cried. "You'll be fine! And once you see how you look, your confidence will soar. You already look stunning."

"Okay, Loki, open." Loki opened her eyes, and Marlene thrust a mirror at her.

"Oh," was the first thing to come out of Loki's mouth as she stared at her reflection.

Marlene and Lily waited as the girl studied her face. She wasn't sure if it would be considered top-notch, but she thought it looked incredible. Loki thought she looked incredible. The subtle eyeshadow did make her eyes pop, just like Lily said. The eyeliner Marlene applied looked incredible. None of the makeup clashed with her outfit -- which simply consisted of a pair of corduroy overalls and a striped top. Loki didn't believe she'd appeared that beautiful before.

"I love it," Loki breathed. Lily and Marlene high-fived one another.

"One final touch," Lily smiled, turning around for a moment before spinning back, holding up a small tube in her hand. "Lip gloss. Strawberry flavoured."

"Keep your eyes shut, Princess," Sirius told the girl.

"We're going up a flight of stairs, Sirius," Loki retorted, trying her hardest to climb the stairs without ruining the boots Lily had allowed her to borrow.

"I'm right beside you, and I'm holding your hand." Just to remind her, he gave her hand a light squeeze. "If you go down, I'm going down with you."

"Okay," Loki nodded, a small smile carving its way onto her face.

"We're almost at the top, Princess," Sirius encouraged, "just a few more steps."

He was right. Several steps later he told Loki they'd reached the end. She let out a breath of relief.

"Can I open my eyes yet?" Loki inquired.

"In a sec," Sirius's hand slipped from hers. She could hear him take a few steps away and mutter something under his breath. "Okay. Now."

Loki opened one eye first, then the other one when she saw what Sirius had done. She gaped at the small section of the astronomy tower he'd turned into a little picnic area. Tiny lights floated above, illuminating the space.

"Nicolas wasn't any help," Sirius shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets, "So I just thought about what you might like. You like it?"

"I love it," Loki grinned turning to the boy. "You did this?"

"The only thing I got help with was the picnic. Lily and Lucy helped me with it," the male admitted, a small smile on his face.

"You didn't have to do this, you know? I would have been fine with literally anything." Loki told the boy.

"It's my job to spoil you, Princess," the boy smirked. "Come on; I managed to get a tub of chocolate ice cream, and I don't want it to melt before we get to eat it. My freezing charms aren't the best."

Loki laughed, walking with Sirius to the picnic. He let her sit down first, taking the spot opposite her and immediately fishing into the basket. Loki's green eyes flicked up to the stars. It had been ages since she'd seen the sky so clearly.

"All my family members are named after stars, " Sirius spoke, noticing what the girl was doing.

"Sirius is a star in the dog constellation, right?" Loki queried. Her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to remember her astrology lessons.

"Yeah." Sirius chuckled softly. "And what's the backstory behind your name?" Sirius lifted his brow at the girl. "And your brother. Thor." He offered out a spoon to the girl.

"My mum adored anything out of the ordinary," Loki hummed, taking the cutlery and taking a scoop of the soft ice cream. "Every name she tried for my brother didn't seem to fit. Even after he was born, he didn't have a name for two weeks, so my parents just called him 'boy' the entire time. I wasn't any better, actually. I went for three weeks without a name."

"And?" Sirius pressed, taking another spoonful of the chocolatey goodness.

"My dad tells me my mum came up with it in a dream," she replied, a soft laugh falling from her lips. "She woke up, woke my dad up and just said 'I've got it. Thor' and that was that."

"And did Loki come the same way?" Sirius asked.

"No, actually. It was my dad who said it." She took another spoon of ice cream. "I think it was a joke, but my mum thought it was perfect. I can vaguely remember my mum reading to me about Loki while I stuffed my face with cake. I was about three or four."

"She sounds wonderful, " Sirius smiled.

"She was," Loki turned her gaze back to the stars. Sirius could detect the sad tone laced in her words. "She would have adored you. And James, and Peter, and Remus, and everyone else. She would've baked you cookies, I bet." Loki sniffled and turned away from the boy. "Sorry."

"Don't apologise, " Sirius frowned. He moved the ice cream and moved, so he was sitting beside her.

Feeling his presence beside her, Loki stiffened slightly. "Sirius?" she turned to him, a smile on her face.


"Did you pack any chocolate-covered fruit or was it just half-melted ice cream?" She laughed.

Sirius sighed, shaking his head. He turned to the basket. "You're lucky I like you, Princess." He faced her again, holding a small container of chocolate-covered strawberries. "I remembered you like them." When Sirius opened the box, Loki dived in to grab one, but the boy pushed her hand away. "It's a date, so I have to feed you something. Come on, open up."

Loki hesitated, blood flushing her cheeks. After a moment she complied, opening her mouth. He placed the end of the strawberry between her lips, glancing up at her eyes. She bit down, quickly turning away to chew. Sirius smiled at her action, cocking his head.



I have no idea how dates are supposed to go hhhnnnngg

Um, :)

I hope you enjoyed whatever this was. Comment any questions or suggestions if you wish. Bye!

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