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"Lily--" Marlene attempted to comfort her friend, but Lily shook her head, continuing to sob and she sat against the wall of the abandoned corridor.

"I hate him. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him so much." Another round of sobs wracked the redhead's body. "It's his stupid friends. They're not even his friend's. I was his friend."

Loki didn't know what to do when she turned the corner. Watching Marlene struggle to console a heartbroken Lily wasn't something she wished to come across. She couldn't help but stop abruptly as soon as she saw the scene before her. Marlene noticed her almost immediately and could only stare helplessly.

"Why, why, why did I ever think he would still be nice to me with those pieces of sh--"

"Lily?" Loki was unsure why she called out the name of the crying girl. Lily looked up in surprise, her usually soft eyes now red and puffed from her crying. "Can I sit down with you?"

"Oh, uh," Lily glanced around at the spot beside her, before nodding. "What--what are you doing here?"

"I was looking for somewhere to sit, and I accidentally came by here because of a wrong turn," Loki chuckled nervously, and she stepped toward them, then sat down beside Lily. "I, um, I'm sorry about what happened. I wish I'd gone over to help, but I bumped into my... brother." She spoke the last word quietly, a bitter edge to it very noticeable to the other two.

"I didn't know you had a brother," Marlene spoke,  internally thanking Loki's appearance.

"He and I don't exactly see eye-to-eye," the girl shrugged. "His mother isn't my mother. He likes to rub it in my face that he's a pureblood. Except when we're at school."

"Why not here?" Lily sniffled, wiping her running nose with her sleeve.

Loki pulled her knees to her chest. She fidgeted with a loose thread hanging from her sleeve. The two Gryffindors noticed her behaviour and frowned.

"Loki?" Marlene spoke up after a moment.

"His friend, Marcel, believes I'm a pureblood because my brother is, and was promised my hand in marriage."


Lily, Marlene, and Loki span their heads around. The shock was evident on their faces at the sight of who was standing there. Loki stood up, her eyes wide as her mouth fell slightly open. Her shock left her face, replaced with worry.

"Remus..." She breathed out shakily, but he'd already turned and fled.

And she already knew she wouldn't be able to forget his face.


Loki let out another weak sob, burying her face somehow further into her knees. Nicolas kept his arm wrapped around her shoulder, pulling her closer to him. He didn't dare look at her, frightened about the expression he might see. He stared into the fire, gritting his teeth as several thoughts crossed his mind. Nicolas gently rubbed her arm, the other hand resting on his knee, prepared to pull her into a full hug.

"I was going to tell them; I just didn't know, or when to," Loki stumbled over her words as she cried. "I didn't want them to find out like this. And Remus's face." She let out a soft gasp as the memory floated into her head. "His face." Her voice cracked, and she went silent for a moment. "I've never seen him look like that."

Loki's hands moved to her hair, grabbing the dark locks tightly. She blinked, keeping her face shoved in her knees, as she thought about his face.

"He looked... Betrayed almost," Loki raised her head, turning to Nicolas. Her hands fell to her sides. "Do you think he felt betrayed? Do you think he was disgusted?"

"I think he was heartbroken, Loki," Nicolas responded.

She furrowed her eyebrows slightly in confusion. "Why?"

"Because he loves you," Nicolas finally turned his head her way, revealing the tears formed in his eyes. "And so does Sirius, but you can't see it, just like they can't see how much you love them. Probably because you don't realise it yourself."

"I—" Loki blinked. "Nic, are you okay?"

He turned away. He bit down on his bottom lip, hard, and his face scrunched up, looking like he was on the verge of crying.

"I don't think I love Lydia," he admitted, his voice hoarse. His voice seemed stuck in his throat, and as if he was already crying.

Loki's face slowly morphed into an expression of shock. She paused, frowning as she knitted her eyebrows together.


"I don't know what I'm feeling right now, but I can be certain about that," he spoke up. "I can only see Lydia as a good friend. I thought I loved her. I did. I felt everything I believed was love. Now, I just... I can barely look at her. It's not her that doesn't feel right; it's being with her that doesn't."

"What are you talking about?" Loki's brain couldn't comprehend his words.

"I can't stand being in a relationship with her. It doesn't feel right. I—I think I like the idea of being in a relationship with her, at least I did at the start, but now... It just can't be with her."

"Is there anyone else, Nic?" Loki inquired.

"Yeah, but," he sighed, "I don't think they'll like me like that anyway."

Nicolas frowned. He shook his head, then pushed himself off the floor. Loki oversaw his every movement.

"Do you want to have a sleepover out here?" Nicolas plastered on a fake happy grin.

Loki shook her head, dumbfounded. "I'll be able to sleep in the dorm. Or do you want me to stay?"

"No, no, no," Nicolas waved her away, chuckling, "I'll be good. I'm going to head to bed now. But don't hesitate to wake me up if you want to talk again."

Loki nodded. She was about to return the offer, but Nicolas already was rushing away.

Now she was alone with her thoughts. She sighed, resting her chin in her knees as she stared into the fireplace. Sitting in silence, Loki let her final tear slip down her face before she picked up her wand.

With a simple wave, her art book flew into her lap. She peered down at it, gently opening it up. A symphony of sorrow filled her head at the photo on the first page.

"I'm sorry," she spoke to the face beaming up at her.


i'm back and i'm sorry.

for what? i'll leave that up to you.

anyway, i guess i'll see y'all next chapter. Bye :)

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